Map Game Wiki

Start date

I've launched my An Alternate 1921 Map Game at 21.00 UTC on March the 9th, if I can fined 8 players.The River Nile-2 (talk) 20:29, March 9, 2013 (UTC)

Game scenario

Ever fancy running your own nation, well, here's your chance to do so!

It's July 21, 1921 and The names Hitler, Mussolini, Harding, Devalera, Shandong (Shantung) and Iradier become a lot more topical!

Game scenario

General Rules

  1. On nation per user.
  2. Expansion in extreme climates like Greenland, Niger, Nepal and Amazonia will be very slow due to lodgistic and climate problems for any wood-be invader. Hyper exspantion is not fare.
  3. Technical and scientific development is at normal rate and with out premature and/or 'hyper-development' of technology. The Modle-N Ford car was invented in 1906 and British Commit Tank was invented in 1943. A few years early OK, but decades out is daft/ASB.
  4. The Golden Rule: Treat others as you want to be treated . . . is not always it!
  5. Nuclear programs may start in 1941.5. It will take at 4 years to develop nukes if you are one of the Super Powers (USA, UK, Germany (after re-armlament), Japan and the Soviets (once the civil war is over and industry is more developed)). For other industrialised states like France, Italy, Canada and Australia it starts after 1955 and also takes 4 years to develop. Also, don't go mad a destroy the planet with them!
  6. Wars will use an War Algorithm (An Alternate 1921 Map Game). The result is placed here War Algorithm result page for record.
  7. You must be plausible and sound believable.
  8. Each nation fall in to a power category, +1 for each category. If your a failed state 0. If you're a super power +5
  9. We will have resolutions/stuff when the UN is created at United Nations Page in circa 1945. Also see- International Court of Justice (ICJ), World Health Organisation (WHO), United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). and Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNPT).
  10. Edit the game in Source Mode. Editing in Visual Mode and creating code problems may result in your edits being undone or full of garbled data.
  11. Research your nation on sites like- Wikipedia, the BBC, CNN, ITN, Encyclopedia Britannica, and so on. You could fined handy stuff like this Lithuanian Navy and resources: It did have a navy in 1933!.
  12. 1/2 a game year per real day.
  13. New turns start at 20:00:00 UTC If new turn is not started by mod, player can still post player events, but before post he must write year. For example year 1947 ended and mod did not started next turn. Then player writes: *1947.5* Countryname: Country improves economy and blah blah blah.
  14. Game is archived every 10 years/20 turns.
  15. A new image file is created for every new map, which is created every two years.
  16. After a nation has been inactive for ten years (20 turns), the user will be removed from the game.
  17. You may create proxy nations and use them in turns.
  18. Limited Decolonization (An Alternate 1921 Map Game) will occur.
  19. Limited Natural disasters (An Alternate 1921 Map Game) will occur. Mod event's that are real life events, not daft or bias.

Mod Rules

  1. Mods must be plausible and must not target any particular nation.
  2. Carving large empires is NOT a cause for mod targeting, unless the empire is silly or unfairly won.
  3. I am chief mod and mapmaker. The River Nile-2 . I would like Sine dei gloriem and Rdv65 as my deputies.

Vassal Rules

  1. Unless the vassal can provide real military aid to a country, it cannot be used in an algorithm. For example, Poland and Mongolia can provide forced military assistance to the USSR, but Tannu Tuva and Danzig are vertulay useless, so use you common sense!
  2. Vassals may declare war instead of the actual suzerain nation.

Mods and Mapmakers

  1. Chief Mod:The River Nile-2 (talk) 22:43, March 13, 2013 (UTC)
  2. Deputy One: Sine dei gloriem
  3. Deputy Two:Rdv65
  4. Mapmaker One: Canada2hy Hypothetical Alberta Blue Ensign.svg640px-Flag of Australasian team for Olympic games.svg OreoToast555(Talk)
  5. Mapmaker Two DariusTheMouse (talk) 11:38, April 22, 2013 (UTC)




Map "Rules"

A few general rules concerning the map as to ensure "success:"

  1. Copy the full-size version of the map in png format to avoid pixelation.
  2. Make all nations different colors.
  3. Try to make a map for each year.
  4. Colored circles on nations mean they are a protectorate, client/satellite state, etc. of another nation.
  5. Colored diamonds in a nation are foreign, rebel or national government forces in a major civil war.
  6. It's not always beneficial to draw border lines willy-nilly; if possible, try to find resources such as this to get inspiration.

Changes, Issues and Complaints

What is that tiny, Arab-influences Nation in the Horn of Africa by Ethiopia?

Game archives


North America

  • USA: 23:08, May 13, 2013 (UTC)ChiRho (talk)
    • Philippines
    • Panama
    • Panama Canal Zone
  • Mexico:
  • Cuba:
  • Greenland (defacto saince 1947)
  • Haiti 17:36, May 23, 2013 (UTC)  
  • Dominican Republic
  • Costa Rica
  • El Salvador
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Nicaragua


South America

  • Colombia
  • Venezuela
  • Brazil
  • Paraguay
  • Uruguay
  • Argentina
  • Chile
  • Peru
  • Ecuador


  • Liberia:
  • Ethiopia:
  • Sudan:
  • Al Kurfa
  • Fezzan
  • Ghana
  • Algeria (northern OTL Algeria)
  • Gaetulia (eastern OTL Algeria)
  • Greater Tunisia (most of OTL Tunisia and near by parts of Algeria)




1497 alt map

Late turn again, sorry. Map will be updated and later I will do something with this (starting new turns will be changed somehow.). DariusTheMouse (talk) 07:46, May 1, 2013 (UTC)

After Britain gave India autonomy, rebels became slighly more optimistic and think that autonomy is a first step to independence. Militia formed here to supress any resistance against Britain because it can cause worse relationship between two nations. ||| Syria and Madagascar becomes independent. Other African countries are preparing for this too.

  • China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved.
  • Lithuania: National reserve restored to normal level. Infrastructure improved in Iceland and Denmark, renewed in Lithuanian mainland, civil engineer corps continue mission in Scandinavia. Economical fleet continue trading and for the first time vessels reach Madagascar. More money goes to increase welfare of the citizens. Politics: Agents successfuly working in Poland, Hungary, Rumania and Greece. First major achievment, thanks to agent in Poland, All European Railway law accepted and now Poland belongs to "railway union". Operation FullHouse: As Lithuania advances deeper into Finland, war is about to end. (Lithuanian army victory again, finnish lakes taken.) Plan to end operation this semester failed but generals hope that Helsinki will fall soon. Operation Desert War: Mahra Sultanate given to Britain and whole Transjordan is now Lithuanian. Fortifications built in Mafraq-Ruwaished province. 50'000 soldiers sent back to Lithuania and desert legion now has 300'000 men. It is planned to decrease legion to 100'000 men so less money woul be spent on transporting supplies here.
  • Arab Confederation: Military continues to increase in size. Begins sharing all civillian technology with Germany. Offers to Syria to extend the Trans-Arabic Railroad into Syria (Sirya agrees). Continues to research rocket tech and is barely behind Britain. People begin becoming more anti-West, pulling on their own culture rather than adopting Western ones.
    • Syria D: As a "young" state we can not afford bigger railway at this time, but we will build it in the future for sure.
  • Dutch Empire:

    The plan.

    Continues to promote the development of it's colonies. The Dutch increases both farming and defense. Construction and improvement small factories, sewerage works, water works, roads, schools and hospitals continue as well as medical research, especial in the colonies. The Dutch Border fortified. 7copied tanks planned like German Panzer IVs, Italian CV-35's, Soviet T-28's are made. We upgrade our navy by making 5 patrol boats 6 coastal patrolled submarines. We create 5 of the new the "Mk1 Nap-tank" is improved. Most of Indonesia becomes independent as of 1947.5. The Dutch territory of West New Guinea, (the west half of New Guinea island) is more loyal (it loves the Dutch like in in real life) and is given autonomy, but not independence from the Dutch. Suriname is to be given independence in 1951 as a client state. Aruba island is democratised and made autonamus. Oil is found in Borneo and the Netherlands_New_Guinea. Polders, lakes and coastal areas are drained for future redevelopment and a patrole boat is given to Yugoslavia.
  • France: happy about the Independence of syria and Madagascar it begins the protocoles to Give independence to french africa, Starting with the Republique of Algeria( Syrian and Algerian borders aren't correct) while this the Federation of Nations now with syria and Madagascar in its Commonwealth begins discussing the Formation of a World wide organization for nations to discuss diplomatic issues of the world,military is built up, navy expands.



Rule 13 edited: New turns start at 20:00:00 UTC If new turn is not started by mod, player can still post player events, but before post he must write year. For example year 1947 ended and mod did not started next turn. Then player writes: *1947.5* Countryname: Country improves economy and blah blah blah.

All African countries that are under French rule, prepare for independence declaration, goverments are formed. After seeing this, british colonies also starts thinking that they could make it on their own. Most parts of Indonesia (except  dutch new guinea) became independent drom the Dutch Empire.

We forgot the French plan of 1945.5. The map was fixed with adding the 2 client states.

  • China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved.
  • Dutch Empire: Continues to promote the development of it's colonies. The Dutch increases both farming and defense. Construction and improvement small factories, sewerage works, water works, roads, schools and hospitals continue as well as medical research, especial in the colonies. 700 guns are made up. The Dutch Border fortified. 7 copied tanks planned like German Panzer IVs, Italian CV-35's, Soviet T-28's are made. We upgrade our navy by making 5 patrol boats 6 coastal patrolled submarines. We create 5 of the new the "Mk1 Nap-tank" is improved. The Netherlands Antilles is democratizes and made autonomous. Arms are sent to help the Finns fight Lithuania. A literacy camapaing occers in the colonies.

Hello, I’ve found out the logon/spam problem. It is that my browser was probly compromised; my e-mail was most likely compromised and my security had been disabled without my consent. I changed browser, got a geek to fix my machine and got stronger security (which I will regularly check if it’s still on). The geek thought my E-mail was compromised, so I changed it. Darriusmouse is doing such a good job he can stay chief mod. It’s best in case I get in any more trouble. The USSR is back for the forseeable future.

Finnish Conquests 1947
  • USSR: Stalin is feeling ill and is near to death after a horse riding accident. Berrier takes over. The railways are subjected to a major upgrade. Roads are noticeably improved east of the Urals and slightly in Kazakhstan. Harbors, railways and airfields are upgraded. Space, nucliar power and a-bomb research continues. 12 heavy KV 2 tanks are made. 2 Teplokhod-class motor mine-layers are made in Sevastopol and 1 is sold to China. Heavy industry output grows as demand rises. Gasprom continues it's work in Azerbaijan, Novosibirsk and Grozny We invad free Finland, the is much heavy fighting at Kesholm, Vyborg, Saimaa, Päijänne and Pihlajaves; and the USSR victorious war and takes new Finnish lands up to lake Päijänne.
  • Arab Confederation: Continues to reasearch rocket tech and the a-bomb. Military reaches 530k soldiers. Prepares (secretly) for an invasion of Italian Somaliland in attempt to liberate the Somali peoples. Continues to influence Kurdistan.
  • Germany: the CP of Germany create the committee for a unified red Germany along Austria and Sudete CP. The military continue to be build up and the economy continue to be improve, the German government try to make Austria and Czechoslovakia economically dependent on Germany economy.
  • Lithuania: Infrastructure improved in Iceland and Denmark, civil engineer corps continue mission in Scandinavia. Economical fleet continue trading. Factories improved in big cities. Politics: Agents successfuly working in Poland, Hungary, Romania and Greece. Operation FullHouse: Lithuania attacks for the last time. (Helsinki falls, Finland capitulates.)After defeating Finland, Hlsinki taken, northern part that is left unoccupied handed to USSR (no alg needed, Fins capitulated). Operation Desert War: 200'000 men leave Transjordan and now 100'000 men left there.


1948 alt game


The Bhutan requests the final stages of independence from the UK. Federation of Burma requests compleat independence from Japan and S. Vietnam asks for more autonomy. Moslems and Hindus clash in Kashmir, Jamur, the Chiteral and Gilgit regions of northern British India. The Malayan Emergency (Malay: Darurat; Jawi: ضرورت) of 1948 to 1960 starts in rural places.

  • USSR: Economic ties and trade deals with Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan are manipulated to make them dependent on the USSR. Germany is offered joint rule over Czechoslovakia as a puppet state or it could be split in the future so Germany gets Czech republic and Slovakia, wile the USSR gets Ruthina. KGB agents begin to undermine the stability of Bulgaria and promote class struggle among the rural poor. Finland is finished off. Waziristan's trade deal from circa 1945 is taken up. Stalin dies of a stroke caused by the earlyer horse riding accident. Berrier now officaly takes over now. The railways are subjected to a major upgrade. Roads are noticeably improved east of the Urals and slightly in Kazakhstan. Harbors, railways and airfields are upgraded. Space, nuclear power and A-bomb research continues. 12 heavy KV 2 tanks are made. 2 Teplokhod-class motor mine-layers are made in Sevastopol and 1 is sold to China. Heavy industry output grows as demand rises. Gasprom continues it's work in Azerbaijan, Novosibirsk and Grozny.
  • I've been hacked again.
    • German D: we accept Soviet offer over Czechoslovakia and would like for the moment to have the Sudete region and eventually annex the whole are of the CR.
    • Soviet D: OK!
  • China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved.


1948 alt game


A few more Moslems and Hindus clash in Kashmir, Jamur, the Chiteral and Gilgit regions of northern British India. Kashmir and Jamurie rebels also attack a few British people.

  • USSR: Economic ties and trade deals with Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan are manipulated to make them dependent on the USSR. The USSR starts agitating in Slovakia and Ruthina. KGB agents begin to undermine the stability of Bulgaria (coup planned next turn) and promote class struggle among the rural poor. They also try to perge Soviet Finland, but they won't take to Soviet rule and continue a local insurgency. Now Berrier dies of a heart attack hours after a horse riding accident (convenient accident isn't it, some think it was a fit up). Bulgannin now officially takes over now and in 1952, Kruschove will follow him in to the leadership.. The railways are subjected to a major upgrade. A test nuke exsplodes sucsesfuly in rural Yakutia. car factorys open in Moscow. 5 10 kt and 5 1kt bombs are to be made over the next 2 years. Roads are noticeably improved east of the Urals and slightly in Kazakhstan. Harbors, railways and airfields are upgraded. Space, nuclear power and A-bomb research continues. 6 Kirov class aircraft carriers are launced from Arkagelsk and Magadan becomes a major poert and rail head.52 heavy KV 2 and 747 JS2 tanks are made. 2 Teplokhod-class motor mine-layers are made in Sevastopol and 1 is sold to China. 100 Mig 7 aircraft are made. Heavy industry output grows as demand rises. Civil and military factories abound in the Ukraine, the Kuban and Central European Russia. Food is bountiful as soil is wisely tilled and dug over in the Ukraine and Black Earth Regions. Gasprom continues it's work in Azerbaijan, Novosibirsk and Grozny.
  • Germany: send subversive agents in OTL Czech republic and Austria to start once again to make the communist parties popular. The military reach 1.6 millions people, the air force is a third made of jet and the U-boat fleet is important again. The oil of Arabia and the reessource of the Soviet allow a quick developpment of the economy and is use to politically support the separatist in Africa and European colonies.
  • China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved.
  • The USSR is quitting for good now. The log on, spam, site blocking and hacking problems have come back.
  • Should I start turns etc. again? DariusTheMouse (talk) 05:22, May 4, 2013 (UTC)
  • Yes.
  • Arab Confederation: Begins sending support to Moslems in India, and begins to influence them greatly. Continues to influence Kurdistan. Builds up military. Invades Italian Somaliland (ALG).


1948 alt game


A few more Moslems and Hindus clash in Kashmir and Jamur regions of northern British India. Kashmirie and Jamurie rebels also attack a few more British people.

  • USSR: Economic ties and trade deals with Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan are manipulated to make them dependent on the USSR. The USSR starts agitating in Slovakia and Ruthina. KGB agents begin to undermine the stability of Bulgaria. A Soviet lead peasants revolt occurs in Bulgaria among the rural poor and the King is 'replaced' by a Soviet puppet state. They also try to purge Bulgaria, but they won't take to Soviet colonial rule and continue a local insurgency. Finland is passifyed and a car factory opens in Vybourg. The railways are subjected to a major upgrade. A test nuke explodes successively in rural Yakutia. 5 more 10 kt and 5 mor 1kt bombs are to be made over the next 2 years (total of 10 10kt and 1kt types by 1951.0. Roads are noticeably improved east of the Urals and modestly in Kazakhstan. Harbors, railways and airfields are upgraded. Space, nuclear power and A-bomb research continues. 16 Kirov class aircraft carriers are launced from Arkagelsk and Magadan becomes a major poert and rail head. 252 heavy KV 2 and 747 JS2 tanks are made. 12 Teplokhod-class motor mine-layers are made in Sevastopol and 1 is sold to China. 125 Mig 7 and 10 Mig 17 aircraft are made. Heavy industry output grows as demand rises. Civil and military factories abound in the Ukraine, the Kuban and Central European Russia. Food is bountiful as soil is wisely tilled and dug over in the Ukraine and Black Earth Regions. Gasprom continues it's work in Azerbaijan, Novosibirsk and Grozny. Car, tank, train, tractor and truck factories open in Moscow, Kiev, Smolensk, Uralsk, Almaty, Kharkov, Minsk, Ulaanbaatar, Tashkent, Tyver, Omsk, Tomsk, Krasnodar, Perm, Kirov and Chita.
  • China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved.
  • Germany: continue to send subvertive agents in the German areas of Europe and in the target of Germany. The United Kingdom is offered support in his colonial empire except in the region of Arabia in wich we stay neutral and we offer to stop promoting separatism in your empire at the condition that you do not intervene if we decide to unite Germany by force. Lithuania is ask to not interfere as well. Propaganda of pan Germanism increase under the slogan free our Germanic brother from slavery.
  • Dutch Empier: The Dutch airports are upgraded. We upgrade our navy by making 5 covettes and 6 coastal patrolled submarines. We create 5 of the new the "Mk1 Nap-tank" is improved. The Netherlands_New_Guinea (the west half of New Guinea island), Aruba, St. Maartin and Surinam all have a literacy campaing and ruber plantations are improved.
  • France: the Liberation is ended, all the African possession are released, most of them As part of the Commonwealth of French Nations, Divided in the main Regions, Such as Algeria(1),Gaetulia (2),Tunisia(3),Chad-Camerun(4),Sahara(5),Mali(6),West Africa(7),And Central Africa or Guinean Africa (8), Algeria,Gaetulia and Tunisia choosed to not to be members of the Commonwealth being they the only nations being outside of the french union, as some refer to it, while

    the French West African Nations.

    tthe Gaulle Continues Building the military and the infrastructure of France in order to lead France to a new era, and in-case of German intervention in Lorraine,while this the British are proposed aid in the independence of their colonies.nuclear research begins as well as aerospace research, and THE SECRET project Alpha begins trying to make a functional gauss cannon, and then make one of the size of the big bertha used in the World war as a just incase war machinery against the Soviets or the Germans.
    • German D: we have a non-aggression pact, so we will not start a war. We are ready to renounce to Aslace Lorraine if you not attack us.


  • Wazeristan: We develope our roads, mosques, madrassas, farms, schools, phone booths and water works. A trade  deal is offered to India and Aghanistan.
  • China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved.
  • Dutch Empire: The Dutch ports are upgraded. Surinam all have a literacy campaign and rubber plantations are improved as preparation for independence. Deference are increased on Dutch New Guinea. A trade deal is offered to Italy, France and Wazeristan.


1950 alt game


The far south of Japan's holding in China rebels after a local labour despite and joins China to China's surprise. King Kirit Bikram Kishore Manikya Bahadur of the princely state of Tripura declares it's independence from the UK and Tripura's neutrality. Tripura and Bhutan singe a trade and defense agreement in Udaipur. A small anti-Arabian rule rebellion starts in Al Kut, central Iraq.

  • Dutch Empire: The Dutch ports are upgraded. Surinam all and DNG have a literacy campaign and rubber plantations are improved as preparation for independence. A trade deal is offered to Italy, France and Wazeristan. The Netherlands starts experimenting with TV broadcasts and reinforces it's sea defenses.
  • China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved. Chiang Kai-shek annexes the piece of China that rebelled from Japan. Meanwhile ships and new ports are built.
  • Germany: start relationwith the new states and offer developpment fund to Arabia in addition of a contract where planes and tanks will be sold to Arabia. Congratulate France and the Dutch for their decolonization while Britain is critisized and encouraged to free the colonized people.




Annoyed with the slow pace of change and for want of an independent nation of Pakistan, Islamic nationals Mr Jinnah leads a armed peasant rising against the Indian federation and forms the nation of Pakistan in East Bengal, Sindh, West Punjab, Baluchistan, Gilgit, the Swat Vally, Badwallipur and Baluchistan. Hyderabad also declais UDI for Islamic and localist resion; but it soon has Moslem-Hindu communual clashes and riots. Nationalist protests and drug abuse are also a bit of a problem in Rangoon to. The 1950 Assam-Tibet earthquake occur killing several thousand.

  • Dutch Empire: The Dutch ports are upgraded. Surinam all and DNG have a literacy campaign and rubber plantations are improved as preparation for independence. The OTL aluminum smelter in and Aluminum (bauxite) quarries in Surinam are set up. A trade deal is offered to Italy, France and Wazeristan. The Netherlands starts further experimenting with TV broadcasts and reinforces it's sea defenses. Aid is sent to Assan and Tibet.
  • Arab Confederation: Military buildsup, funds and weapons are sent to the Pakistani Muslims
  • China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved.
  • USSR: The USSR sends aid to the earthquake victims, sends arms to the OTL/ATL Naxalite-socialism movement in south eastern India, offers the Dutch a trade deal, builds a modern show-peace airport in Kiev, and recruits 100,00 troopers. There will be no more nukes made and the arsenel stands at 20. 300 JS-2 tanks, 100 MiG-7s, and a Konstaza class crusier are made. 30 JS-2 tanks and 20 MiG-7s go to help the client Spanish Republic, who joins the International Comintern. A major airfield and army base are biult in Ulaanbaator.


1951 alt game


Annoyed with the slow pace of change and for want of an independent nation Libya rebels and effective kicks Italy out of the Fezzan and Al Kufra Regions. Benghazi and Tripolitania arks for more autonomy. The USA upgrades it's roads and coalmines. India carrys out OTL/ATL Operation Polo and crushes Hyderabad, with only a small eastern triangle just falling to local Naxelites in the chaos. Kirapur, Karachi and North West Frontear joins the rather chotic emergent state of Pakistan. Some Eropeans are beaten up by a mob in Karachi. A minor nationalist riot occers in Tashkent.

  • USSR: The USSR gulags the rebels and rioters, but takes this as a hint tat it has become to stifling and needs to liberalise on things such as official Language (was once only Russian and Ukrainian, but now gains Byelorussia, Finnish, Polish, Kazakh, Uzbek, Georgian, Azari, Mongolian and Tartar.) and travel visas to fellow communist states, but Communism stayed in situe. The Soviets offer the Arab Confed' a trade deal, builds a modern show-peace iron foundry in Kiev, and recruits 100,000 troopers. There will be no more nukes made and the arsenal stands at 20. 300 JS-2 tanks, 100 MiG-7s, and a Konstaza class cruiser are made. 20 JS-2 tanks, the cruiser and 20 MiG-7s go to help the client Spanish Republic, who joins the International Comintern. A second major airfield and army base are built in Ulaanbaatar and another is biult in Pskov, Krasnordar, Tyver, Uralsk, Baku and Minsk.
  • Dutch Empire: Surinam is promised independence in 1952. The OTL aluminum smelter in and Aluminum (bauxite) quarries in Surinam are compled. The Soviet trade deal is accepted. The Netherlands starts further experimenting with TV broadcasts and reinforces it's sea defenses. 
  • China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved.


1951 alt game


Annoyed with the slow pace of change and for want of an independent nation Libya rebels and still effective kick Italy out of the Fezzan and Al Kufra Regions. Benghazi and Tripolitania arks for more autonomy once more."

  • USSR: 120 light T-31, 50 T 10 heavy, 50 SMK tank medium infantry and 100 Kv-2 heavy tanks all pour out of the newly built Chelyabinsk Kirov Tank Plant. 5 Kirov-class cruisers, 7 Krasnyi Krym cruisers and 4 Bogatyr-class protected cruisers are made in Leningrad, Arkhangelsk, Sevastopol, Kuch and Rostov-on-Don.Odessa harbour is upgraded. 60 Petlyakov_Pe-8, 60 Tupolev TB-3, 50 Sukhoi Su-2 and 70 Yakovlev Yak-4 bombers made in new Tyver factories. 50 Ilyushin Il-2 and 50 Ilyushin Il-10 ground attack aircraft are made in new factories in Krasnodar. 160 Yakovlev Yak-7 fighters are made in both the new Krasnodar, Smolensk and Uralsk plants. Soviet radar is strengthened and enhanced. Soviets drill more oil in Baku and dig more coal in Donetsk. Gas is drilled in Baku modestly. Nickel is mined in Komerov modestly and feverishly in Krasnoyarsk.
  • Dutch Empire: Suriname will be given independence in 1952. Forestry is enhanced in DNG. The Soviet trade deal is accepted. The Netherlands starts further experimenting with TV broadcasts and reinforces it's sea defenses. Humaniterian  aid is given to Indian and Pakistan.
  • China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved.
  • Arab D: Sends more supplies to Pakistan. Invades Italian Somaliland (I asked for that ALG like 10 turns ago) A close Arabian victory along the Puntland coast of northern Italian Somaliland.
  • I'm trying to do one for you.Whipsnade (talk) 20:08, May 11, 2013 (UTC)
  • Germany: support pan-communist German organization in Czech republic and Austria, economy improve and now prosper. As a propaganda, the worker conditions are improve with better wages and eight hour day. Volkswagen is created and start to manifactur German cars. Half of the air force is jet made and the technology is improve. Arabia is send support to for his liberation war.


1952 alt game


Annoyed with the slow pace of change and for want of an independent nation Libya rebels now compleatly kick Italy out of the Fezzan and Al Kufra Regions. Benghazi and Tripolitania arks for more autonomy once more, but Italy still hods on. Anti-Japanese riots hit Rangoon. India and Pakistan stop fudeing and enter a 'cold war'."

  • USSR: 25,000 new troops are recruited. 10,000 pistols and 100,000 rifles are made (500 of each are sold to Wazeriastan, Pakistan, Arabia, Germany, Lithuania, China, Japan, Spanish Republic and North Norway.) 100 light T-31, 50 T 10 heavy, 100 SMK tank medium infantry and 100 Kv-2 heavy tanks all pour out of the newly built Chelyabinsk Kirov Tank Plant. 5 Kirov-class cruisers, 6 Krasnyi Krym cruisers and 4 Bogatyr-class protected cruisers are made in Leningrad, Arkhangelsk, Sevastopol, Kurch and Rostov-on-Don. Magadan and Odessa harbour is upgraded. 60 Petlyakov_Pe-8, 60 Tupolev TB-3, 50 Sukhoi Su-2 and 70 Yakovlev Yak-4 bombers made in new Tyver factories. 130 Mil-1, 40 Mil-2, 20 Mil-3, 26 Mil-4 helicopters are made in a couple of new Uralsk plants, 50 Ilyushin Il-2 and 50 Ilyushin Il-10 ground attack aircraft are made in new factories in Krasnodar. 3 new truck factories open in Tyver. 120 Yakovlev Yak-7 fighters are made in both the new Krasnodar, Smolensk and Uralsk plants. Soviet radar is strengthened and enhanced. Soviets drill more oil in Baku and dig more coal in Donetsk. Gas is drilled in Baku and Western Kazakhstan modestly. Nickle is mined in Komerov modestly and feverishly in Krasnoyarsk. Iron is also mined feverishly in eastern Kazakhstan. 30 Yakovlev Yak-7 fighters, 10 Yakovlev Yak-4 bombers, 10 Il-10 ground attack aircraft, 40 SMK tank medium infantry tanks, a Bogatyr-class protected cruisers and Kirov-class cruisers are given to the Spanish Republic, Pakistan and North Norway, along with Soviets, who will train the locals in how to use them. 40 Yakovlev Yak-7 fighters, 10 Yakovlev Yak-4 bombers, Il-10 ground attack aircraft, 50 SMK tank medium infantry tanks and 2 Bogatyr-class protected cruisers and Kirov-class cruisers are sold to Lithuania and Germany. Some Soviets will also train the locals in how to use them. A formal division of Spain is offered to Gen. Franco, sementing the political divide and armastis that has run from the early 1940's. (random. org. 1-4 yeas, 5-9 no, 2=yes) A trade deal and non aggression pact is offered to the Dutch. The Yugoslav and Wazeri trade deals from a while back are accepted.
  • China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved. Some football stadiums are also planned to be built.
  • Dutch Empire: Surinam is given independence in 1952. Forestry is enhanced in DNG. The second Soviet trade deal is accepted. Worker's rights are improved in the colonies and in the Netherlands.




All grey, non-player nations start a 5 year drive to update there technology, science, industry, and infrastructure to OTL then modern levels (for 1957, which is when the plans all terminate).

Dutch Empire:Forestry is enhanced in DNG. The second Soviet trade deal and non aggression pact is accepted. Worker's rights are improved in the colonies and in the Netherlands. Humanitarian aid is sent to help rebuild both parts of Spain. Aircraft production goes up and more of all the aircraft are made-

  • China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved. Some football stadiums begin to be built.
  • Arabia: Continues to invade Somlia (Result= A close Arabian victory along the eastern coast to the southern town of Kizmyo.). Improves military and economy. Continues to study rocket tech and nuclear bombs. Continues to influence Kurdistan. Offers to buy Djibouti from France (RNG).

I'm inviting back Japan, France and UK players if there still interested.Whipsnade (talk) 19:38, May 14, 2013 (UTC)


1953alt game


All grey, non-player continue a 5 year drive to update there technology, science, industry, and infrastructure to OTL then modern levels (for 1957, which is when the plans all terminate). 1953 North Sea Flood/hurricane (UK, N. W. France, Belgium, the Netherlands, N.W. Germany and western Denmark are devastated, killing about 9,000 in all). A year later than OTL the 1952 Kamchatka earthquake and tsunami wreck the coast of Kamchatka and the Keril Islands. Kenya's Mau Mau Rebellion starts a year late. Dutch Empire:Desperate flood rescue and damage limitation work occurs. Several thousands die as the dykes and dams partially fail in the storm tide. New local radio stations open and mono-chrome television starts to become more common, but the flood destroy much of it. Flood defenses are rebuilt. The Netherlands covertly engorges the long standing Walloon-Fleming rift in Belgian and would like to see the Fleming susead. 5 Aircraft are made- 5 fighters. Colonial aid poors in to the Netherlands. The econamy falls badly.

  • Arab D: We offer a trade deal, mostly oil for food.

Arabia: Continues to reasearch rocket and nuclear technology. Continues to influence Pakistan and Kurdistan. Continues the invasion of Italian Somaliland (A Arabian victory along the southern coast south of Kizmyo and Puntland falls in the north.). Offers to buy British Somaliland, and offers cheaper oil as well as money (RNG). Standard of living in even the most rural areas are that of America and the USSR. Plans to builds another 6 ships by the end of the year, and military reaches 525k. Begins to increase research in jet technology. Begins teaching caligraphy in schools, as it is important to Muslim and Arabic culture. Guarantees the safety of Pakistan and promises to interbene in any military action against them. A gay rights movemant starts.

China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved. Some football stadiums continue to be built.

USA: Isolationism and the Monroe doctrine remain at the heart of US foreign policy. However, as the economy slowly shifts to services, the Latin American economies become increasingly attractive as sources of raw materials and cheap goods, so Theodore Roosevelt-esque interventionism and economic imperialism continues. (I will be creating a page soon to fill in the gaps of American history before I stop isolationist policies) 

Germany: send the military in the devasted area to help rebuild the area. Continue good relation with Arabia and support the pan-Germanism organization in German area of Europe. Build a new more advanced jet engine and a new jet bombers. A new carrier start to be build.


195365alt game


All grey, non-player continue a 5 year drive to update there technology, science, industry, and infrastructure to OTL then modern levels (for 1957, which is when the plans all terminate). Many Europeans are killed in  Kenya's ongoing anti-British Mau Mau Rebellion. The Malayan Emergency (Malay: Darurat; Jawi: ضرورت) of 1948 to 1960 reches a hiatus.

I'm inviting back Japan, France and UK players if there still interested. If they have not returned by when I do next round, then I will do a RNG for the ownership of British Somaliland and Djibouti.

Dutch Empire: The dykes and dams partially are repaired. New local radio stations open and mono-chrome television starts to become more common in the part that wa not flooded. New crops are planted. The Netherlands covertly engorges the long standing Walloon-Fleming rift in Belgian and would like to see the Fleming susead. 5 Aircraft are made- 5 fighters. Colonial aid pours in to the Netherlands. The economy falls slightly.  5 fighters are offered for sale to The USA and Arabia. The Dutch-Arab oil for food deal of 1953.0 will start operation in 1954.6. A trade deal for 5 civil aircraft per year is offered to Ethiopia, Egypt, Colombia and France for supplies of minerals starting in 1954.6 (RNG). DNG forces put on Red Alert over the growing Anglo-Malay crisis.

China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved. Some football stadiums continue to be built.

France:the Nuclear research continues, as well as the Research on the Gauss Cannon, Success is made and Some prototypes begin to be Widely used among the French military, and Carthage's.while this the Remaining colonies like Guiane and Caledonia are given the States of French ultramar Departament. France Accepts the Dutch offer. While this france begins a Space program. to begin The Space age.

  • Arab D: We offer a joint effort in space reasearch.
  • France D: We agree on your offer.

Arabia: Continues to invade Italian Somaliland (*Result= A Arabian victory and Somalia north of Mogadishu falls.). Sends spies into Ethiopia in attempt to sabotage the military. Continues to influence Pakistan and Kurdistan (at this rate could I get green circles around Pakistan and Kurdistan?). Continues to reasearch rocket tech as well as A-Bomb tech and managed to get a small nuclear bomb to detonate in a test.

Germany: start to build a nuclear reactor prototype to power Berlin. Tension with France are now very good but Britain is badly see by many German, The German president say to the British that they should release their colony like France, in an organized way, to prevent anarchy in those area after independence. Germany start to have relation with communist separatist leader in the British empire to start assure good relation later, some weapons are given as well to those groups that are told to keep the heart of the people, in other word, do not kill people that are not soldiers.


1954 alt game


All grey, non-player continue a 5 year drive to update there technology, science, industry, and infrastructure to OTL then modern levels (for 1957, which is when the plans all terminate). Many Europeans are killed in  Kenya's ongoing anti-British Mau Mau Rebellion. The Malayan Emergency (Malay: Darurat; Jawi: ضرورت) of 1948 to 1960 reaches a hiatus. Arabs riot in Khatoom against UK rule.  Pro-British rallis occer in Berbera, Barbados and Gibralta. Egypt, Panama and Ethiopia increase troop numbers by 10% due to world instabilaty.

The UK's player has quit, I'll try to ge a new one. The Arabs can put a circle in Kurdistan this round and Pakistan next round. Somaliland RNG- 1-4 yes, 5-10 no- Resuts= Western Afrars 7, Easten Somalis proper 6, Arabia gets both parts, but the UK will retain the stratgicly important port of RNG- A trade deal for 5 civil aircraft per year is offered to Ethiopia, Egypt, Colombia for minerals. RNG results RNG- 1-4 yes, 5-10 no- Resuts= Ethiopia- 3 = yes, Egypt- 5  no, Colombia- 9 no.

Dutch Empire: The dykes and dams ere now repaired. radios and mono-chrome television starts to become more common. Farms begin to recover. Can the Dutch join the French space program? The Netherlands covertly encorges the long standing Walloon-Fleming rift in Belgian and would like to see the Fleming susead. 5 Aircraft are made- 5 fighters. Less colonial aid is neaded in to the Netherlands. The economy rises slightly. Netherland football league is to be made more compedative.

China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved. Some football stadiums continue to be built.

Arabia: Continues the invasion of Italian Somaliland (A close Arabian victory and 66% Somalia south of Mogadishu and northest of the Juba valley falls. The Juba Valley District and surrounding areas still hold out.). Continues to influence Pakistan and flood Ethiopia with spies. Extensive propaganda is made and nationalism and patriotism is similair to OTL America ('MURICA!) The gay rights movemant continues and sodomy is strucken down as a felony and becomes legal. Sends funds to Carthage and Tunisia in order to amke them think postively of Arabia as well as help fellow Muslims and Arabic-speakers to flourish. Manages to make a rocket that gan o up to 1,200 miles with a nuclear warhead. Continues rocket and nuclear reasearch. Scientific reasearch into space travel continues and the first Arabic satellite is planned to be in space by 1960 (three years after OTL Sputnik).

USSR: A masive industrial, arms, educational, fisheryies and minig campaing begins to develop the nation further. 25,000 new troops are recruited. 100,000 pistols and 150,000 rifles are made (1,500 of each are sold to Wazeriastan, Pakistan, Arabia, Germany, Lithuania, China, Japan, Spanish Republic and North Norway.) 100 light T-31, 50 T 10 heavy, 100 SMK tank medium infantry and 100 Kv-2 heavy tanks all pour out of the newly built Chelyabinsk Kirov Tank Plant. 5 Kirov-class cruisers, 6 Krasnyi Krym cruisers and 4 Bogatyr-class protected cruisers are made in Leningrad, Arkhangelsk, Sevastopol, Kurch and Rostov-on-Don. Magadan and Odessa harbour is upgraded. 60 Petlyakov_Pe-8, 60 Tupolev TB-3, 50 Sukhoi Su-2 and 170 Yakovlev Yak-4 bombers made in new Tyver factories. A masive new steeal mill-blast furnace-cvokeing works complex is biult in Magnetagorsk. High-tech is started in Uralsk, Moscow and Tyver. 130 Mil-1, 40 Mil-2, 20 Mil-3, 26 Mil-4 helicopters are made in a couple of new Uralsk plants, 50 Ilyushin Il-2 and 50 Ilyushin Il-10 ground attack aircraft are made in new factories in Krasnodar. 3 new truck factories open in Tyver. 120 Yakovlev Yak-7 fighters are made in both the new Krasnodar, Smolensk and Uralsk plants. Soviet radar is strengthened and enhanced, with a unit popping up in North Norway. Iron is now mined moer feverishly in eastern Kazakhstan and north Mongolia. Lead, tin and copper are found and modestly mined in Kergysia and Tajikistan. Coal is found in Central Mongolia. 30 Yakovlev Yak-7 fighters, 10 Yakovlev Yak-4 bombers, 10 Il-10 ground attack aircraft, 40 SMK tank medium infantry tanks, a Bogatyr-class protected cruisers and Kirov-class cruisers are given to the Spanish Republic, Pakistan and North Norway, along with Soviets, who will train the locals in how to use them. Guns, bombs, mortars, radios and rifles pour in to the now tiny Naxalite rebel zone and the Malaysian rebels (in north Bornio, not the Malaya penisular part) desgused as crates of "farm machinery". 40 Yakovlev Yak-7 fighters, 10 Yakovlev Yak-4 bombers, Il-10 ground attack aircraft, 50 SMK tank medium infantry tanks and 2 Bogatyr-class protected cruisers and Kirov-class cruisers are sold to France and China. Agents begin to destablise Ruthinia and start up in Bulgaria once more on the usual pan-Slavic/class war ticket and plan non stop, and will work every turn, untill they are defeated or victorious. The frontier with Romania and Iran is fortifyed slightly. A trade deal and non aggression pact is offered to the Arabia, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Pakistan, Peru, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey and Afghanistan  (RNG on grey states). A trade and alliance deal is offered to Yugoslavia and Poland (RNG the grey ones). The Dutch trade deals from a while back are accepted. The OTL Soviet space program begins and Sputink is planned, but it will be 2 years later than OTL due to the late ATL start. The Bykanor space center begin work on construction over 3 turns.  RNG 1-4 yes, 5-10 no- Resuts= ( Indianian 7, Ethiopia 3, Egypt 2, Pakistan 2, Peru 10, Bulgaria 6, Greece 1, Turkey 9, Afghanistan 4, Yugoslavia 8 and Poland 8)

  • Arab D: We accept




All grey, non-player continue a 5 year drive to update there technology, science, industry, and infrastructure to OTL then modern levels (for 1957, which is when the plans all terminate). Many Europeans are killed in  Kenya's ongoing anti-British Mau Mau Rebellion. The Malayan Emergency (Malay: Darurat; Jawi: ضرورت) of 1948 to 1960 reaches a hiatus. Arabs riot in Khatoom and Nirobi against UK rule. Pro-British rallis occer in Berbera, Barbados, Joss and Gibralta. Indonisia, Panama and Ethiopia increase troop numbers by 10% due to world instabilaty. Bangladesh/East Pakistan rebels over cultral and linguistic resions and OTL/ATL Bangladesh seseads from OTL/ATL Pakistan.

Dutch Empire: Radios and mono-chrome television starts to become more common. Farms begin to recover.  The Netherlands covertly encorges the long standing Walloon-Fleming rift in Belgian and would like to see the Fleming susead, the situation is now at a critical point as they are helped by agents to riot against Belgian rule. The economy rises slightly. Dutch political and trade interests are  increased in Sudan and the sepratists are encourage on a diplomatic level. Netherlands football league is to be made more compedative and new stadiums are built. Agents are Several aircraft are built. That sentence makes no sense

  • Dutch D: We ask to join the French-Arabic Space Program.
The aircraft made are-

China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved. Some football stadiums continue to be built.

Arabia: Begins to invade Ethiopia Arabia pushed back slightly on the border with the eastern Ogaden desert slightly. ) claiming that Ethiopia is a failed state and needs a stronger nation to care for them, also continues the invasion of Italian Somaliland (A close Somali Victory and the freeing of 1/2 of the and of 66% Somalia south of Mogadishu and northeast of the Juba valley that was taken last time.). Sends 5,000 soldiers and 15 tanks to Pakistan to ensure their survival during the eventual Indian independence. Sends funds to several North African nations to promote nation building as well as specialists to help in modernization. Baseball becomes increasingly popular as does camel racing for some odd reason. Factories crank out another 20 tanks, and 1 aircraft carrier with 6 destroyers ready by the end of the year, and another 10,000 soldiers are recruited. Continues nuclear, rocket, and space research.


1955 alt game


All grey, non-player continue a 5 year drive to update there technology, science, industry, and infrastructure to OTL then modern levels (for 1957, which is when the plans all terminate). Many more Europeans are killed in  Kenya's ongoing anti-British Mau Mau Rebellion. The Malayan Emergency (Malay: Darurat; Jawi: ضرورت) of 1948 to 1960 continues. The Swahili riot Nirobi against UK rule. Pro-British rallies occer in Berbera, Barbados, Joss and Gibralta. Indonesia, Cuba, Panama and Ethiopia increase troop numbers by 10% due to world instability. Sudan declares independence, this is recognized by the UK and Egypt, as the Anglo-Egyptian co-dominion ends. Ethiopia launches a couterstrike and holy war in to the Arabian held part of Djibouti (Ethiopia is crushed out of hand!. The counter strike fails. The Affar Triangle and all the land between the Ogaden Desert, Tigre and the Ethiopian Highlands Falls!) and calls for help in the League of Nations. 

Dutch Empire: Dutch political and trade interests are increased in there allies and the Flemming sepratists are encourage on a diplomatic level. The Netherlands also still covertly encorges the long standing Walloon-Fleming rift in Belgian and would like to see the Fleming susead, the situation is now at a critical point as they are helped by agents to riot against Belgian rule. The economy rises slightly. Netherlands football league is to be made more compedative and new stadiums are built. The Dutch government is concerned by industrial pollution, rare orchid decline and declining panda numbers. 500 Dutch troops help the Malay fight the Communists. Ties are strengthened with Aruba and the banana plantation and airstrips are improved. The Netherlands proposes a treaty at the League of Nations called Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and is similar to the OTL treat of that name.

The aircraft made are-
  • China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved. Some football stadiums continue to be built. China also accepts the Dutch Empire's offer.
  • Arabia: Continues to invade Somalia (A Arab victory that pushes the Somalis back to the west bank of the Juba valley.) and puts Ethiopia on hold for now. Continues nuclear, rocket, and space research. Sends support to the Muslim Malaysians in hopes of another ally.
  • Germany: continue to developp economy and jet technology. we declare neutrality in the Ethiopian-Arabic war and refuse to support any side. We recognize Sudan as a free country and immediately start relation with it. Jets continue to replace the the old model. Support is send to the Malay communists to take power.




All grey, non-player continue a 5 year drive to update there technology, science, industry, and infrastructure to OTL then modern levels (for 1957, which is when the plans all terminate). Many more Europeans are killed in  Kenya's ongoing anti-British Mau Mau Rebellion. The Malayan Emergency (Malay: Darurat; Jawi: ضرورت) of 1948 to 1960 continues. The Swahili riot Nirobi against UK rule. Italy, Canada, Australia and the UK all start makeing a 10kt test nuke which will be exsploded in 1958.6. There nuke program will give them 10x 10kt bombs by 1962. They are for defencive use only. Brazil offers Bauxite mining rights to the USA in exstange for a frigate and medical technolagy.

You all know the USSR, the Germans, the Dutch and the Arabs had "agents" and "spies" sent on missions undermining countries in earlyer posts, well, like it or not, as a mod event, they have just unexpectedly pulled it off at least in part, the suberted places become client states of a sort. Germany successively subverts the Czech Sudetenland, The Dutch subvert the Belgian town of Mechelen, Arabia successively subverts Tiegre, and the Soviets subvert Ruthina and Bulgaria. Bulgaria's government dose try to hold on in the major city and is fighting back.

Dutch Empire: Dutch political and trade interests are increased in there allies and the Flemming sepratists are encourage on a diplomatic level. The economy rises noticably. Netherlands football league is to be made more compedative and new stadiums are built. The Dutch government is concerned by industrial pollution, rare orchid decline and declining panda numbers. 500 Dutch troops help secure Bruine from invasion as the Malay fight the Communists in Bitish North Bornio. The UK apears rudderless and is not looking after the empier, so the Dutch intervined in the pocket sized nation.  Ties are strengthened with Aruba and the banana plantation and airstrips are improved. The Netherlands and Suriname singe   the League of Nations's Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) treaty. A space program is started. Funds and irrigation equipment are sent to Carthage, Allepo and French Morocco (assumeing France's player accepts this act of good will to the French Empier).

The aircraft made are-

China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved. Some football stadiums continue to be built.

Arabia: Begins the coup de grace against Somaliland (Somalia is crushed!). Builds up defences along the Ethiopian border, and continues to send spies to sabatoge the nation. Plans on having a 10kt bomb by the end of next year. Sends funs to Pakistan, an Carthage in attempt to increase stability in Africa. Plans for an invasion of Lithuanian Palestine is planned.

France: military is built up and navy expands,the Space program continues and the Great gun is Started, a weapon that could destroy and kill as much as soldiers needed from a plane, while this a rights revolution begins in france as Black population feels segregated from the rest of the french, de gaulle begins seeking for a new  Law system to avoid the black population from suffering this issue again.

USSR: 75,000 new troops are recruited. 70,000 pistols, 30,000 SMG and 120,000 rifles are made (1,500 of each are sold to Wazeriastan, Pakistan, Arabia, Germany, Lithuania, China, Japan, Spanish Republic and North Norway.) 100 light T-31, 50 T 10 heavy, 100 SMK tank medium infantry and 200 Kv-2 heavy tanks all pour out of the newly built in the exspanded Chelyabinsk Kirov Tank Plant. 5 Kirov-class cruisers, 6 Krasnyi Krym cruisers and 6 Bogatyr-class protected cruisers are made in Leningrad, Arkhangelsk, Sevastopol, Kurch and Rostov-on-Don. Magadan and Odessa harbour is upgraded. 60 Petlyakov_Pe-8, 60 Tupolev TB-3, 50 Sukhoi Su-2 and 70 Yakovlev Yak-4 bombers made in new Tyver factories. 130 Mil-1, 40 Mil-2, 20 Mil-3, 26 Mil-4 helicopters are made in a couple of new Uralsk plants, 50 Ilyushin Il-2 and 50 Ilyushin Il-10 ground attack aircraft are made in new factories in Krasnodar. 3 new truck factories open in Tyver. 600 Yakovlev Yak-7 fighters, MiG 15 and Mig 17 fighters are made in both the new Krasnodar, Smolensk and Uralsk plants. Soviet radar is strengthened and enhanced. Soviets drill more oil in Baku and dig more coal in Donetsk. Gas is drilled in Baku and Western Kazakhstan modestly. Nickle is mined in Komerov modestly and feverishly in Krasnoyarsk. Iron is also mined modestly in north eastern Kazakhstan. 30 Yakovlev Yak-7 fighters,40 Yakovlev Yak-4 bombers, 10 Il-10 ground attack aircraft, 40 SMK tank medium infantry tanks, a Bogatyr-class protected cruisers and Kirov-class cruisers are given to the Spanish Republic, Pakistan and The Rural Bulgarian SSR, along with Soviets, who will train the locals in how to use them. 40 Yakovlev Yak-7 fighters, 10 Yakovlev Yak-4 bombers, Il-10 ground attack aircraft, 50 SMK tank medium infantry tanks and 2 Bogatyr-class protected cruisers and Kirov-class cruisers are sold to Lithuania and Germany. Some Soviets will also train the locals in how to use them. A formal devision is offered to Bulgaria (like OTL East/West Germany) rater than have a fight over there (RNG 1-4 yes, 5-10 no- Resuts= 3, Yes). Ruthinia is also welcomed to the Soviet side. The USSR invades Slovakia with the aim of turning it Marxist (Slovakia is crushed).. The USSR finds a Egyptian nationalist guy they think they can trust in Egypt's army and help General Gamal Abdel Nasser launch a coup. The plan is to help Egypt get back the Suez Canal and biuld a Soviet airfield in Cairo. The Egyptian coup and their Soviet aids control the towns and the lower Nile valley as of now, but will be completed next turn. Soviet light weapons pour in to the pro-coup Nasser regime.


1956 alt game


All grey, non-player continue a 5 year drive to update there technology, science, industry, and infrastructure to OTL then modern levels (for 1957, which is when the plans all terminate). Less Europeans are killed in  Kenya's ongoing anti-British Mau Mau Rebellion. The Malayan Emergency (Malay: Darurat; Jawi: ضرورت) of 1948 to 1960 continues. Gen Nasser secures his part of Egypt. Brazil offers more Bauxite mining rights to the USA in exstange for a frigate and medical technology. Ghana becomes independent and paradoxically both Soviet and UK supporting as in our world. 20,000 Italian and Romania troops move in to Czechoslovakia's rennet (the Czechs) to stave of further hostile action in the name of the Anit-Comintern Pact. The anti-Comintern members each make 20 light tanks, 30 fighters, a frigate (if they have a coast line) and recruit 5,000 more troops. Italy reconises the Fezan and El Kufra as independent, but secures Cyrenica and Tripolitania.

Dutch Empire: Dutch political and trade interests are increased in there allies and the Flemming sepratists are encourage on a diplomatic level. The coup in Egypt is condemned as illegal. The economy rises noticeably. Netherlands football league is to be made more enjoyable and new stadiums are built. The UK appears rudderless and is not looking after their empire, so the Dutch intervened in the pocket sized nation of Brunei and send 100 more troops there and to the British North Bornio town of Luban. Ties are strengthened with Aruba and the banana plantations, phones and harbors are improved. Phones are improved in the Netherlands, Aruba and Suriname as well. Funds and irrigation equipment are sent to Carthage, Allepo and French Morocco (assuming France's player accepts this act of good will to the French Empire). A trade deal is offered to Sudan, Greece and the USA ((RNG 1-4 yes, 5-10 no- Resuts= Sudan 9, no; Greece 4, yes).

The aircraft made are-
  • 5 of the are offered for sale to the Chinese, Americans and Sudanese.
  • China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved. Some football stadiums continue to be built.
  • USA: We accept the trade offer of Brazil and hope to build stronger ties with the nations. The Dutch offer is declined as the military has not been a major interest in the US for a while. Race riots in the South and in the overseas territories are causing major problems for the nation, and Martin Luther King Jr. has begun Mandela-esque guerilla warfare (since Gandhi was so insignificant in this timeline). In response, the KKK ramps up its activities and the situation is deteriorating fast as racial tension heightens.
    • I think Malcom X would dake MLK's spot
  • Arabia: Continuse to invade Ethiopia (Heavy Arabia victory pushes Ethiopia back to it's highlands. ). Offers peace to Italy under the terms that Arabia annexes Somalia and Arabia pays for 1/10 of the war costs. Sends fund and weapons to Nasser in hopes that Egypt gains the Suez Canal, as wells at the newly formed Fezzan and El Kufra to increase Arab influence and increase stability in the region. Continues space, rocket, and nuclear research. Expand military to 550k soldiers.
  • Germany: send support as well to Nasser faction in Egypt trought trade with Arabia. Send a secret message to both the Soviet and the Arab about an defensive alliance to garantee each other against capitalist and imperialist. The navy is slightly build up with a carrier and several support ships. More Horten are build for the airforce and confirm against radar, a large bomber version start to be develop. The German chairman move troops in the Sudeteland and annex the area after a rig referendum. The Anti-Comintern is send an ultimatum to remove his troops from the area.
    • Arab D: We are capitalist, and disaprove of your anti-capitalist agenda, but we will stay neutral in this conflict.
    • USSR D: We agree.
  • United Kingdom: Many attempt to unite the empire culutrally. Infastrucutre and public commons are built up in all nations. In the Malay area the UK government begins to look into the idea of home rule, similar to Canada or Australia. Nevertheless, UK navy is developed further.
    • Arab D: 
      Arab Proposal

      Arab Proposal

      We propose a deal to buy the currently English lands with a coast with the Persian Gulf, lands in the Horn of Africa with an allowed military base, and Socotra Islands. We guarantee to act against the Egyptian coup and any attempts to retake the Suez Canal in the next 5 years, and the UK will recieve cheaper oil as well as substantial amounts of money.



Yes, Ghana's first OTL leader did manage to side with both the British and Soviets at the same time!

All grey, non-player continue a 5 year drive to update there technology, science, industry, and infrastructure to OTL then modern levels (for 1957, which is when the plans all terminate). Less Europeans are killed in  Kenya's ongoing anti-British Mau Mau Rebellion. The Malayan Emergency (Malay: Darurat; Jawi: ضرورت) of 1948 to 1960 continues. Gen Nasser secures his part of Egypt. 1,000 Italian, Hungarian and Romania troops move up to Hungary's border to Czechoslovakia's remnant (the Czechs) to stave of further hostile action in the name of the Anti-Comintern Pact. Poland calls for a League of Nations peace summit. The anti-Comintern members each make 60 medium tanks, 130 fighters, 2 frigates (if they have a coast line), 10 medium bombers and recruit 5,000 more troops. Gen Nasser now runs Egypt. Greece joins the reactivated European Coalition, West Europe Defense Alliance and the anti-Comintern pact. Sudan's president requests help in developing his nation's poor infrastructure and Peru opens several new copper and tin mines. Fidel Castro's communist rebels cause trouble in Cuba and Guatemala's military go on another right wing/anti-Mayan purge. Syria, Algeria, Fezzan, Sudan and Tunisia all singe the Tunis accords creating the ATL Version of our Arab League. Egypt becomes an obsever to it.


1956.6 political blocks.

I will set up the game's UN pages later, but note it's not the  UN, but still the old League of Nations in this world.

Dutch Empire: Dutch political and trade interests are increased in there allies and DNG. The coup in Egypt is again condemned as illegal. The economy rises noticeably. The UK and France are offered an alliance and a trade deal. Ties are strengthened with Aruba and the banana plantations, phones and harbors are improved. Phones and sewers are improved in the Netherlands, Aruba and Suriname as well. Funds and sends irrigation equipment are sent to Sudan  and Algeria (RNG). The Dutch back Poland's sugested LoN peace talks. 1 frigate, 10 light tanks, 10 , 10 , 10 are made. The Dutch join the European Coalition.

China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved. Some football stadiums continue to be built.

Arabia: Asks to join the Arab League (Arabia can join it). Continues to invade Ethiopia (Ethiopia falls).   Supports the peace talks proposed by Poland between the Comintern and anti-Comintern.

  • Kurdistan: Joins the Pan Arabic Railway and begins modernization with Arab help.
  • Pakistan: Many anti-Hindu rallies appear across the nation. The military is built up, and begins modernization with Arab aid.

USA: IN Baton Rouge, two dozen black protesters are killed. The Birmingham Courthouse and a Little Rock train station are both bombed, with radical blacks taking responsibility. Persecuted Hispanics in US possessions have also been whipped into a frenzy and begin to oranize against American and white interests. With violence escalating, people look to the federal government fo help for the first time since the Depression, The presidential race of 1956 subsequently becomes a tight race between a candidate that blames the White South and a candidate that blames the militant blacks.

USSR:The USSR fears the worst and dose not want a full scale war yet. It pulls out of most of Slovakia and only retains a 10 mile wide border zone, which it annexes to Ruthinia. Arms are sent to Castro's rebels in SECRET and we agree to Germany's SECRET alliance against capitalist westerners and Europe's colonial fist in Africa. Aid and small arms floods in to Egypt, the Bulgarian Rural SSR and Ruthinia. Egypt is to be helped build the 2nd Aswan Dam. Slovakia's losses are replayed and they are given 1,000,000 tones of wheat, bricks, cement and coal as the USSR retreats to the 10 mile border strip with Ruthinia, which they hold. Science, Radar, space, engineering, medical and farming technology is improved. The nuclear project gains a 1 off order to test detonate a 20kt bomb next round in Yakutia and build a proper 20kt one by 1958.0. Many new power stations and waterworks are built nationwide. 200,000 rifles, 300,000 pistols and 150,000 SMG whiz off the construction lines and in to use across the USSR. 400 Mig 17 fighters and 300 JS-2 tanks are made across the nation. 10 Tu-24 bombers, a Kirov class crusier, 30 T-54 tanks are made in Rostov-upon-Don's beginning and expanding industrial zone. Magadan will spend a year being upgraded to a major port. China is offered 1,000,000 tonnes of coal as a peace gift. We love China! Coal mining and oil dirllling starts in the appropriate parts of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. A new steel mill, cement works, oil refinery, coking plant and plastics plants pop up in Uralsk, Ryzan, Smolensk, Omsk, Chita and Tyver. Japan and Lithuania are offered an alliance and trade deal.

United Kingdom: Accepts the Dutch Empire's offer, and meets with Malaysian officals to begin talks of Malaysian home rule, similar to Canada or Australia. The special forces begins to be upgraded as well as continued modernization of the navy. 


1957 alt game


All grey, non-player end the 5 year drive to update at modern levels for 1957. Less Europeans are killed in  Kenya's ongoing anti-British Mau Mau Rebellion. The Malayan Emergency dies down in most places. Malaysia acepts the UK's plan for home rule and autonamy. Italy and Hungary attend the Poland's League of Nations peace summit. 2,000 Romanian troops in the Czech Republic are sent back home to Romania. 600 Italian troops move from the Czech Republic in to the recently vacated town of Bratislava, Slovakia. The Anti-Comintern Pact members each make 30 medium tanks, 20 fighters, 2 corvettes (if they have a coast line), 12 medium bombers and recruit 1,000 more troops. Gen Nasser now runs all of Egypt and Nasser ends the opposition in Egypt. Sudan's president requests help in developing his nation's poor infrastructure and Peru opens several more new copper, lead and tin mines and offers discounted price copper to the USA if it can sort out it's race-relations issues first. Fidel Castro's communist rebels cause even more trouble in Cuba and Guatemala's military go on yet another right wing/anti-Mayan purge. Arabia is allowed in to the Arab League. Ghana, Sikim, Sudan and Egypt join the LoN.

Panama's OTL/ATL Colón Free Trade Zone opens for bussiness. The Free Trade Zone is a large entity at the Atlantic gateway to the Panama Canal, dedicated to re-exporting a wide variety of merchandise to Latin America and the Caribbean. It is a free port, the largest such port in the Americas and second largest in the world. It started operations in 1957 and occupies about 600 acres (2.4 km2). It is located near the Atlantic Entrance of the Panama Canal. It is divided in two large areas: one located in Colón, segregated from the city by a wall, and the other relatively new, in the harbour area, which is designated for warehouses, covering 130 acres (0.53 km2) and 400 yards (370 m) from the Colón commercial sector. El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama and Honduras created the ATL version of the OTL Central American Bank for Economic Integration and the Central American Common Market at the singeing of the ATL 1957 Colón Treaty in Colón, Panama. Panama wishes to make a trade treaty with the USA.

Dutch Empire: Dutch political, forstry and trade interests are increased in DNG. The economy rises noticeably. The UK and France are offered an alliance and a trade deal. Ties are strengthened with Aruba and St Maartine the banana plantations, phones and harbors are improved. Waterworks and sewers are improved in the Netherlands, Aruba and Suriname as well. Funds and sends irrigation equipment are sent to Sudan and Algeria (RNG 1-4 yes, 5-10 no- Resuts= 3 and 4, both Yes). Intrest is shown in South America's mineral resorces. 6 aircraft are made. The Dutch suggest the Czech Republic and Slovaks could join the the European Coalition. 100 troopers are sent to western Slovakia as peace keepers and it is put forward at the LoN summit that The Czech Republic and Slovakia could become a LoN protectorate or Dutch protectorate.

China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved. Some football stadiums continue to be built.

Arabia: Sends funds to Sudan, Kurdistan, and Pakistan as well as specialists to help the nations develop.

Arab Plan

Grand Principality of Axium in OTL Ethiopia

An offer is made to France to buy Dijibouti (RNG 1-4 yes, 5-10 no- Resuts=7, No), and re-sends the previous 1956 land offer to Britain. A protectorate state being the Grand Principality of Axium is made with Prince Abdullah made Prince of Axium. A 10kt bomb is made and detonated in a test. Continues research into space, rocketry, and atomic phyisics. Joins the Arab League happily and sends funds and specialists to all affiliated nations.

USA: A new age has dawned in the US with the election of reformer Michael Tarantino to the Presidency. The race of 1956 was tipped in his favor when comments by the governor of Alabama that the Fed should stay out of the South's business backfired and tipped public opinion against the white establishment and its violent arm, the KKK. In a period that would come to be known as The Hundred Days, the President and his action-oriented allies in Congress were able to greatly expand Federal power and oversight and lay plans for eradicating militant blacks, whites, and Hispanics and bring order to the South. Though mostly focused on domestic issues, the President  warns the Dutch not to meddle in South America, although a trade deal could be proposed allowing them some access via the US.

Germany: Do not fully support the Dutch idea and defend our claim on the Sudeteland, also, we want to tell our position that our army can defend the Czech against any intrusion if need. Research on rocket and jet continue, stealth technology continue development. The German space program continue with a satellite planned on 1962. 

Dutch D: The Dutch troops are evacuated from Czechoslovakia. A trade deal offered to Italy and Bolivia (RNG 1-4 yes, 5-10 no- Resuts= 3 and 5, Yes to Italy and no to Bolivia). 

Haiti: Offers Panama, France and Ghana a trade deal Bananas and coconuts for cement, pistols and fule. (RNG 1-4 yes, 5-10 no- Resuts= 4 and 5, Yes to Panama and no to Ghana). France's user to decide on France's responce. Papa Doc Duvalier says Malcolm X is the best black activist yet. A major fruit cannery is made.

There is nobody signed up as Haiti, it is literally just a time




1957 Andreanof Islands earthquake, Mount Vsevidof eruption and subsequent tsunami devastate some of America's Aleutian. islands. Less Europeans are killed in Kenya's ongoing anti-British Mau Mau Rebellion. The Malayan Emergency dies out as Malaysia accepts the UK's plan for home rule and autonomy. The Anti-Comintern now move most of there 18,200 strong forces out of Bohemia province and in to Moravia province, since they are mostly interested in Slovak affairs. 600 Italian troops move from across the Czech Republic and in to Bratislava, Slovakia. Fascist Spain becomes an observer at the Anti-Comintern Pact. The Anti-Comintern Pact members each make 20 medium tanks, 30 fighters, 3 coastal patrol sub (if they have a coast line), 10 medium bombers and recruit 1,000 more troops. Fidel Castro's communist rebels cause even more trouble in Cuba and Guatemala's military go on yet another right wing/anti-Mayan purge. The Fezzan and Syria join the LoN. Greenland became de-facto indipendent after Lithuania annexed Denmark in about 1947-48. They did not get conqured and td not wabt to surrender. They survived as unreconised country with some help from a small group bussness men in Canada and some aid sneeked in from ex-pats living in the USA. Greenland wishes to be reconised by the LoN members as an indipendent nation.

Dutch Empire:Ties are strengthened with Aruba and St Maartine the banana plantations, phones and harbors are improved. Land reclamation and land-polder work continues. Waterworks and sewers are improved in the Netherlands, Aruba and Suriname as well. 18 aircraft are made. The troops Dutch pull out of Czechoslovakia. Food aid and bricks are offered to the American earthquake victims in Alaska.

China: China continues to build up the military. Chiang Kai-shek continues to improve the economy and infrastructure is improved. Some football stadiums continue to be built.

Arabia: Contunues scientific research and expands the military. Officially recognizes Greenland and offers a trade deal (RNG). Sends the 1957 land deal to Britain once more in attempt to get a respponse.

USA: Full-scale federal intervention in the South is the first full military operation since the Great War. Operatives target the KKK first with the hope that Malcolm X and company will calm down once their mortal enemies are disarmed. The troops are mainly successful, although Atlanta is in serious disarray and the territories have yet to be dealt with. The president accepts Denmark's aid gladly and states that he wishes to gain equal rights for Hispanics and recognition for greenland, but has a lot on his plate right now,
