Map Game Wiki

Welcome to A Whole New World, a map game focused on the coloniziation of the Americas. 


Main article: Rules (A Whole New World Map Game)


  • EdgeofDay
  • Nathan

Current Map (Last Updated:1495)


List of Map Changes

  • Cuba added and expanded
  • San Juan  added and expanded
  • Aztec expanded
  • Inca Expanded
  • Aymara Expanded
  • New Netherlands Added
  • New France Added
  • Iroquis Added
  • Kras's nation added and expanded
  • Aztec-Tlaxaca War


European Nations

North African Nations

  • Morroco
  • Tlcemen
  • Carthrage
  • Malmulk

North American Nations/Tribes

Due to the Sheer Number of Tribes, only the major ones will be added to the list. If you want to play as one not on the list, add it.

  • Creek:
  • Cheeroke:
  • Ottowa:
  • Algonquian Tribes:
  • Iroquois:
  • Sioux
  • Huron:
  • Apache:
  • Comanche:
  • Ojibwe:

Central American Nations/Tribes

  • Aztec: Erizium (talk)
  • Tlaxcala
  • Michoacan
  • Yopitizino:
  • Tutuepec:
  • Maya:

Caribbean Nations/Tribes

South American Nations/Tribes

Andean Nations/Tribes

The Game


Game starts Now

Colombus sets sail early in the year under the banner of Castile. Unknown to the Rest of the world, Christopher Columbus discovers the Caribbean becoming the first confirmed European to set foot on islands such as Cuba, Hispaniola, and more. 

The 10 year war against Granada Finishes, with Castile and Aragon defeating the last Muslim Stronghold in January.

Antonio de Nebrija  publishes the first grammar text for the language of Castile in Salamanca, which he introduces to Ferdinand and Isabella as "a tool of empire."

Martin Behaim constructs the first surviving globe of Earth, the Erdapfel. As Columbus would only return from his voyage in 1493, this globe does not show the New World yet.

Casimir IV Jagiellon, of the Jagiellon Royal House, ends his reign (1427–1492).

The first arboretum to be designed and planted is the Arboretum Trsteno, near Dubrovnik in Croatia.

Russians build the Ivangorod Fortress, on the eastern banks of the Narva River.

In Ming dynasty China, the commercial transportation of grain to the northern border in exchange for salt certificates is monetized.

Ermysted's Grammar School, Skipton, North Yorkshire, founded.

Marsilio Ficino publishes his translation and commentary of Plotinus.

  • Aymara: The Aymara builds up its military, and expands 500 pixels to the west. Aymara also offers an alliance to the Incan Empire.
    • Incan Empire: We accept
  • Kingdom of France: A son is born to Charles VIII of France and Anne, Duchess of Brittany named Charles Orlando. If he survives to adulthood, he is expected to inherit both the Kingdom of France and Duchy of Brittany, uniting the two countries after a brief marital union. For diplomacy, we request a formal alliance with the powerful Ottoman Sultanate for various reasons. We also request an alliance with the German states of Brandenburg and Bavaria for the same various reasons (mods needed), and we propose a white peace with England, as we are at war once more. We also research more about gunpowder and its benefits in war. (Technology/Economy)
  • Austria: Stuff happens. The HRE continues to exist. Etc. We propose an alliance with England and/or France.
    • You would ally with a Habsubrg nation. Not France or England.
  • Incan Empire: With are new alliance with Aymara in place we begin expanding eastwards and into the Amazon, defeating tribes as we go along. We expand about 600 sq km (aprox). Nothing else happens.
    • Mesurment needs to be in pixels please.
  • Ottoman Empire: Sultan Bayezid II, now middle aged, rules over the house of Islam from the shining capital of Istanbul. The imperial court is filled with the social elite of the Divan and the Ulema, who represent the great noble houses throughout the empire. The most prominent of these is the Grand Visier, an office manned by Dawud Pasha this year. All of the Divan are very learnered scholars, who are famed for their great works of literature and art, as well as their contributions to astronomy and mathematics. Also in this imperial court are the eight sons of Bayezid, among whom Prince Selimshah has been named successor. All young men, they have completed their education and are placed in prominent positions in the government. Selimshah's wife, Ayshe Hatun, become pregnant this year with Bayezid's grandson. The population is estimated at 12 million at this time. The empire is administrated by a heirarchical structure of regional councils down to individual millets, which are overseen by local elders. The Sultan works to reform the goverment by expanding the Palace School into a public education system in Istanbul, and state Universities are also built both Athens and Ankara. The long-term plan is to institute a system of progressive achievment that could allow lower class citizens to achive political and military offices. The military is relatively small, of about 80,000 men, but is concentrated to an elite fighting force. The six calvary divisions, and the few hundred jannisaries, are bred for fighting from an early age. The Sultan hopes to expand the military by giving the same training to non-noble citizens. The navy is also greatly expanded, as it has been for many years, and now rises to the size of 80 galleys and 200 smaller vessals. The prominent admiral Kemal Ries is put in charge of the navy. The economy grows as the han caravans are utilized throughout anatolia. The Sultan accepts the alliance with France. Also, the Ottomans offer protection to the Kingdom of Morocco from Spain in exchange for access to the strait of Gibralter. 
    • Principality of Wallachia is currently ruled by Vlad IV the Monk, having taken the throne from his brother Vlad III the Impaler. constructs a major fort this year on a stategic hill in Transylvania. The military expands and sent to the border. Trade is offered to the Kingdom of Hungary. 
    • Principality of Moldavia is currenlty ruled by the aged Stephen III the Great, who greatly strengthens the nation in the face of influence from Hungary.
    • Khanate of Crimea is ruled by Menlil Girgay, recently appointed by the Sultan. A port is established on the city of Khortun (OTL Sevastapol), which is backed by the Ottoman navy from Istanbul. The miltary is expanded, especially the calvary, to match with the Tartars in the north. 
  • Crown of Castile: The Castilian Population stands at 8.4 million. Military manpower stands at 80,000 men, with one of the largest navies in the world backing them. The process of Intergration betwee Castile and Aragon continues, especially now with the end of the Reconquista and the conquering of Granada. The efforts to achieve Religous Homogenity continues, with the desicison being made to forcefully expell the Spanish Jews for Castile and Aragon if they fail to convert to Catholisisim. We ask for a non Agression Pact With France and an Alliance with Portugal. (Mil+Eco Turn)
    • ​Crown of Aragon (Personal Union with Castile): The crown of Aragon continues to grow, with a population of 2.6 million. Aragon focuses on it's navy, more so than Castile. The Military stands at 20,000 men. Intergreation between Castile and Aragon continues, with the ties between the two kingdoms solidifying. Mil+Eco Turn)
    • Crown of Granada (Personal Union/Vassal of Castile): A military force of 15,000 men remains active in the newly conquered kingdom. The process of expelling the Jews and Muslims from the Kingdom of Granada continues. Population stands at 1.1 million. A token Military force of 10,000 men is formed of men loyal to Castile. Mil+Eco Turn)
    • Kingdom of Naples (Vassal of Castile/Aragon): Naples continues to be a seperate entity from Castile and Aragon, a distinctly different culture from the two Iberian Kingdoms. Despite this, the nation remains loyal to Aragon and Castile for the time being. Poplation stands at 5.6 Million. The military stands at 45,000 men. Mil+Eco Turn)
    • French Diplomacy: We accept the offer for a non-aggression pact with Castile.
  • The Sanumá continue to expand along the Orinoco, bringing large amounts (200 px north) of it and the surrounding area under their control. Although the various chiefdoms are somewhat decentralized, the shamans of the various tribes, concerned at the high toll warfare between them is causing, issues an edict commanding that only warfare against other tribes will be tolerated, halting this type of conflict. The shamans decide to form a permanent body to address inter-chiefdom issues and threats, and create a body of 500 warriors to give this council power. Using this group, they construct a large new temple at Manamo to be the seat of the new council. Large-scale cultivation of plantains, sweet potatoes, and numerous other crops continues, with vast areas transformed into communal agroforests. The shamans, using public labour, create large new fish and turtle farms. Peccaries are also domesticated, and become increasingly popular. Influence is exerted on the Warao people to access the Orinoco lagoon and the rich shellfish beds there.
    • If you could make a map of where your nation is located, that would be nice. ~Edge


Colombus Returns home from his voyage, telling of the new lands discovered. Portugal and Castile enter Stage 1 of colonization.

To the Inca Player: Right now you are expanding at about 30 pixels, which is puny.

  • Aymara: The Aymara builds up its military, and expands 500 pixels to the west. Meanwhile, a few new settlements are established.
    • Just as a heads up, you can expand by more than 500 pixels because it is your homeland.
  • Kingdom of France: We continue to research more effective ways of using gunpowder in combat, and we begin to improve the infrastructure of major French cities such as Paris and Bordeaux. In response to Columbus's apparent "discoveries", Charles VIII's court advisers quickly deny this to be true. But, Charles himself becomes rather interested in possibly developing a colony in so-called "India" later on. (Infrastructr/Technology)
  • Incan Empire: We continue are expansion, expanding 700 pixels eastwards each year into the Amazon, defeating different tribes as we go along. We continue to build are military. Trade booms with Aymara because we've got an alliance with them. A few new settlements are established.
  • Habsburg Netherlands: Mil and eco. Under the rule of Habsburg emperor Maximilian I, who is regent for Philip IV the fiefs and counties work on the infrastructure of their main cities, Brugge, Brussel, Den Haag, Rotterdam and Gent. Word reaches the regent about Columbus's discoveries, and he gains ambitions to create a colony. Trade is offered to France and England.
  • French Diplomacy: We accept the offer for trade.
  • The Sanumá continue to expand along the Orinoco, bringing large amounts (500 px north) of it and the surrounding area under their control, as more land is turned into agroforests and brought under the indirect control of the Shamans' Council. Large-scale cultivation of plantains, sweet potatoes, and numerous other crops continues, with vast areas transformed into communal agroforests. Although a famine occurs this year after drought causes a crop die-off, the new large scale cultivation of fish, turtles and peccaries, combined with the Shamans' new army, prevents the disintegration of order. When chiefs prove unable to keep order, many bands attach themselves to the Shamans' Council instead. Influence is exerted on the Warao people to access the Orinoco lagoon and the rich shellfish beds there.
    Map of the New World in 1492

    My nation is the large brown one in the Upper Orinoco region

  • England: Henry VII is the current king of England. We propose white peace with France. (More to come)
  • French Diplomacy: We accept.
  • Ottoman Empire: Sultan Bayezid II, now middle aged, rules over the house of Islam from the shining capital of Istanbul. The wife of crown Prince Selimshah gives birth to a son this year, who is named Sulayman. The population is estimated at 12 million at this time. The Sultan works to reform the goverment by expanding the Palace School into a public education system in Istanbul, and state Universities are also built both Athens and Ankara. The long-term plan is to institute a system of progressive achievment that could allow lower class citizens to achive political and military offices. The Sultan hopes to also expand the military by giving the same training to non-noble citizens. The navy is also greatly expanded, as it has been for many years, and now rises to the size of 80 galleys and 200 smaller vessals. The prominent admiral Kemal Ries is put in charge of the navy. The economy grows as the han caravans are utilized throughout anatolia. The Ottomans offer protection to the Kingdom of Morocco from Spain in exchange for access to the strait of Gibralter (mod response please). 
    • Principality of Wallachia is currently ruled by Vlad IV the Monk, having taken the throne from his brother Vlad III the Impaler. constructs a major fort this year on a stategic hill in Transylvania. The military expands and sent to the border. Trade is offered to the Kingdom of Hungary. 
    • Principality of Moldavia is currenlty ruled by the aged Stephen III the Great, who greatly strengthens the nation in the face of influence from Hungary.
    • Khanate of Crimea is ruled by Menlil Girgay, recently appointed by the Sultan. A port is established on the city of Khortun (OTL Sevastapol), which is backed by the Ottoman navy from Istanbul. The miltary is expanded, especially the calvary, to match with the Tartars in the north. 
    • Morroco declines the offer for Protection but instead offers an alliance.
  • Crown of Castile: The Castilian Population stands at 8.4 million. Military manpower stands at 80,000 men, with one of the largest navies in the world backing them. The process of Intergration betwee Castile and Aragon continues, especially now with the end of the Reconquista and the conquering of Granada. The efforts to achieve Religous Homogenity continues, with the desicison being made to forcefully expell the Spanish Jews for Castile and Aragon if they fail to convert to Catholisisim. Colombus is sent back tot the Americas, with a Military force of 1,000 men. When it is discovered the men he left in Cuba are dead or missing, colombus begins systemticly slaughtering and enslaving the Natives. (Mil+Eco Turn)
    • ​Crown of Aragon (Personal Union with Castile): The crown of Aragon continues to grow, with a population of 2.6 million. Aragon focuses on it's navy, more so than Castile. The Military stands at 20,000 men. Intergreation between Castile and Aragon continues, with the ties between the two kingdoms solidifying. Mil+Eco Turn)
    • Crown of Granada (Personal Union/Vassal of Castile): A military force of 15,000 men remains active in the newly conquered kingdom. The process of expelling the Jews and Muslims from the Kingdom of Granada continues. Population stands at 1.1 million. A token Military force of 10,000 men is formed of men loyal to Castile. Mil+Eco Turn)
    • Kingdom of Naples (Vassal of Castile/Aragon): Naples continues to be a seperate entity from Castile and Aragon, a distinctly different culture from the two Iberian Kingdoms. Despite this, the nation remains loyal to Aragon and Castile for the time being. Poplation stands at 5.6 Million. The military stands at 45,000 men. Mil+Eco Turn)


Colombus Returns from his second voyage. To get support on another voyage, he tells the Spanish Monarchs that the lands are "Filled with Gold and Silver", His third voyage begins.

  • Aymara: The Aymara builds up its military, and expands 930 pixels to the west. Meanwhile, a few new settlements are established.
  • Kingdom of France: Charles VIII looks with increasing interest at the possibility of colonizing India, and tries to convince his advisers to do so as well. We continue to improve infrastructure and research gunpowder. (Infrastructure/Technology)
  • Aztec Empire: (I'm the huge thing in the center of Central America right?) we expand 700 px north and 500 px southeast. We invade Tlaxcala with 10,000 soldiers and improve our military and economy
  • The Sanumá continue to expand along the Orinoco, bringing large amounts (500 px north) of it and the surrounding area under their control, as more land is turned into agroforests and brought under the indirect control of the Shamans' Council. Large-scale cultivation of plantains, sweet potatoes, and numerous other crops continues, with vast areas transformed into communal agroforests. Although a famine occurs this year after drought causes a crop die-off, the new large scale cultivation of fish, turtles and peccaries, combined with the Shamans' new army, prevents the disintegration of order. When chiefs prove unable to keep order, many bands attach themselves to the Shamans' Council instead. Influence is exerted on the Warao people to access the Orinoco lagoon and the rich shellfish beds there.
  • Incan Empire: We continue are expanding 1200 (we're as powerful as the Axtec Empire, right) pixels to the west into the Amazon, defeating tribes as we go along. We continue to build are military. Are economy booms with vital trade with Aymara. A few new settlements are established.
  • Habsburg Netherlands: Mil and eco. Under the rule of Habsburg emperor Maximilian I, who is regent for Philip IV the fiefs and counties work on the infrastructure of their main cities, Brugge, Brussel, Den Haag, Rotterdam and Gent. Word reaches the regent about Columbus's discoveries, and he gains ambitions to create a colony. Trade is offered to France and England.
  • French Diplomacy: We accept the trade offer with the Habsburg-controlled Netherlands.
  • Ottoman Empire: Sultan Bayezid II, now middle aged, rules over the house of Islam from the shining capital of Istanbul. The wife of crown Prince Selimshah gives birth to a son this year, who is named Sulayman. The population is estimated at 12 million at this time. The Sultan works to reform the goverment by expanding the Palace School into a public education system in Istanbul, and state Universities are also built both Athens and Ankara. The long-term plan is to institute a system of progressive achievment that could allow lower class citizens to achive political and military offices. The Sultan hopes to also expand the military by giving the same training to non-noble citizens. The navy is also greatly expanded, as it has been for many years, and now rises to the size of 80 galleys and 200 smaller vessals. The prominent admiral Kemal Ries is put in charge of the navy. The economy grows as the han caravans are utilized throughout anatolia. The military is advanced by adding artilary such as morters and great bombards. Admiral Piri Ries hears of Columbus' voyage and petitions the Sultan to explore the Atlantic. Bayezid puts such an endevor on hold, concentrating instead on enhancing the navy in the mediterranean. 
                • Crown of Castile: The Castilian Population stands at 8.4 million. Military manpower stands at 80,000 men, with one of the largest navies in the world backing them. The process of Integration between Castile and Aragon continues, especially now with the end of the Reconquista and the conquering of Granada. The efforts to achieve Religious Homogeneity continues, with the decisions being made to forcefully expel the Spanish Jews for Castile and Aragon if they fail to convert to Catholicism. Colombus is sent back tot the Americas, with a Military force of 1,000 men. When it is discovered the men he left in Cuba are dead or missing, colombus begins systematically slaughtering and enslaving the Natives. This year, Missionaries from Spain go to Cuba and "San Juan (Puerto Rico) and create he first European colonies in the New World.
                  • ​Crown of Aragon (Personal Union with Castile): The crown of Aragon continues to grow, with a population of 2.6 million. Aragon focuses on it's navy, more so than Castile. The Military stands at 20,000 men. Intergreation between Castile and Aragon continues, with the ties between the two kingdoms solidifying. Mil+Eco Turn)
                  • Crown of Granada (Personal Union/Vassal of Castile): A military force of 15,000 men remains active in the newly conquered kingdom. The process of expelling the Jews and Muslims from the Kingdom of Granada continues. Population stands at 1.1 million. A token Military force of 10,000 men is formed of men loyal to Castile. Mil+Eco Turn)
                  • Kingdom of Naples (Vassal of Castile/Aragon): Naples continues to be a seperate entity from Castile and Aragon, a distinctly different culture from the two Iberian Kingdoms. Despite this, the nation remains loyal to Aragon and Castile for the time being. Poplation stands at 5.6 Million. The military stands at 45,000 men. Mil+Eco Turn)
                  • Misson At San Juan (Colony of Castile): The Mission Expand by 100 pixels. Population stands at 1,000 Europeans, 950 of which are Castilian-Aragon troops. Unlike Cuba, this colony does not see the complte massacre of the Native Peoples, but they are opressed by Spain as their population begins to drop. The misson continues to convert Natives to Catholocisim, a move pleasing to the King and Queen. (Mil+Expansion Turn)
                  • Cuba (Colony of Castile): Unlike San Juan, the primary purpose of this Colony is to mine for the precious metals that Columbus Claimed to have seen. The Colony remains ruled by a military force of 1,000 men, with the natives being killed if they resist their Spanish Overlords. The Colony expands by 100 pixels. population Stands at 25,000, 99% of which are still natives. (Mil+Expansion Turn)


    Sorry for the lateness.

    The expansion rate is per nation, not per direction. If you have two vassals, they can both expand at 1,000 pixels. If you have just yourself, you can only expand at 1,000 pixels per turn.

    Following first contact with the Europeans, native populations begin to dwindle from disease. The Tainos are left at only 25% of their original population.

    The Dutch and French enter Stage 1 of colonization. Spain and Portugal enter Stage 2 as Columbus completes his third expedition, discovering South America.

    I have added a new rule: Vassals, if they are able too, may create colonies indpendetly of the main nation. If the Vassal goes free, then the colonies of the Vassal go to the Vassal. If the Vassal is Annexed, the colony goes to the mother nation.

    Ottoman Empire: Sultan Bayezid II, now middle aged, rules over the house of Islam from the shining capital of Istanbul. The wife of crown Prince Selimshah gives birth to a son this year, who is named Sulayman. The population is estimated at 12 million at this time. The Sultan works to reform the goverment by expanding the Palace School into a public education system in Istanbul, and state Universities are also built both Athens and Ankara. The long-term plan is to institute a system of progressive achievment that could allow lower class citizens to achive political and military offices. The Sultan hopes to also expand the military by giving the same training to non-noble citizens. The navy is also greatly expanded, as it has been for many years, and now rises to the size of 80 galleys and 200 smaller vessals. The prominent admiral Kemal Ries is put in charge of the navy. The economy grows as the han caravans are utilized throughout anatolia. The military is advanced by adding artilary such as morters and great bombards. Admiral Piri Ries hears of Columbus' voyage and petitions the Sultan to explore the Atlantic. Bayezid puts such an endevor on hold, concentrating instead on enhancing the navy in the mediterranean. 

    • Principality of Wallachia is currently ruled by Radu IV the Great, after Vlad IV died this year. He constructs a major fort this year on a stategic hill in Transylvania. The military expands and sent to the border. Trade is offered to the Kingdom of Hungary. 
    • Principality of Moldavia is currenlty ruled by the aged Stephen III the Great, who greatly strengthens the nation in the face of influence from Hungary.
    • Khanate of Crimea is ruled by Menlil Girgay, recently appointed by the Sultan. A port is established on the city of Khortun (OTL Sevastapol), which is backed by the Ottoman navy from Istanbul. The miltary is expanded, especially the calvary, to match with the Tartars in the north.

    Crown of Castile: The Castilian Population stands at 8.4 million. Military manpower stands at 80,000 men, with one of the largest navies in the world backing them. The process of Integration between Castile and Aragon continues, especially now with the end of the Reconquista and the conquering of Granada. The efforts to achieve Religious Homogeneity continues, with the decisions being made to forcefully expel the Spanish Jews for Castile and Aragon if they fail to convert to Catholicism. Colombus is sent back tot the Americas, with a Military force of 1,000 men. When it is discovered the men he left in Cuba are dead or missing, colombus begins systematically slaughtering and enslaving the Natives. This year, Missionaries from Spain go to Cuba and "San Juan (Puerto Rico) and create he first European colonies in the New World.

    • ​Crown of Aragon (Personal Union with Castile): The crown of Aragon continues to grow, with a population of 2.6 million. Aragon focuses on it's navy, more so than Castile. The Military stands at 20,000 men. Intergreation between Castile and Aragon continues, with the ties between the two kingdoms solidifying. Mil+Eco Turn)
    • Crown of Granada (Personal Union/Vassal of Castile): A military force of 15,000 men remains active in the newly conquered kingdom. The process of expelling the Jews and Muslims from the Kingdom of Granada continues. Population stands at 1.1 million. A token Military force of 10,000 men is formed of men loyal to Castile. Mil+Eco Turn)
    • Kingdom of Naples (Vassal of Castile/Aragon): Naples continues to be a seperate entity from Castile and Aragon, a distinctly different culture from the two Iberian Kingdoms. Despite this, the nation remains loyal to Aragon and Castile for the time being. Poplation stands at 5.6 Million. The military stands at 45,000 men. Mil+Eco Turn)
    • Misson At San Juan (Colony of Castile): The Mission Expand by 100 pixels. Population stands at 1,000 Europeans, 950 of which are Castilian-Aragon troops. Unlike Cuba, this colony does not see the complte massacre of the Native Peoples, but they are opressed by Spain as their population begins to drop. The misson continues to convert Natives to Catholocisim, a move pleasing to the King and Queen. (Mil+Expansion Turn)
    • Cuba (Colony of Castile): Unlike San Juan, the primary purpose of this Colony is to mine for the precious metals that Columbus Claimed to have seen. The Colony remains ruled by a military force of 1,000 men, with the natives being killed if they resist their Spanish Overlords. The Colony expands by 100 pixels. population Stands at 25,000, 99% of which are still natives. (Mil+Expansion Turn)
    • Kingdom of France: Charles VIII of France has finally been able to convince his court advisers of the benefits of colonizing the New World, and they send French merchant and nobleman Francois de Marquette and 50 settlers to the northern Atlantic to discover new land for France to colonize, as Charles and his advisers feel that the Caribbean is becoming too crowded with Spanish settlers. Marquette eventually lands in OTL Nova Scotia, and names the general area "New France". He establishes a trade port in OTL Halifax named Rennes after the Breton town of the same name, and eventually returns to Paris and is named the first official Governor of New France. Later on in the year, more settlers are brought into Rennes. (Infrastructure/Expand)
      • New France (more specifically Rennes): The trading port of Rennes instantly expands 100 pixels into OTL Nova Scotia. The local Mi'kmaq tribesmen is at first weary of the settlers, but eventually trade with them after the food supply became low after a month since establishment. The settlers focus on creating an infrastructure and a stable economy in the colony. (Infrastructure/Economy)

    Aymara: The Aymara builds up its military, and expands 400 pixels to the west and south. Meanwhile, a few new settlements are established.

    Incan Empire: We continue expanding , expanding 1000 pixels Eastwards each year, defeating tribes as we go along. We here that some 'Europeans' have come nearby. We welcome them for trade and peace in peace if they come nearby. We continue having brilliant trade with Aymara. We continue to build are military.

    Habsburg Netherlands: Inf and eco. The first expedition is sent out to the New World, landing at OTL Manhattan, which is called Nieuw-Nederland. The area of OTL New York City is named Nieuw-Rotterdam. We continue improving the infrastructure. Philip IV has come of age and thus now rules our lands. Settlers are then sent to Nieuw-Rotterdam. 

    • Nieuw-Nederland: Nieuw-Rotterdam is constructed and expands 100px into Manhattan. We hunt beavers and rabbits for their fur and, while the natives are weary of us, we do trade with the natives. Smaller expeditions of single boats are sent around the area to surrounding islands, discovering and naming several islands such as Noteneiland(OTL Governors Island) and Boseiland(OTL Staten Island). These islands aren't settled yet but plans are made to settle on them. Nieuw-Nederland(as in the island) is explored and we find out that it's an island. The natives aren't hostile however they do not trust us.

    Austria:''' inf and eco. We ask to ally with Habsburg Netherlands to establish an outpost near the powers of France and Britain. We also ask to ally with the Hungarians. We also try to embark on a expedition to colonize the New World. A 5-ship strong force is assembled. (if I have no coast I didn't know the map doesn't show Europe)

    • You pretty much own the Habsuburg Netherlands. and you don't have any major ports. Kill Venice and you have a massive port.


    No real mod events for this turn.

    Aymara: The Aymara builds up its military, and expands 700 pixels to the west and south. Meanwhile, a few new settlements are established.

    Aztecs: We continue to build up the military and improve our economy. We also expand by 1000 px

    Ottoman Empire: Sultan Bayezid II, now middle aged, rules over the house of Islam from the shining capital of Istanbul. The wife of crown Prince Selimshah gives birth to a son this year, who is named Sulayman. The population is estimated at 12 million at this time. The Sultan works to reform the goverment by expanding the Palace School into a public education system in Istanbul, and state Universities are also built both Athens and Ankara. The long-term plan is to institute a system of progressive achievment that could allow lower class citizens to achive political and military offices. The Sultan hopes to also expand the military by giving the same training to non-noble citizens. The navy is also greatly expanded, as it has been for many years, and now rises to the size of 100 galleys and 250 smaller vessals. The prominent admiral Kemal Ries is put in charge of the navy. The economy grows as the han caravans are utilized throughout anatolia. The military is advanced by adding artilary such as morters and great bombards. Admiral Piri Ries hears of Columbus' voyage and petitions the Sultan to explore the Atlantic. Bayezid puts such an endevor on hold, concentrating instead on enhancing the navy in the mediterranean. 

    • Principality of Wallachia is currently ruled by Radu IV the Great, after Vlad IV died this year. He constructs a major fort this year on a stategic hill in Transylvania. The military expands and sent to the border. Trade is offered to the Kingdom of Hungary. 
    • Principality of Moldavia is currenlty ruled by the aged Stephen III the Great, who greatly strengthens the nation in the face of influence from Hungary.
    • Khanate of Crimea is ruled by Menlil Girgay, recently appointed by the Sultan. A port is established on the city of Khortun (OTL Sevastapol), which is backed by the Ottoman navy from Istanbul. The miltary is expanded, especially the calvary, to match with the Tartars in the north.

    Incan Empire: We continue expanding , expanding 1000 pixels Eastwards each year, defeating tribes as we go along. We here that some 'Europeans' have come nearby. We welcome them for trade and peace in peace if they come nearby. We continue having brilliant trade with Aymara. We continue to build are military

    • You wouldn't have any way of knowing their presence.

    Crown of Castile: The Castilian Population stands at 8.4 million. Military manpower stands at 80,000 men, with one of the largest navies in the world backing them. The process of Integration between Castile and Aragon continues, especially now with the end of the Reconquista and the conquering of Granada. The efforts to achieve Religious Homogeneity continues, with the decisions being made to forcefully expel the Spanish Jews for Castile and Aragon if they fail to convert to Catholicism. Colombus is sent back tot the Americas, with a Military force of 1,000 men. When it is discovered the men he left in Cuba are dead or missing, colombus begins systematically slaughtering and enslaving the Natives. A flow of resources from the colony at Cuba comes into the Spanish motherland, increasing intrest in the colony. The Spanish make contact with the Mayapan, and begin exploring the Yucatan and Flordian Pennsisuluas. With the OTtomans distracted in Venice, Spain moblizes against Morroco

    • ​Crown of Aragon (Personal Union with Castile): The crown of Aragon continues to grow, with a population of 2.6 million. Aragon focuses on it's navy, more so than Castile. The Military stands at 20,000 men. Intergreation between Castile and Aragon continues, with the ties between the two kingdoms solidifying. The navy expands to mantain proximity with the Ottomans. Mil+Eco Turn)
    • Crown of Granada (Personal Union/Vassal of Castile): A military force of 15,000 men remains active in the newly conquered kingdom. The process of expelling the Jews and Muslims from the Kingdom of Granada continues. Population stands at 1.1 million. A token Military force of 10,000 men is formed of men loyal to Castile. Mil+Eco Turn)
    • Kingdom of Naples (Vassal of Castile/Aragon): Naples continues to be a seperate entity from Castile and Aragon, a distinctly different culture from the two Iberian Kingdoms. Despite this, the nation remains loyal to Aragon and Castile for the time being. Poplation stands at 5.6 Million. The military stands at 45,000 men. Mil+Eco Turn)
    • Misson At San Juan (Colony of Castile): The Mission Expand by 300 pixels. Population stands at 1,000 Europeans, 950 of which are Castilian-Aragon troops. Unlike Cuba, this colony does not see the complte massacre of the Native Peoples, but they are opressed by Spain as their population begins to drop. The misson continues to convert Natives to Catholocisim, a move pleasing to the King and Queen. (Mil+Expansion Turn)
    • Cuba (Colony of Castile): Unlike San Juan, the primary purpose of this Colony is to mine for the precious metals that Columbus Claimed to have seen. The Colony remains ruled by a military force of 1,000 men, with the natives being killed if they resist their Spanish Overlords. The Colony expands by 300 pixels. population Stands at 15,000,most of which are still natives. (Mil+Expansion Turn)
    • New Sicily (Colony of Aragon): The new colony is founded on the Floridain Coast. Origonially thought to be an island, the area is nammed New Sicily. as the area is explored further, it becomes clear that the landmass is attached to the North American land mass (Mil+Expansion turn)
      • Kingdom of France: After many months of decision-making and planning with his court advisers and councillors, Charles VIII of France declares war on the Duchy of Milan in order to start his plans to control the entire Italian pensinsula. We call in our Ottoman allies, and we send 60,000 troops to the main front.
        • The Ottomans request that France redirects its forces to Venice, which is the main front. 
        • French Diplomacy: We accept. 
        • New France: The colony expands by another 500 pixels to the north, and trade with Mi'kmaq tribes increases Rennes's prosperity as a colony.
      • Austria:We invade venice (what? you suggested it.) other stuff.
        • The Ottomans also declare war on Venice and mobilize all 150,000 troops to the city. The massive navy is also deployed to cut off Venice from its colonies. 

    The Sanumá continue to expand along the Orinoco, bringing large amounts (500 px north) of it and the surrounding area under their control, as more land is turned into agroforests and brought under the indirect control of the Shamans' Council. Large-scale cultivation of plantains, sweet potatoes, and numerous other crops continues, with vast areas transformed into communal agroforests. Although a famine occurs this year after drought causes a crop die-off, the new large scale cultivation of fish, turtles and peccaries, combined with the Shamans' new army, prevents the disintegration of order. When chiefs prove unable to keep order, many bands attach themselves to the Shamans' Council instead. Influence is exerted on the Warao people to access the Orinoco lagoon and the rich shellfish beds there. 


    War and stuff.

    Aymara: The Aymara builds up its military, and expands 750 pixels to the east and south. Meanwhile, a few new settlements are established.

    Incan Empire: We continue expanding into the Amazon, expanding 1000 pixels eastwards each year, defeating tribes as we go along. We continue having brilliant trade with Aymara. We continue to build are military. A few new settlements are established.

    Austria: We question Ottoman's decision, but will allow them to take all colonies in exchange for confirming Austria's control of Venice. With the war happening, we ask for a (temporary) alliance with them. We continue pushing into Venice.

    • The Ottomans agree to the alliance and nominally with the agreement, but will open up further negotiations after the city is taken.

    Crown of Castile: The Castilian Population stands at 8.9 million. Military manpower stands at 80,000 men, with one of the largest navies in the world backing them. The process of Integration between Castile and Aragon continues, especially now with the end of the Reconquista and the conquering of Granada. The efforts to achieve Religious Homogeneity continues, with the decisions being made to forcefully expel the Spanish Jews for Castile and Aragon if they fail to convert to Catholicism. Colombus is sent back tot the Americas, with a Military force of 1,000 men. When it is discovered the men he left in Cuba are dead or missing, colombus begins systematically slaughtering and enslaving the Natives. A flow of resources from the colony at Cuba comes into the Spanish motherland, increasing intrest in the colony. The Spanish make contact with the Mayapan, and begin exploring the Yucatan and Flordian Pennsisuluas. With the OTtomans distracted in Venice, Spain moblizes against Morroco

    • ​Crown of Aragon (Personal Union with Castile): The crown of Aragon continues to grow, with a population of 3.2  million. Aragon focuses on it's navy, more so than Castile. The Military stands at 20,000 men. Intergreation between Castile and Aragon continues, with the ties between the two kingdoms solidifying. The navy expands to mantain proximity with the Ottomans. Mil+Eco Turn)
    • Crown of Granada (Personal Union/Vassal of Castile): A military force of 15,000 men remains active in the newly conquered kingdom. The process of expelling the Jews and Muslims from the Kingdom of Granada continues. Population stands at 1.6 million. A token Military force of 10,000 men is formed of men loyal to Castile. Mil+Eco Turn)
    • Kingdom of Naples (Vassal of Castile/Aragon): Naples continues to be a seperate entity from Castile and Aragon, a distinctly different culture from the two Iberian Kingdoms. Despite this, the nation remains loyal to Aragon and Castile for the time being. Poplation stands at 5.6 Million. The military stands at 45,000 men. Mil+Eco Turn)
    • Misson At San Juan (Colony of Castile): The Mission Expand by 300 pixels. Population stands at 1,000 Europeans, 950 of which are Castilian-Aragon troops. Unlike Cuba, this colony does not see the complte massacre of the Native Peoples, but they are opressed by Spain as their population begins to drop. The misson continues to convert Natives to Catholocisim, a move pleasing to the King and Queen. (Mil+Expansion Turn)
    • Cuba (Colony of Castile): Unlike San Juan, the primary purpose of this Colony is to mine for the precious metals that Columbus Claimed to have seen. The Colony remains ruled by a military force of 1,000 men, with the natives being killed if they resist their Spanish Overlords. The Colony expands by 300 pixels. population Stands at 15,000,most of which are still natives. (Mil+Expansion Turn)
    • New Sicily (Colony of Aragon): The new colony is founded on the Floridain Coast. Origonially thought to be an island, the area is nammed New Sicily. as the area is explored further, it becomes clear that the landmass is attached to the North American land mass (Mil+Expansion turn)

    Aztecs: We continue to build up the military and improve our economy. We also expand by 1000 px


    Doing the Italian Algos now.

    Ottoman Empire: Sultan Bayezid II, now middle aged, rules over the house of Islam from the shining capital of Istanbul. Prince Sulayman continues to be well educated in the Palace School. The population is estimated at 12 million at this time. The Sultan works to reform the goverment by expanding the Palace School into a public education system in Istanbul, and state Universities are also built both Athens and Ankara. The long-term plan is to institute a system of progressive achievment that could allow lower class citizens to achive political and military offices. The Sultan hopes to also expand the military by giving the same training to non-noble citizens. The navy is also greatly expanded, as it has been for many years, and now rises to the size of 100 galleys and 250 smaller vessals. The prominent admiral Kemal Ries is put in charge of the navy. The economy grows as the han caravans are utilized throughout anatolia. The military is advanced by adding artilary such as morters and great bombards. Admiral Piri Ries hears of Columbus' voyage and petitions the Sultan to explore the Atlantic. Bayezid puts such an endevor on hold, concentrating instead on enhancing the navy in the mediterranean. With the city of Venice taken, and the Venician navy destroyed, the Ottomons annex all of the Balkan islands into the empire. Crete and Cyprus are established as Ottoman vassals. We give Austria eastern Venezia to give them an Adriatic port. The city itself is made a vassal of France. Seeing Morocco invaded by Castile, Bayezid redirects the military to aid the Moroccans fight back the Spanish. 

    • Principality of Wallachia is currently ruled by Radu IV the Great. He constructs a major fort this year on a stategic hill in Transylvania. The military expands and sent to the border. Trade is offered to the Kingdom of Hungary. 
    • Principality of Moldavia is currenlty ruled by the aged Stephen III the Great, who greatly strengthens the nation in the face of influence from Hungary.
    • Khanate of Crimea is ruled by Menlil Girgay, recently appointed by the Sultan. A port is established on the city of Khortun (OTL Sevastapol), which is backed by the Ottoman navy from Istanbul. The miltary is expanded, especially the calvary, to match with the Tartars in the north.
    • Emirite of Crete is given control to Prince Ahmed, who rededicates the hospitaller fortresses under janissary control. The christians are forced out and sent back to Italy, although confiscating any artillary they had. Ports are expanded.
    • Emirite of Cyprus is given control to Prince Korkut, who greatly stengthens the navy to challenge the Mamlukes. 
    • That war is kinda over but ok. 

    Austria: although we are disappointed we don't have Venice, we take joy in the fact we have a port. We start making ships. We start making plans for an expedition. Kingdom of France: Our monarch Charles VIII unexpectedly dies of tuberculosis at the young age of 27 and is succeeded by his 6-year-old son Charles Orlando, who is now Charles IX of France. After we defeat Venice, we return to Milan to annex the Duchy.

    • New France: The port of Rennes constantly expands in population, and consistently trades with the local Mi'kmaq tribe.

    Aymara: The Aymara builds up its military, and expands 750 pixels to the east and south. Meanwhile, a few new settlements are established.

    Knights Malta: The order continues to grow. We improve our military which stands at 9,000 soldiers and 800 knights. We build several churches in Vittoriosa, our capital city. We decide to expand and begin a voyage to Americas. We land at modern-day French Guiana and begin setting up a colony.
