Map Game Wiki

This is a project of mine in which we would choose to play a civilization, kingdom or empire, which you can make up adding in the map according to certain rules.

this project is to mainly see if we can stablish a longterm game.

Each civilization will start in a specific tier

There are ten tiers which are represented by one color , and the highest being the 1st tier in crimson color.

as for the nations you can set them anywhere you want, as far as its not too big or doesn't try to expand faster than the plausible, as well every civilization may name geographical regions near them, such as rivers, mountains lakes and oceans.

Each civilization has unique culture and when a nation reaches an extended size, its divided in provinces which have a certain cost and score depending on its utility or importance, Core provinces are far more important than other provinces. the Head Provinces is where the capital is set, and its the most important province, if this fall, in a war algo you need to leave the war.


  1. Be realistic, we won't have taken over the world in 5 turns, not even your continent.
  2. Stick to your tier, or develop your industry to get ahead but no nation can pass more than a tier at the time, and this take's some time
  3. All nations start in tier 1.Organized nations have specific size requierements, such as kingdom or empire may only be of 20 px while tribal states in the game beginning may only be of 10 px.
  4. No nation knows of the others in the beginning, each is equally isolated
  5. For invasions Use algo's, there will be as well algo's for tribal confederations in the future to avoid confusion.
  6. Vassalization of Tribes takes longer than usual kingdoms vassalization due to its structure.
  7. Vassalization of States take from 5 to 25 years depending on how big is it in comparision to yours, Same aplies to confederations
  8. There is a known world border for each regions, which is no more nor less than 15px from the coast of the civilization's mainland.
  9. nations tiers, will allow or not certain actions, if you do an action that is not tier allowed you will get punished.
  10. Higher tier nations get a +3 bonus per each tier higher they are to its enemies in defensive wars and a +2 in expansive wars.
  11. Each nation will have number code to select which nations starts a new trend or discovery in random election, this numbers begin from 1 to 10.
  12. a province can revolt from its parent nation if mods, or events in the region occur and the central government don't act to defend the province.
  13. Ethnic Cleansing will yield -2 per each turn the main nation has executed in a non primary or provincial center in the last 15 turns.
  14. The start of the game is in year 1
  15. lower tier nations cannot take higher tier nations in less than a century, even if they get 95% or so of scoring in an algo.
  16. Nations pages will be needed to establish certain informations of player nations
  17. There can be religious civil wars.
  18. Players can play as their vassals in the case their main nation has been taken.
  19. Different culture provinces may very easily revolt in case of a long extended war.
  20. Colonization is conquering territories farther or outside your home continent.
  21. To avoid over expansion for sea fairing expansion, There's going to be a Known World Border which is the ingame definition of the known territory (Sea or land) by one nation. This means for an example, Thalassia can't send an expedition to contact the penninsular tribes or to the Bovlu, because they are to far from the KWB, However Thalassia can send an expedition to Cevaire or to Hellatia. which are much closer. For now (Turn 40-50 YIG) the KWB is set at 15 px away in the sea, and 5 px away from the nation border inland.


'Note: If you want to add your nation to the map, please request mod permission. Furthermore, mod events are to be written by mods only. -CookieDamage'Oecumene 200Y


Topographic Map Update

Continent KEY


Landmass 1(Æcasium)(Name2)(Others)

  • Thalassia - Crimson : Sine dei gloriem (talk) 07:14, September 26, 2013 (UTC)
  • Cevaire - Orange : Cookiedamage (talk) 22:15, September 28, 2013 (UTC)
  • Aczoreb Tribes - Brown :
  • Peninsular Tribes - Magenta :
  • Coastal Æcasic Tribes(Cevairean Vassal) - Pink : Cookiedamage (talk) 22:25, January 4, 2014 (UTC)
  • Abarri City States - Lilac :
  • Uskeusen Tribes - Purple :
  • Kingdom of the Gold River- Gold :


    • Kingdom of Anatoray- Ocean Blue : Royal Marriage with Alsache
    • Kingdom of Alsache - Pink : Royal Marriage with Anatoray
  • Khmer Tribes - Dark Grey :
  • Narviki Hierarchy - Purple : Willster22 (User talk:Willster22) 00:12, October 6, 2013 (UTC)
  • Larition River Tribes - Orange:
  • City-State of Immeria - Light Orange:
  • City-State of Corvin - Light Blue:
  • Cheifdom of Leore - Medium Green:
  • City States of Felencia - Light Green:
  • Monastic State of Aterra - Turquoise:

Landmass 2 (Zurker)(Name2)(Others)

  • Lower Zeedomain Empire - Cyan : 
  • Zedomii:
  • Kalaric Kingdom:
  • Kalrican Empire: 
  • Confluence States - Pink :
  • Hilltop City States - Green :
  • Northwestern Zurkori Tribes - Gold :
  • South Well Tribes - Brown :

Landmass 3 (Bayasseau)(Name2)(Others)

Landmass 4 (Argenterium)(Name2)(Others)

Landmass 5 (Izenđär)(Name 2)(Others)

Landmass 6 (Name 1)(Name 2)(Others)

  • South Bay City States - Purple :TOB
  • Inland Tribes - Brown :

Landmass 7 (O'aia)(Name 2)(Others)

Landmass 8 (Rivia)(Name 2)(Others)

Rivians - (grey) Mafia (talk) 23:50, October 2, 2013 (UTC)



I think its fair to say we should start now. Sine dei gloriem (talk) 23:20, October 8, 2013 (UTC)


  1. A few storms hit the archipelago of Bayasseau's Coast.
  2. In Æcasium The Tribal Confederation Called Aicazh Collapses in Eastern Æcasium.This crisis However is felt only in the nearby neighbouring nations and the Desertic tribes who celebrate the collapse of their old ancient enemy.
  3. The Paedaeans in Northern Thalassia continue to settle in the land.
  4. In NorthWestern O'aia and South Eastern Zurker is Hit by a Hurricane
  5. A Large Flooding Occurs in the River north to the Anatorayan Kingdom.
  • Cevaire: Intro to Cevaire: The Realm of Cevaire is founded after the tribes of Ceva and Ayoran conquer the smaller tribes of Derarri and Adelari. The Realm lies between the northerly Deilois River and the southern Ceva River. Towards the far north and south are flat, rolling hills and predominantly temperate climates, while towards the central part of the country exist mountains and hills. Turn 1: Queen Oltimania orders northerly expansion past the Deilois River (3px). The Queen also orders many farming projects along said river. King Harvin orders southern expansion past the Ceva River (3px). The King orders much of the same projects to occur along the Ceva River as well.
  • Hibernion Trade Centers:  A settlement is founded at the mouth of the River Kalikiurius and is known as Hibernion. Within a year after good harvests and much trade with savages the city's population explodes to 400 simpy due to integrating savages and a good harvest. Expands down river (4px) and works on developing sturdy boats.
  • Intro to Zeedom: The Zeedomain Empire is formed after the tribes of Zeeosi and Domnir agree to unify. The world is named Zurker after Emperor Zurker I of Zeedom.(Turn): Emperor Zurker I orders western expansion torwards the Unorp river (3px). Many people begin fishing on Zeedom's coast towards the Great West Zurker River.
  • Northerly Tribes: The council of seven has permitted for the expansion of our people (3px). We expand southward down the river that flows through our controlled territorty.
  • 'Kingdom of Anatoray: 'Intro: Following 30 years of development along the mainland and islands with naval trade and between Anatorays two major cities of Anatoray, and Alterra the King of Anatoray with support from a Trade guild and the Military has begun a period of exponential economy and agricultural expansion officially starting the Kingdom of Anatoray. Turn: The Kingdom takes its more naval based society and with support from the kings and various trade guilds explors of the coast and establishes a small settlement just up the coast from Alterra (mainland city) (3px) . This is done to spread some of the overcrowding from Anatoray as more people are also sent through the island as well with an attempt to spread Anatorayan agriculture(3px). Efficient trade throughout the new settlement, and the City of Alterra is achieved through domesticated horses something achieved through previous developments between Alterra and Anatoray as independant cities before their current unification. 
  • Rivia: We expand 5px along the coast. The Capital City begins to increase the walls. Other cities begin to be build on the Coast. 
  • The Woodland States begin to entertain ideas of a more structured confederacy, with representatives from the largest state, Ammana, being the driving force behind the idea. Trade on the northern Whyaa River and the southern Voyaa River exands, so more people move to these locations, especially to the north (expand north by 3px along the river).
  • Thalassia: Intro to thalassia : the greatest nation in the Region thalassia, a Nation as old as time itself, the thalassian kingdom has however its own foes, in the north the paedaeans, fearless tribes coming from the north, wild as only animals could ever be, the Luricans, coming from the east, strong and bold yet coward when defeated, and finally the graionii, who although having a passive agressive relationship with the Thalassians have in the last 45 years become great allies of thalassia as the crisis and the paedaeans expand, may the land of Lurius stand strong against the foes coming from outside. (Turn) the expansion of the Paedaean into Paedaia brings some concern, yet as the lasts victories of the Thalassian armies against the Luricans and Paedaeans in the recent years, Yet the fear of a Paedaean Invasion in Pedaia is still High, With this the beginning of the creation of the city of Teraseia in the northern border, mainly as a military outpost and settlement to protect the region, while this the military is built up as well as the navy. the navy is a simple squad of ten dual boat ships of fishing. the small fleet would be in the majority for fishing and exploring expeditions. the Senate begins the creation of the Codium Terrai or the Code of earth as a basis for political expansion purposes and lordship creations within Thalassian lands. 3px expansion along the Southern coast begins annexing graionii city states in the south Sympathizing with the Thalassian Kingdom.


  1. The Collapse of the Aicazh peoples in Æcasium pacifies the region as many of the enemy tribes begin settling down in their regions, taking advantage of the complete collapse of any sort of government, yet the last prince of the Aicazh, Lurek Aiz'h leads the remnants of the Aicazh beyond what they call the Taritse Xare or the "River in between" and settle in northern Argenterium.
  2. The Paedaeans Invade The Thariaea tribal region successfully gaining half of the small confederation (5px) and forcing the Thariaeans to pay tribute to Geras Paith king of the Paedaeans.
  3. A Storm Hits southern Æcasium and Northern Bayessaeu, Near The Qarun tribes.
  4. In O'aia the Ghalage expand westward by 3px beginning the era of tha Ghalagian ruling in western O'aia. this is impulsed by Taer Ghalak a tribes leader that began the fight with the river peoples.
  5. A big flooding temporarily connects the Zeedomian lake and the Open ocean.
  • Rivia: We expand another 6 px. The Port Cities continue to grow. The Ruling Families of the two Port Cities begin a Feud that will burn and simmer for many generations. The Capital continues to expand.
  • Northerly Tribes: We continue expanding by another 3px along the river leading south, we begin to develop a primative form of irrigation and farming along the river.
  • Kingdom of Anatoray: The Kingdom continues to expans through the mainland (3px) as well as the island (3px) intent on securing more farmland and resources. More Refined stone tools are worked on with Obsidian being used for weapons among other tools. The first ships that were previously made to sail and go up and down the coast begin a limited exploration mission throughout the surrounding areas.The population manages a growth to about 90,000 as increasingly available farmland allows for more children to be had. Deposits of an uknown rock wash up in streams and the Annar river basin. The rocks are just a curiosity and nothing becomes of them for now. Horsebreeding is increasingly taken upon on the Mainland with it becomming a profitable enterprise. Research into possibly making better tools, to better construct ships are taken upon. With flood waters from the previous year depositing all down the Alterran Peninsula enriching much of the peninsular Soil a developing river system seems to be forming as large rivets are carved down the peninsula observed by certain magistrates of the kingdom.
  • Cevaire: Queen Oltimania orders expansion north of the Deilois River (3 px). King Harvin remains sickly throughout the year due to a series of lung infections, so Oltimania assumes control over Harvin's realm in addition to her own. The Queen orders expansion south of the Ceva River (3 px). The agricultural projects started last year continue, as well as a new project intent on establishing a strong capital city for Cevaire. Although Ceva, the capital of Ceva Province, is technically the largest city in the country, it is much closer in structure to a tribal settlement. Because of this, a plan is drawn out to establish a capital at the mouth of the Ceva River, around 40 miles from the ocean coast. Construction on the city of Oltimanium begins in late July. Three months later, fisherman working to provide food for workers on the city are swept out into the sea by a large storm. They discover a large island two days later and name the island Ayorica in honor of Ayoran. When they return later that week and present their findings, the Queen and recovering King are very enthusiastic on the discovery. The island is claimed by the Ayoran province.
  • Reasonia: Last year, a powerful Duke had jostled himself into position of being the heir of the Kingdom of Reasonia, since the old King was dying without a suitable heir. The when the King dies in a suspicious accident, the Duke is considered to be guilty, but he claims the throne before any charges can be made. He begins an autocratic rule, but surrounds himself with educated men in order to maintain his power. It is decided that a powerful capital city must be established, so the new King establishes the city of Excalion on the east shore of the Great Argenterian River at the Bay. Farming industries grow rapidly due to the fertile soil, urging expansion into the wilderness. (6 px of growth). People begin to worship a deity called Niolesh, who is seen as the Sustainer of All Life. The religion is highly monotheistic. Rumors say the new King is secretly worshiping Niolesh, which allow the religion to gain a 25% population. The remainder worship their ancestors, but the population of these people is declining.
  • Thalassia:The paedaean expansion continues concerning the many in the senate.from the 30 senators,12 call for an preemptive invasion of the paedaean territories, yet the other 18 senators state that such actions would only drive the paedaeans against the Thalassian city and rendering it as a useless war.Teraseia although threatened grows fast and outstanding, the small city with only over one Kilometer and a small fortress has become a trading city between the paedaeans and The Provinces of Pedaia. Even the first step towards a friendlier relations with the Paedaeans.the fleet of Dual boats is expanded from 15 to 32  a few of them reaching both Pratium (the southern small island) and some others reaching Corsium in the west Settling the regions (3px) and soon defeating the local Tharians and Luricans in each island, with this creating 1 new provinces, Thalassia Insularis. Military is built up and navy expands.
  • Zeedoom: A fisherboat lead by a man named Uzik goes far into the western part of the Zeedomain River. Uzik  noticed that the water was deeper than anything he had seen before. He got scared and ordered the ship to go back to Zeedom where he told everybody there that he had been in a deepest part of the river. Emperor Zurker I orders able bodied men who are 18 years or older to join the army.Some people settle northward. (2px)
  • Hibernion: Continues expansion down river (5px). Hibernon's population reaches 600, and the wealthy bourgousie hire mercenaries and forcefully take control of the city, making it a Trade Republic and a fiscal conservative's wet dream as buisness thrives and exploitation rises. The flood plains around the river are found to be fertile and farming begins, orchards are made and sunflowers are becoming suprisingly popular due to their tasty seeds and become a large source of food. Develpment of river-boats continues.
  • In The Woodland States, Ammana continues pushing for a tight confederacy. Trade on the northern Whyaa River and the southern Voyaa River exands, so more people move to these locations, especially to the north (expand north by 3px along the river).
  • Triple River Tribe:After one year of organization The Chief orders the construction of boats. With the boats constructed, we sail along the the three rivers and find fish and new surrounding land where we gather nuts, fruits, and resources to construct more tools. Across our voyages we establish ports and thus expand ourselves.


  1. The Last Remnants of the Aicazh disperse from the wide empire they owned, the last real Aicazh lead bastions are the one lead by Lurek in Argenterium and one in the south, in the river's mouth.The Desert peoples begin invading the cities without protection easily destroying the remnants of the Aicazh Organization (Pretty close to the Mongol structure).However the Aicazh Ambassadors contine travelling through Æcasium reaching the Hellarion and the Abarri and Aczoreb.
  2. The Paedaeans continue expanding after the Invasion of the Thalerii in the Northern River successfully yields a victory gainning a third of their land (7px). however the already tired paedaean army withdraws returning to their home in northern Thalassia to rest tired of the years of war it has spent lately.
  3. A flooding hits Paedaean Lands in northern thalassia Making of the Penninsula a Island for a While. However this state only avoids the Aicazh Ambassadors to reach the Island for a while. For Now the thalassians,Graionii and the Luricans remain unaware of them.
  4. A Storm Hits Southwestern Æcasium south of Cevaire causing small floodings in the coast Cevaire and the rest of the Penninsula and the Island.
  5. In Atlantea a few tribes settle in Exonessia after the monsoon seasons ends calling themselves the Siandi tribe.
  6. A few Tribes in the great bay south of Reasonia form a small kingdom in the island south of the reasonian insular region.


The Ret outline is the extension of the Aicazh Khanate empire

'​'Cevaire: Queen Oltimania orders expansion north of the Deilois River (3px) and expansion south of the Ceva River (1 px). The Queen then orders a fleet of nearly 150 settlers to colonize the newly discovered island of Ayorica (2 px). The settlement of Terra deu Plenas (Land of the Beaches in Cevairean) is founded in Late March. However, the settlement does not begin on a high note. Tropical storms in the Summer ravage the settlement and destroy most of the buildings there. Around 100 people are killed. The settlement remains in this gloomy, deathly, and dilapidated state until February of the next year. The same series of tropical storms also damage construction efforts on Oltimanium and flood several areas of the Cevairean coast. In more cheerful news, King Harvin begins to slowly recover while resting in Ceva. He approves the naming of the land south of the Ceva River Agosielle in honor of Harvin's surname and the dynastic name of the ruling family.

From this point out do not use bullet points for your main nation turn, this is so we can post as vassals among other things much more clearly.

Kingdom of Anatoray: The Kingdom takes more expansion across the island (3px) with expansion across the Mainland going as well (3px). The Kingdom begins to use limited amounts of Obsidian as weaponry with the first Spearheads being crafted for a small force for training. The City of Alterra begins observation of the lands around it, that have not been settled yet beginning a process of finding the best places to Settle with other places being declared better for Agriculture. A Religious process begins in which Wood, Rocks, among other things are heated up and burned and animals such as Horses and Cattle are sacrificed to the God's. The Central Mountain on the island named "Ceres Mountain" Is prepared to be made into a religious center of the kingdom with temples being prepared along the mountains. 

Rivia: We expand another 6 px. The Port Cities continue to grow. The Ruling Families of the two Port Cities continue the feud that will burn and simmer for many generations. The Capital continues to expand.

Thalassia: Although the war between the Paedaean and the Thalerii is heard many consider this the last action, the only remaining enemy they had, However Half of the Senate still remains against the war. but the concern continues, The King Lucius II however chooses to remain Siding with the peacefulls as he claims that the Paedaeans would not dare to invade Thalassia after its latest defeat. However the military sides with the Warring side claiming that its only matter of time, and the recent victories for the Paedaeans will only give them a bigger confidence to attack us However the Senate agrees although concerned to not attack the paedaeans while this expansion continues south by 3px annexing the remaining territory of Pratium and some graionii city states, Military is built up and the Temple of Lurica is built in Kaidos.Navy expands from 32 to 50 ships.

Hibernion: Continues expansion down river (3px). Begins to expand to the north, east, and south (1px in each direction). River-side communities begin to sprout up and river-trade is at an all time high. Local silk worms are discovered and are put in farms and the silk produced begins to reign in much commerce. The military expands and the population of the main city reaches 1,000 but the country itself consists of almost 1,600. The navy and army are expanded upon.

I Believe Tribes are limited to about 4 pixels of Expansion while the newly emerged kingdoms are at 6. Some of the other large gains have all been from conflict between NPC's 

Nevermind didnt realize you were in fact a collection of trade settlements. however your still limited to 6 Pixels of expansion per turn currently. #LivinLikeFeudal (talk) 04:37, October 12, 2013 (UTC)


  1. The Aicazh Ambassadors reach Thalassia and Cevaire after the long odissey they had started in Aizh Ital in the coast, However the Ambassadors from the neighbouring regions are Killed by the Paedaeans and The Luricans after the Ambassadors tried to convert them to the Aicazh Religion. In Thalassia and Cevaire they try the same however the Senate rejects it in Thalassia and the Monarchy does the same in Cevaire
  2. The Paedaeans Last Victory is Achieved when the Luricans in Thalassia are completely annexed (18px)Soon they launch an Invasion of Thalassia, Sieging Teraseia However the Weaponry of both sides is unable to take the city, yielding only a pyrrhic victory to the Paedaeans who flee after looting the vicinity and being paid a ransom for the city by the other pedaian Cities.
  3. The Small Kingdom of Xaresta lead by Lurek Expand by 5px along the coast of Lake Xarya Alli or "the great lake" However they find Resistance from Xarians , Inhabitants of the Region who have themselves formed a Kingdom of less than 10px in the coast.
  4. A Flooding Occurs in Zeedom in the recently conquered territories, Causing the destruction of the local crops and beginning a small famine in the region.
  5. A Storm Hits Reasonia and its southern Neighbour, Causing difficulty in the Insular Expansion for the Year.
  6. Finally a Storm Hits and Floods Parts of Northern Anatoray and neighbouring regions.


Rivia: We expand another 6 px. The Port Cities continue to grow. The Ruling Families of the two Port Cities continue the feud that will burn and simmer for many generations. The Capital continues to expand. The Feud between the Ports boils over, and they attempt to attack each other, but the far more powerful Army of the Capital demands they remain out of the inland areas. As the Coastline is far too Mountainous, the cities begin to build fleets, of sleek, fast warships. The Capital is named the Citadel due to its Fort-like appearance. It is made of Granite, mined from the Mountains.

Northerly Tribes: When continue expanding down the river that runs through our lands.

Kingdom of Anatoray: The Kingdoms continue theri expansion officially securing all the known lands on the home island with a major settlement known as Montevado set up on the far side of the island with about 6000 inhabitants. Due to its access to stone available for Quarry the the Settlement quickly begins to grow into a notable city with the Quarries helping secure the economic future of the area. On the mainland expansion by 3px continues with the expansion up the river taking precedence due to its availability and usage for farmland. The population of the Kingdom continues to expand with it reaching to nearly 120,000 and booming fast from the Economies core focus on Agriculture and allowing for available food in exchange for labor services. The City of Alterra also begins a major promotion of land settlement as the Peninsular plains are continually secured. at the Far reaches of the current territorial extent of the kingdom, the river settlement of Odera is established. A New king takes the throne named King Sigurd and begins establishing a more friendly expansionist environment promoting to a degree, free thought and hiring some of the greatest known thinkers in the kingdom to help promote new ideas. The Kingdom of Anatoray begins to clean up from the flooding in the northern areas of the mainland. New Ships are launched and a more exploratory expedition is made along the eastern coast.

The Kingdom of Bovlu: Intro: The Kingdom of Bovlu is founded after the tribe of Bovlu annexes the neighboring tribe of Nevook, north of the river of Bovlin, on the island of Baysovlu. The tribes on the island of Baysovlu in the continent of Bayasseau is one of the more fortunant islands of the continent, having the most livable conditions throughout its entire land, but also is one of the smallest. It holds a variety of small jungles, forests, floodplains, and rolling hills. Turn: The Kingdom of Bovlu, ruled by the King Obsenarc, begins a series of expansions (3px). This is due to the desire for his Kingdom to border the entire river of Bovlin. The capital city of Baylu is described as the most beautful city never built, as there are numerous plans in the air to begin construction of several canals, as well as numerous arched houses, flood gates, and bridges, but they have yet to find any large number of donors for the projects. Several trade ships are sent out to the nearby islands of the continent in order to secure trade partners to fund a more rapid expansion of the Kingdom.

Zeedom: The nation goes into panic as news of a flood destroying crops and a small famine happening in parts of the empire. Emperor Zurker I suggets that anybody close to the flooding moves away. The nation is expanded to places farther away from the flooding. (3px)

Cevaire: The Aicazh Ambassadors are allowed entry into Cevaire, however a distrustful Queen Oltimania puts them under close watch. Howver in april, when a strange event at court where a few ambassadors try to convert courtiers to the Aicazh religion, the Queen has them imprisoned. They are imprisoned in the makeshift palace in rural Ayoran. When faced with this predicament, the Queen orders a decree where work on a provincial city, prison, and palace would go underway. In other news, Oltimania orders expansion north of the Deilois river (2 px) and south of the Ceva river and into Agosielle (2 px). King Harvin recovers enough to join the Queen in her Ayoranese court. The King orders a new wave of Cevairean colonists to settle in Ayorica and aid in reconstruction (2 px). Farming projects continue around Cevaire. Work resumes on Oltimanium as well. In March, Queen Oltimania announces her pregnancy, and in December gives birth to a boy. Celebrations take place all over the country. Afterwards, Queen Oltimania with the help of her privy council, draw up a line of succession based on absoulte primogeniture. Harvinos, the new baby boy, is named Heirate deu Cevaire (Heir to the throne). Any second child will be named Alte Prince deu Cevaire (High Prince of Cevaire. See "Cevaire (Civilizations: The Dawn Map Game" for more info on line of succession).

Hibernion: Continues expansion down river (3px) and in the surrounding region as well (1px east, north, south). Olive orchards are planted in order to begin the producing of olive oil, a precious trade commodity, in order to bring in more money. The disorganized and decentralized governmant begins to organize more and a Senate system is put in place, with two representatives from each city, using the MMP voting system, but only land owners can vote. Military increases in strength, as well as the navy. The capital city of Hibernion expands to almost 2,500 people and the total national population reaches nearly 4,000.

Thalassia: The Arrival of the Aicazh is Unexpected, the all the Senators feel shocked  and surprised to find such Empire so big, However the biggest concern is that the Aicazh could stage some sort of invasion to Thalassia, but this concern is easily turned down as the Aicazh Ambassadors as they say their empire is in crisis (Not recognizing their collapse). with this being said Lucius opts to choose to first treat with the Paedaean Expansion, after the Attempted invasion of the city of Teraseia, The Ransom is of 100 kilos of Gold taken from the Gold mines in Paedaia. However for an instance its all forgotten, as Lucius Marries with Arcadia a Princes of the last kingdom of the graionii in the south Helladia. By the End of the year Gessius is borned.The Military is built up and the Expansion now Focus from Corsium to the Tharian Lands as they are Weakened expanding by 5px, the Navy continues expanding reaching the number of 66 ships mostly trading between the small republic and the Carcidonian Kingdom in the South.


  1. The Paedaeans Continue Fighting this Time attacking the Northern Aczoreb Tribes (Unrelated to the Aczoreb In Lilac color) However the tension of the Siege of Teraseia with Thalassia has grown, Most of the Senators In the Kingdom Push for the war yet the King Lucius Chooses to delay it and wait until the Paedaeans are Weaker.
  2. Carcidona Enters into crisis as Grassland Peoples Invade the Small trading republic (Equivalent of Carthage) However the fleet and the fast actions of the army manage to put the crisis down and bringing the army of the Barbars of the Republic.
  3. The Xaresta and Xarya Continue fighting but the war is already lost by the Xaryans as their fleet of a few ships is destroyed when attempting to enter the Xsareya River and as the Armies of Lurek Invade the Remaining lands remaining only the small army of the king to fight him.
  4. A Sudden pest hits the Narvik decreasing its population by its Half and causing some nearby peoples to trying to Unsucessfully invade its Territories.
  5. In Agosielle Some peoples meet with the Cevairean settlers, beginning a trading route with the south of the Penninsula.
  6. In O'aia the Woodland tribes find gold in the Northern river beginning a displacement of peoples to the region and giving them a +2px for 3 turns.

Cevaire: Settlers in Agosielle encounter outer Coastal Æcasic Tribespeople and trade Cevairean goods with them. Word travels quickly to Queen Oltimania's court in Ayoran. While she is initially wary of these tribespeople, the Queen eventually approves of an official trade route in late August. The Queen also orders teams of several Derrarite explorers to travel to the Coastal Æcasic homeland. Similarly, Oltmania orders explorerers, mostly of Ayoranese descent, rather than Derrari, to travel east. This decision is made due to the still imprisoned Aicazh Ambassadors speaking of an "eastern empire". This piques the Queen's interest, however she still is wary of the ambassadors, especially as their religion begins to spread among the recently conquered peoples of Derarri and Adelari. Both peoples, heavily patriarchial in nature, believe they are being subject to the whims and orders of a domineering woman ruler, one who scoffs at their respective cultures and ways of life. Such rumors persist in the Ayoran courts, as well as Cevairean courts. The Queen and King make a public appearance in November condemning the rumors and what they see as "vile prejudices against our royal majesties and the people ourselves". In other news, Heirate Harvinos celebrates his first birthday, and a lavish celebration is held in Ayoran. Queen Oltimania orders expansion north and east of the Deilois River (2 px for both directions (4 px in total)), while King Harvin orders expansion south of the Ceva River (2 px). Work on the capital city of Oltimanium continues in northern Ceva. The provincial capital and palace in Ayoran continues as well. Colonists continue to be sent to Ayorica. The farming projects continue, but noticeable change will take years to appear.

Kingdom of Anatoray: The Kingdom takes the last small part of Trevatio island (Final Pixel), with the Settlement of Montevado continuing to increase, and with the Capital city of Anatoray pushing the limits with new thinkers and minds being used to help expand and look into new philosophies and technologies. The Expansion of the kingdom takes on greater heights as Anatoray expands across the peninsula by (5px) The Significant increase of Arable farmland available from the mainland secures the ability of Anatorays expansion as the population grows to about 137,000 with a special encouragement being sent out to Anatorays people to have more children as "food is cheap, and land is plentiful" The King himself takes a tour of the mainland using some of the new ships being built in Anatorays ports. The Army of Anatoray is currently extremely lax and small with no need to have an overly 

Anatoray expansion

anatoray Expansion turn 5

expansive military to be used in any sense. However some of the emerging scholars and nobility believe that Anatoray could in no way be the only kingdom or nation in the lands and does however put the around 10,000 soldiers provided between the cities of Alterra, and Anatoray through intensive training and organizational programs intent on allowing for this highly trained force to take care of any issues that may crop up in the future. The King is advised by the leading magistrate of Alterra that the Cities resources are being stretched trying to manage the settlement and advises control of the norther parts of the frontiers be given to Odera. This is accepted and Odera itself is made a Hub of Trade at the Mouth of the Oderomon River 

Hibernion: Continues expansion North, South, and East (2px each). Sea-worthy boats begin being produced at a quick pace for fishing, as the fledgling nation reaches the open ocean. Savage tribes in the surrounding areas are contacted, advertising Hibernion as a place of trade, law, and a refuge from other tribes and as a result migration into the country skyrockets. The military and navy expand significantly.

Three River Tribe:After some of our people went exploring communication was lost and soon the Chief died, and our nation descended into civil war. Now the surviving explorers have returned to the civil war and call a meeting between the tribe members. The result of the meeting is the selcting of a new young chief, for this situation not to happen again. His first order of business is conducting a feast from the food gathered from the explorers. This in turn centralizes the tribe.

Thalassia: the Senate continues pushing for the war against paedaeans, military and navy are built up, the kingdom expands 1px south ward and 2px towards the tharians.ADD MORE LATER

Rivia: We expand another 6 px. The Port Cities continue to grow. The Ruling Families of the two Port Cities continue the feud that will burn and simmer for many generations. The Capital continues to expand. The fleets of the two ports are complete, and the Citadel takes an interest, beginning it's own fleet. The Port cities raze each other with their fleets, as they have no defences. They begin to rebuild the cities, focusing on Defensibility from the Sea. 


  1. The Kingdom of Alsache managed to expand just a bit with its mountainous terrain making it extremely difficult to expand across its islands (5px) Limited expeditions to the mainland are also made but many ships are destroyed in the voyages through the channel
  2. The Narviki begin to recover moderately
  3. The Ghalage tribes manage to secure a large tract of land and decide to settle permanently (3 px)
  4. The Xaresta make an astonishing victory against the Armies of Larek as bad weather bogged down the Larekian armies allowing for the king of Xaresta and his army to perform an outright slaughter. The king begins to withdraw the nation into itself to prevent further issues and consolidate his luck and remaining strength.
  5. The Paedaeans Pacify the Aczoreb in Northern Thalassia gaining 5px with the end of the war.The Luricans meet the Aicazh as some Aicazh ambassadors fleed from thalassia to the south. the Luricans surprisingly welcome the Aicazh and their Religion.
  6. In the Plains of Agosielle similar events occur with some fleeing from Cevairian territory after bribing some guards on its way out. In Agosielle the Aicazh religion soon gains strength in the region and posses some Opposition to the Cevairian religion and nation.

Hibernion: Continues expansion (3px southeast, 2pixels north, 1 pixel east). Continues integration of tribal peoples and hunter/gatherers, which causes some unrest in the nation as diffirent cultures mix and conflict. A city is founded at the delta of the Kalikiurius River called Faxticor whith a population of almost 1,100; the population of the nation reaches over 7,000. The military and navy expands, and naval explorers begin exploring coasts to the north and south to search for other trade partners.

Cevaire: In January, the Queen announces her second pregnancy. On October 14, she gives birth to a girl, named Bedencia. Bedencia is then named High Prince Bedencia of Cevaire. The Queen orders expansion north of the Deilois river (2 px), south of the Ceva River and into the Coastal Aecasic peoples (2 px), and east towards Thalassia (2 px). Explorers commisioned by the King begin to construct makeshift settlements on the way to Thalassia. The settlement of Ayorica continues to recover. The first Cevairean is born on March 15, an Ayoranese boy by the name of Guierme Daire. More colonists are sent over on orders by King Harvin. Work on Oltimanium continues, as does work on the Ayoranese provincial capital and palace, and large scale farming projects around the country. In other news, the Queen becomes angered in July when it is discovered some Aicazh ambassadors who were able to flee arrest escape through Agosielle. The Aicazh religion grows in Derarri and Adelari, where an opposition begins growing against Queen Oltimania and the Cevarean-Ayoranese solar religion. More radical Adelarians and Derarrites believe the Queen is out of her traditional place as a woman and must be dethroned to make room for a new king. King Harvin is also targeted by the new opposition group. 

Kingdom of Anatoray: The kingdoms hired thinkers manage to get down the first facets of the language of Anatoray with it being used for record keeping and a few other minor things. The king himself begins to educate himself on the matter as well. The rituals of the religion of the kingdom bring out some of the first veins of gold, which is consequently widely sought after. However not knowing how to find it and with it being based near pure luck to extract the kingdom begins looking for this in earnest particularly. The Kingdom itself expands up the Peninsular west coast (3px) and also using Odera as a spring board expands up the river (3px) The population grows to about 145,000 with the inclusion of some of the migratory tribesman the kingdom regularly trades with. these tribes men are all over the peninsula and readily accept the increased amounts of food they get in return for safety and for the most part near free roaming through the peninsular plains. An Anatorayan ship lands on the Alsachean islands but does not make contact with any organized civilization.

Thalassia:Military and navy expands. the paedaeans continue threatfull, the kingdom expands 1 px south wards and 2 px towards tharia.


turns will be advanced every turn between 5-7 Central Standard time. Thank your for your understanding and participation. Please remember to post regularly and often.

  1. The Kingdom of Alsache makes first contact with the kingdom of Anatoray, the same cultural base allows for a limited form of communication between two kingdoms who languages are the same but with different dialects allowing for different enough language to be considered independant languages.
  2. The Ghalage tribes officially erect their first permanent settlement named Nagala and begin advancing past a Tribal stage of development. (3 px expansion)
  3. The Xaresta begin to rebuild their population following their previous devastating conflict.
  4. Minors forms of Mettalurgy are discovered in multiple areas across the planet however the process of replication and repitition are rudimentary and work about 1% of the time making it very unworthy to keep trying.

Rivia: We expand another 6 px. The Port Cities continue to grow. The Ruling Families of the two Port Cities continue the feud that will burn and simmer for many generations. The Capital continues to expand. The fleets of the two ports are complete, and the Citadel takes an interest, building it's own fleet. The ports continue to rebuild the cities, focusing on Defensibility from the Sea

The Kingdom of Bovlu: The expansions by King Obsenarc continue (3px towards the rive Bovlin). The construction of a temple dedicated to the god Isafer begins, and is supported by the abundant fishing economy of the capital city. An expansion of the capital of Bovlu begins, to add one large and main canal on the outskirts of the city, as a plan to create a series of canals for future expansion of the cities population. Due to a more rapid expansion into the jungles of the island, the timber industry grows and allows for the construction of more trading vessels, which are sent around the interior coasts of the continent to find trading partners. A fairly small intellectual revolution seems to be on the rise with the increased production of agriculture, mainly dealing with a more expressive form of writing for the Bovluian Kingdom. 

Cevaire: Queen Oltimania orders expansion north of the Deilois River (2 px), south of the Ceva River (2 px), and southeast towards the southern sea (2 px). The settlement of Ayorica reaches a population of 170, which the settlers then name Raya Jevilla (Bright Jewel in Cevairean, named for what the colonists saw as a strong, resilient settlement (The previous name of Terra deu Plenas still applies to the abandoned settlement 1 px away from the current settlement)). The countrywide population reaches 90,000, mostly centered in the coastal areas of Ceva and Ayoran. Work is continually being done on Oltimanium and the provincial capital and palace of Ayoran. Farming projects continue, but years will pass before there is any noticeable change. In other news, explorers sent by King Harvin continue to travel eastwards, naming the new land Pantenaca (Great Marshland in Cevairean). Contact has not yet been made with the Thalassians. The population of Agosielle reaches 600. Farther north, groups opposed to the Cevairean crown and religion continue to rise in Derarri and Adelari. The imprisoned Aicazh ambassadors become martyrs for the opposition groups, and this begins to worry Queen Oltimania. Heirate Harvinos turns three in December, and High Prince Bedencia turns one in October.

Kingdom of Anatoray: The King being extremely focused with the metal being heated out of Rocks brings many workers and some religious men together to look for certain things within rocks which end up managing to smelt out certain metals but remains grossly unable to shape or use them in any efficient manner. Gold Remains the only metal in which the King remains explicitly steadfast in figuring out. The Kingdom itself continues development of the islands with Montevado's wall system complete and Anatoray beginning a roadway system to Montevado. The ship development continues with the sailors sailing from Odera down the coast and establishing a coastal fishing settlement named Guldvik. (3px) The advance up the Peninsular plains continues as well by (3px) The neccessity of building materials needed on the mainland brings the Quarries of Montevado into a high impact industry with new large trade ships being developed and built by the City of Anatorays expert ship builders. The large ships are primarily used in transporting moderate amounts of stone to the the mainland cities of Odera and Alterra. The Kingom continues with its linguisitical development with certain elites and high class members of society being semi educated in writing this new language. Contact with the kingdom of Alsache, and the similar gods and Culture between the two begin to foster good relations between the two kingdoms, as King Sigurd meets with their king in an attempt to foster the good relations. The Population reaches 158,000. King Sigurd and Anatoray begin to influence Alsache to a degree using the shared culture to begin fostering good relations between Anatoray and Alsache. 

Northerly Tribes: We still continue our expansion down river until we hit "big water" (the ocean)

Thalassia: the Choice is finally made, War is declared against the paedaean when the King Lucius realises that the next target would only be one, Thalassia, they hate against Our people is only one reason and our threat as the biggest nation on the south threatening their position in Northern thalassia, While this the Thalassian expansion towards the west called Poniens Continues as The Conquest of thalassia continue growing,Meeting with inland peoples Called Pantacians due to the name their own people uses ( they are closely related or should be influenced by Cevaire) the Pantacii peoples are surprised to hear about the Thalassian advance through the ocean and the Carcidonian fleets criss crossing the southern Sea, Yet the thalassian are the ones getting a bigger surprise as they hear about the Sevarii ( Thalassian name for the Cevairian) who the Pantacians tell are a uniquely and great civilization, made to reach the greatness that the Gods have gave Upon them, the Thalassian sailor Gaius Caedaeus returns to Corsium where he writtes a letter to the king

Documentum Thalassianum

Letter from Lucius in thalassian Scripture.

where he says " The Sevarian Peoples are great in their story, the peoples of the ponient know that the kingdom and the word of the Sevarians is known by name from everyone that inhabits the lands of the west for my king, Lucius Caedaeus. The surprise couldn't be any shown in the senate who orders to contact this peoples and to colonize in the mouth of the Pantacia River. with this said, the military and navy is built up and the kingdom expands 3px towards the river.

Tripe RIver Tribe:Last year the Chief died of unknown causes and the Tribe plunged into civil war again, with 9 factions warring. After 1 year of warfare, everyone agreed that it was enough, and the nine leaders decided to settle down and set out peace agreements. In order to avoid ineffective Chiefs in the future, the nine leaders decided to make themselves a tribal council to make effective decisions on how the tribe should be run. Another feast is made, and many hope that this new type of government will work.


  1. The kingdom of Alsache establishes full control over one of its two islands with minimal expansion on the other island (2px). 
  2. The Narviki continue to recover. The Khmer tribes makes their first appearance to other local tribes pillaging and killing in a vast distance. some of this territory is occupied heading east along the plains (6px)
  3. The Ghalage tribes continue to put themselves down into a semi kingdom status as they consolidate their population and power
  4. The Abarri city states expand with almost 3 seperate colonies being formed (9px)

Kingdom of Anatoray: 

The Population reaches 167,000. The kingdom continues to expand (3px) up the peninsula and expands Guldvik by another (3px) The king still is keep on focusing on developing these metals seeing them as potentially valuable for many things. King Sigurd also promotes open friendship to many of the peaceful tribes settled in many of the areas on the peninsular and major plains of the continent. The City of Alterra contineus its expansion becomming the main Population hub behind the Capital city Anatoray itself. The King himself begins looking for
Continental expansion 8YIG

This map includes every nations expansion on the continent.

prospects for marriage but has yet to find any woman he deems worth his affection and worth the position of Queen. The Royal army is given better equipment however many of the men are still fighting in light animal skin and tanned armor. The first full language base of Anatoray is finished with many elites being taught how to read and write on tablets. 

King Sigurd and Anatoray begin to influence Alsache to a degree using the shared culture to begin fostering good relations between Anatoray and Alsache. He also offers Alsache a trade agreement.

Rivia: We expand another 6 px. The Port Cities continue to grow. The Ruling Families of the two Port Cities continue the feud that will burn and simmer for many generations. The Capital continues to expand. The fleets of the two ports are complete, and the Citadel takes an interest, building it's own fleet. The ports continue to rebuild the cities, focusing on Defensibility from the Sea

Cevaire: The Queen orders expansion north of Deilois River (3 px), south into Agosielle (2 px), and east (1 px). The settlement of Raya Jevilla reaches 200. The population of Agiosielle  reaches 616. The countrywide population reaches 90,000, mostly centered in Ayoran and Ceva. Work is continually being done on Oltimanium and the provincial capital and palace of Ayoran. Farming projects continue, but years will pass before there is any noticeable change. The Queen orders that 18 YIG be the year which Oltimanium should begin being inhabited. Worrying that the current part of explorers might be dead, King Harvin orders a group of eight to explore the continent by sea, and reach the eastern empire, those the Aicazh mentioned, with more ease. In other news, the opposition groups have earned the name Martyis Bajis (Tiny Martyrs in Cevairean). Rumors spread that the Queen herself came up with the nickname. Regardless, the groups grow in influence in Adelari and Derarri, and while most groups advocate a peaceful resignation of their female ruler, some preach the murder of Queen Oltimania. This continually worries her and she frequently meets with her privy council on what to do. Heirate Harvinos turns four this year, while High Prince Bedencia turns two.

Hibernion: Countinues expansion at current rates· Population continues rapid increase·

Thalassia: the War continues waging in northern paedaea as military sieges paedaean settlements military is built up and expansion continues into Sevaea by 3px.


  1. The Paedaeans continue the fight pushing into Pedaia, sieging but not taking teraseia.
  2. The Aicazh luricans continue converting the Lurican peoples to the Aicazii religion
  3. From Central Aicazh territory some groups begin to move to the east, reaching Hellarion soon in a fast movement.
  4. The Alsache consolidate their power in the islands Expanding by 3px
  5. The Narviki Recovery continues
  6. The Lacustrian Tribes cross the Mountains of the Plains invading the Plains peoples in Argenterium

Rivia: We expand another 6 px. The Port Cities continue to grow. The Ruling Families of the two Port Cities continue the feud that will burn and simmer for many generations. The Capital continues to expand. The fleets of the two ports are complete, and the Citadel takes an interest, building it's own fleet. The ports continue to rebuild the cities, focusing on Defensibility from the Sea

Kingdom of Anatoray: 

The Population reaches 180,000. The kingdom continues to expand (3px) up the peninsula and expands Guldvik by another (3px) The king still is keep on focusing on developing these metals seeing them as potentially valuable for many things. King Sigurd also promotes open friendship to many of the peaceful tribes settled in many of the areas on the peninsular and major plains of the continent. The City of Alterra contineus its expansion becomming the main Population hub behind the Capital city Anatoray itself. The King himself begins looking for
Continental expansion 9 YIG

All nations expansion

prospects for marriage but has yet to find any woman he deems worth his affection and worth the position of Queen. The Royal army is given better equipment however many of the men are still fighting in light animal skin and tanned armor. The first full language base of Anatoray is finished with many elites being taught how to read and write on tablets. King Sigurd and Anatoray begin to influence Alsache to a degree using the shared culture to begin fostering good relations between Anatoray and Alsache. He also offers Alsache a trade agreement. The King begins devoting a part of every years funding for the kingdom to projects that involve creating more settlements around Anatorays immediate area as well as development of better newer ships to carry more and allow for increased movement and trade. The First gold Ingot is created along with the first raw copper. Neither are useful for anything much yet but the strength of copper impresses many.

Hibernion: Continues expansion (3px southeast, 2pixels north, 1 pixel east). A form of creole take hold in the nation, being a mixture of all surrounding tribes and villages' languages. A new religion is created called "Mto Mkubwa" that has the River God Mto Mungu as cheif god followed by his liuetenants, the Gods of Civilization (e.g. God of Commerce, God of Roads, God of Fire), and the religion quickly takes hold, with the capital of Hibernion at the beginning of the River Kalikiurius and Faxticor at the river delta considered Holy Sites. The population continues to rise steeply, most of the new citizens being immigrants rather than children born. Navy and army expand.

What is the landscape around Hibernion?

If your rivers its more than likely hills and plains, at least if your closer to the coast, if your on the inland river or something than itll be rolling hills or mountains. To a degree you can determine your surrounding terriain within reason like ive done. the island Anatorays capital is on is mountainous, while the mainland peninsula is very field like etc etc

Cevaire: The Queen orders expansion north of the Deilois River (2 px), south past Agosielle (2 px) and east towards the foretold eastern empire (2 px). Contact has yet to be made with Thalassia. Agosielle reaches a population of 630, while Raya Jevilla reaches a population of 210. The countrywide population reaches about 91,000. Work is continually being done on Oltimanium and the provincial capital and palace of Ayoran. Farming projects continue, but years will pass before there is any noticeable change. The Queen orders that 18 YIG be the year which Oltimanium should begin being inhabited. The explorers comissioned by King Harvin branch into two groups; one staying the course and heading east, and the other travelling north. In other news, the Aicazh religion becames heavily prominent in Derarri and Adelari, where the Martyis Bajis continue to gain traction. The Queen orders the construction of a den of spies to be active in Derarri and Adelari. Heirate Harvinos turns 5 today, while High Prince Bedencia turns 3.

Thalassia: The War Continues as the Thalassian Armies sweep through paedaea, Destroying as much as Regional Cities from the Paedaeans and Beginning to free taken Peoples in the last years by the Paedaeans, However the Concern grows in Thalassia that the war may not be won. the Senate of Thalassia sends and Envoy to Augussia (name for the Agosielle Inhabitants of the Penninsula). and by now the Name of the Sevaeans is heard often in the Senate, From the 30 senators 20 pushing for a Contact with the King of Sevaea to initiate trade with the Only know important civilization that rivalizes with thalassia. While this the expansion from thalassia in Sevaea occurs by 3px reaching with Sevaean domains by the end of the year. While this the fleet of 72 ships expands to 91 ships many of the Boatships being built to Invade the Paedaeum River north to Thalassia and finish of the Paedaean Empire.

10 YIG

  1. Unprecedented expansion of the Narviki to allow for more cultivation has led to a modest population increase.
  2. The Kingdom of Alsache expands another 4 px on their main island and colonize another nearby island by 2 px.
  3. The Abarri continues to expand (6px) however some ethnic tension occurs as some people look to interbreed with tribesman of a recent colony while others look to remain seperated.
  4. The Ghalage tribes establish their first rudimentary kingdom with a population of about 60,000 and an largely expanding economy specialized to their area.
  5. The Paedaean war continues with the confrontation of Thalassians and Paedaeans for the Primacy on Thalassia, While this the Aicazh move from Hellarion the south of the Abarri territory where they gather several tribes that are against the Abarri expansionism. Tahert Arka Ishet leads them into creating a New Kingdom.
  6. Carcidona Manages to fend the Barbars of and expands 3px Westwards into the Barbar lands.
  7. Megapolis is founded in Hellarion As King Astridates wants to form a new Hellenian empire Using the fleet that will develop in the coming years.
  8. The Hellarion joins the warring in Thalassia and Invades Lurica sparkling the war in the south of Thalassia.

​Northerly Tribes: We continue to expand downward following the river.

Thriple River Tribes:On the eighth year, eight of the nine councilers had a disagreement and so they split into two sides, each having four members. The ninth counciler thus had to reach a compromise, and took him about a year to settle this. Since the council was at a deadlock, the ninth council member assumed Chieftan powers, which some dissaproved of. Because of this, someone shot an arrow and killed the ninth council member on the ninth year. The two sideswere about to go to war. Thus then, a young adult tribal member rose and spoke up to the council, and a year later they have reach a compromise and thus was known as "The Great Compromiser." For his actions, he was hailed as the ninth council member and a feast was given in his honor. Now that the government is officially established, we divide ourselves into two forces, Domestic and Exploritory. The bulk of our people are part of the Domestic force, who's job is to work off the land and defend it. The Exploritory force is a smaller force that goes up and down the riviers, fidning new land, resources, and civilizations. We begin trading with near by civilizations and we centralize our government in order to avoid civil war once and for all.

Kingdom of Anatoray: King Sigurd marries one of his Generals Daughters and by the end up the first few months queens Ellia is declared to be pregnant. The Kingdom rejoices at this revalation. The King himself also continues the funding of Exploration and research into Metals as well with smelting of Copper and to a degree Gold becomming much more common and with a much better percentage of success with 60 to 70% being usable and with the leftovers being donated to usage for public works and art. Some of the first Swords are forged from Copper and Copper begins being mixed with multiple alloys to see what happens. The Kingdom moves and connects its settlement of Guldvik with Odera (3px) and begins using the coast to Navigate with a famed ship captain named
Atlantaea 10 YIG

all Continental Expansion for Atlantaea

Alfonse the Expeditioner using his nobility connections as well as connections with the Altaic Temples to get huge amounts of funding for expeditions leaving with a fleet of some of the Largest and most expensive ships numbering almost 100 (i figured if people like the Pheonecians could found places like carthage and travel the medditerrenean in the bronze age then i could do about the same) with about 8200 initial people (80 men per ship, this ship is more of less a mix between a primitive Trireme and Viking longship it has 19 more men than a viking longship and 20 less than a Trireme and for the time it seemed Reasonable, Even the Bronze age Egyptians could build cargo ships out of woven together wood) and a two odd ships out that were larger more experimental designs which could hold about 100 people. This Fleet led by Alphonse the Expeditioner establish the Settlement of Kull (3px) at the mouth of the Karellia River which is discovered to be a River Delta, and is surveyed to be extremely rich in mineral wealth and ability to farm. The Majority of the 8200 people (about 5800) settle in Kull with the remaining 2400 moving on to settle further along, sailing up the coast and Establishing the Settlement of Rovnaya (3px) at a large bay named the Rovnaya Bay which is deemed to be near perfect for a port city. The Nearby hills and small mountains are deemed worth searching for Mineral Wealth and many of Alphonses best surveyors are moved from Kull to Rovnaya in order to survey the area for mineral wealth in a year long escapade. Many of the People on these expeditions are many that were overcrowded on Anatoray proper due to the population density of the city and the kings push for more settlements and land rather than expanding the capital. (This is seen as good as many people will enjoy a much better quality of life establishing these new settlements rather than live in Squalor) A Farmer in Rovnaya seeing the mountainous and hilly terrain surrounding Rovnaya establishes a new farming technique in the Area known as Терраса (Terrace) farming in the hills and mountains which allows for more extensive and intensive farming of things like Potatoes, Maize (corn) and to a degree Grain. This process seems to work quite well and is transmitted to the rest of the Kingdom with Montevado, and the City of Anatoray taking it up in the hills and mountains around both cities being devoted to this agriculture. The Population of the empire reaches a large boom with there being enough food for people to have almost 3 or 4 children with some of the nobility pushing 5 or 6. Ingress of some of the culturally and ethnically similar tribes of the Peninsular plains, and even areas by Kull and Rovnaya being integrated by the thousands. With this the population Grows exponentially to almost 220,000 with many of the new immigrants being used in the settlement of the Peninsular cities as well as Kull and Rovnaya. The King Himself seeing a growing issue of families being unable to watch or leave their children with anybody diverts many funds from a small but professional military and other smaller pet projects to begin creating a educational system in the Major cities to watch the huge amounts of Children. The First use of Gold by the king to fund this allows for huge worth to be assigned to gold with other things previously used to begin being phased out as currency. The Extreme value assigned to gold definitively pays for the new school systems in the City of Anatoray, Alterra, Odera, and Montevado, which act as education systems alongside a Day care system. This Huge population growth from the Ethnically and Culturually Similar tribes of Eastern Atlantaea as well as child birth only reducess strain on the system on the fact that many of these people are taken under the wing of experienced workers, farmers, artisans, or used as part of the labor force for the settlements rather than immigrating to the Core cities of Alterra and Anatoray. of the 20,000 immigrants and about 20,000 in native population growth much of the Immigration is dispersed along the Settlements of Odera, Guldvik, and to a degree small amounts of these manage to use their previous skills as gatherers and tribal agriculturalists to skillfully work their way to the newer settlements of Kull and Rovnaya. The 20,000 in Native population Growth is mostly dispersed between the City of Anatoray, the City of Alterra, and City of Montevado with Montevado showing the most positive growth reaching a population of 18,000, While cities such as Anatoray and Alterra each boast Almost 70,000 citizens each, 12,000 in Odera, 5800 in Kull, 2400 in Rovnaya and with the remainder settling in small villages, communities or independant farms along the Peninsular plains. The Kingdom of Alsache is continually influenced by King Sigurd.

Rivia: We expand another 6 px. The Port Cities continue to grow. The Ruling Families of the two Port Cities continue the feud that will burn and simmer for many generations if left unchecked. The Capital continues to expand. The fleets of the two ports are complete, and the Citadel takes an interest, building it's own fleet. One of the Ports finishes their city, as they constructed it with Wood. The other sends its fleet round the Island, and flings burning Urns into the city. It burns to the ground, and the Rulers decide to Build it out of Granite, like the other two cities on the Island. The Citadel now consists of a vast defensive network of Houses, each of which is designed and positioned to be a part of the Defences, and then the Main Castle at the Centre, a Towering Construction, which soars over the City. The Port on the Western River is nearly complete, and is smaller than the Capital, but similar in design and construction, 3-4 tonne blocks of Granite, cemented in place with a strongly bound together Mortar. The Southern Port strives to replicate this. Mine Shafts begin to be driven into the Mountains, looking for metals. Iron, near the surface along the 'Iron Coast' to the South, and this area is swiftly made a Citadel Territory. Many people high in the Citadel Bureaucracy begin to tire of the constant wars between the Port Cities, and push for the Citadel to depose the Rulers.

Hibernion: Continues expansion (3px southwest, 2pixels north, 1 pixel east). Religious issues arise as many immigrants are not of the Mto Mkubwa faith, and religious violence and prosteleysing is common. Surveyors are sent in all directions across the surrounding steppes and forests setting up military outposts as savages becomes more and more aggresive. Navy and army expand.

Thalassia: after three long years of War Paedaea is Annexed Completely getting the full coast and expands 3px into Sevaea, 3px into tharia and 3px into the south.

11 YIG

  1. The Abarri resolve their conflict with immigrants being screened by their rulers on their abilities and skills they can devote to the colonies. Expands (4px)
  2. The Kingdom of Alsache expands across 4 px across their new colony, and 5 px on their main island.
  3. The Hellarion continue to pish foreward.
  4. The Hellenian fleet begins to develop and is built as much of the natiosn economy is geared toward this.
  5. The Ghalage tribes turns their fledgling kingdom into the Kingdom of Ghal and expand by 6 px
  6. The Aicazh Kingdom of Avarichs is founded south of the Abarri and soon allies itself with the Luricans.
  7. The Collapse and Annexation of the Paedaeans cause some Tharians and Aczoreb to ask the New Rulers to allow them Self Ruling.

Rivia: We expand another 6 px. The Port Cities continue to grow. The Ruling Families of the two Port Cities continue the feud that will burn and simmer for many generations if left unchecked. The Capital continues to expand. The fleets of the two ports are complete, and the Citadel takes an interest, building it's own fleet. One of the Ports finishes their city, as they constructed it with Wood. The other sends its fleet round the Island, and flings burning Urns into the city. It burns to the ground, and the Rulers decide to Build it out of Granite, like the other two cities on the Island. The Citadel now consists of a vast defensive network of Houses, each of which is designed and positioned to be a part of the Defences, and then the Main Castle at the Centre, a Towering Construction, which soars over the City. The Port on the Western River is complete, and is smaller than the Capital, but similar in design and construction, 3-4 tonne blocks of Granite, cemented in place with a strongly bound together Mortar. The Southern Port strives to replicate this. Mine Shafts begin to be driven into the Mountains, looking for metals. Iron, is exploited on the Iron Coast. Many people high in the Citadel Bureaucracy begin to tire of the constant wars between the Port Cities, and push for the Citadel to depose the Rulers. The Western Port, named Grey Harbour for its vast Grey walls, sends its fleets out again, to disrupt the construction of the other Port, but they take momentous casualties from the Catapults the Southern Port has Constructed. The Citadel launches its Fleet, and declares all waters around the Island to be Citadel Territory. Dissent in Grey Habour begins to rise, as many begin to question the constant wars with the other City.

Northerly Tribes: We continue of our expansion down the river.

Cevaire: The Queen orders expansion west of Agosielle (2 px), and north and east of the Deilois River (2 px north, 2 px east). Exploring parties continue to traverse eastern and northern Aecasium, encountering dense forests and marshland. Raya Jevilla reaches a population of 245, while Agosielle's population drops slightly to 713. The countrywide population reaches 94,000. The Aicazh religion becomes ever more fervent and rejoiced in Derarri and Adelari, where numerous factions of the Martyis Bajis spring up. The Royal Guardianship (In Cevairean: Lec Guerdiebar) is established by Queen Oltimania. Most of the Guerdiebar is centered around employing people to act as secuirty guards to stand in palaces and properties owned by the crown, however the Queen has established a more clandestine branch of the organization, established to send out spies and assassins into Derarri and Adelari to try to root out Aicazh sympathizers. By July, as many as 800 people were discovered supporting the Aicazh cause and religion, and supporting the belief that Queen Oltimania be beheaded and replaced. This angers the Queen, where in August there are reports she undergoes a breakdown caused by stress. She recovers a few weeks later, and conversing with her privy council, decides to discuss what was to be done with the two remaining Aicazh ambassadors still in prison. While most of the council is in support of their execution, the Queen remains heavily hesitant in what she sees as a dangerous decision. In her mind, the execution of the ambassadors would ultimately martyr them, and give the Adelari and Derrarite revolt a casus belli. No decision is made. In other news, King Harvin once more falls ill in December. In other news, Heirate Harvinos turns 7, while High Prince Bedencia turns 5. Queen Oltimania begins celebrating her birthday, May 11, publicly. She turns 39 this year, being born in the year 28 PF (Prior Foundation). King Harvin does similar, and declares his birthday, November 30, a public holiday for Ceva. He turns 45 this year, and was born in 34 PF.

Kingdom of Anatoray: King Sigurd marries one of his Generals Daughters and by the end up the first few months queens Ellia is declared to be pregnant. The Kingdom rejoices at this revalation. The King himself also continues the funding of Exploration and research into Metals as well with smelting of Copper and to a degree Gold becomming much more common and with a much better percentage of success with 60 to 70% being usable and with the leftovers being donated to usage for public works and art. Some of the first Swords are forged from Copper and Copper begins being mixed with multiple alloys to see what happens. The Kingdom moves and connects its settlement of Guldvik with Odera (3px) and begins using the coast to Navigate with a famed ship captain named

all Continental Expansion for Atlantaea .Alfonse the Expeditioner using his nobility connections as well as connections with the Altaic Temples to get huge amounts of funding for expeditions leaving with a fleet of some of the Largest and most expensive ships numbering almost 100 (i figured if people like the Pheonecians could found places like carthage and travel the medditerrenean in the bronze age then i could do about the same) with about 8200 initial people (80 men per ship, this ship is more of less a mix between a primitive Trireme and Viking longship it has 19 more men than a viking longship and 20 less than a Trireme and for the time it seemed Reasonable, Even the Bronze age Egyptians could build cargo ships out of woven together wood) and a two odd ships out that were larger more experimental designs which could hold about 100 people. This Fleet led by Alphonse the Expeditioner establish the Settlement of Kull (3px) at the mouth of the Karellia River which is discovered to be a River Delta, and is surveyed to be extremely rich in mineral wealth and ability to farm. The Majority of the 8200 people (about 5800) settle in Kull with the remaining 2400 moving on to settle further along, sailing up the coast and Establishing the Settlement of Rovnaya (3px) at a large bay named the Rovnaya Bay which is deemed to be near perfect for a port city. The Nearby hills and small mountains are deemed worth searching for Mineral Wealth and many of Alphonses best surveyors are moved from Kull to Rovnaya in order to survey the area for mineral wealth in a year long escapade. Many of the People on these expeditions are many that were overcrowded on Anatoray proper due to the population density of the city and the kings push for more settlements and land rather than expanding the capital. (This is seen as good as many people will enjoy a much better quality of life establishing these new settlements rather than live in Squalor) A Farmer in Rovnaya seeing the mountainous and hilly terrain surrounding Rovnaya establishes a new farming technique in the Area known as Терраса (Terrace) farming in the hills and mountains which allows for more extensive and intensive farming of things like Potatoes, Maize (corn) and to a degree Grain. This process seems to work quite well and is transmitted to the rest of the Kingdom with Montevado, and the City of Anatoray taking it up in the hills and mountains around both cities being devoted to this agriculture. The Population of the empire reaches a large boom with there being enough food for people to have almost 3 or 4 children with some of the nobility pushing 5 or 6. Ingress of some of the culturally and ethnically similar tribes of the Peninsular plains, and even areas by Kull and Rovnaya being integrated by the thousands. With this the population Grows exponentially to almost 220,000 with many of the new immigrants being used in the settlement of the Peninsular cities as well as Kull and Rovnaya. The King Himself seeing a growing issue of families being unable to watch or leave their children with anybody diverts many funds from a small but professional military and other smaller pet projects to begin creating a educational system in the Major cities to watch the huge amounts of Children. The First use of Gold by the king to fund this allows for huge worth to be assigned to gold with other things previously used to begin being phased out as currency. The Extreme value assigned to gold definitively pays for the new school systems in the City of Anatoray, Alterra, Odera, and Montevado, which act as education systems alongside a Day care system. This Huge population growth from the Ethnically and Culturually Similar tribes of Eastern Atlantaea as well as child birth only reducess strain on the system on the fact that many of these people are taken under the wing of experienced workers, farmers, artisans, or used as part of the labor force for the settlements rather than immigrating to the Core cities of Alterra and Anatoray. of the 20,000 immigrants and about 20,000 in native population growth much of the Immigration is dispersed along the Settlements of Odera, Guldvik, and to a degree small amounts of these manage to use their previous skills as gatherers and tribal agriculturalists to skillfully work their way to the newer settlements of Kull and Rovnaya. The 20,000 in Native population Growth is mostly dispersed between the City of Anatoray, the City of Alterra, and City of Montevado with Montevado showing the most positive growth reaching a population of 18,000, While cities such as Anatoray and Alterra each boast Almost 70,000 citizens each, 12,000 in Odera, 5800 in Kull, 2400 in Rovnaya and with the remainder settling in small villages, communities or independant farms along the Peninsular plains. The Kingdom of Alsache is continually influenced by King Sigurd.

Thalassia: the Annexation of Paedaea pushes the borders of Thalassia to Far to the north reaching the Maurium regions, while this the expansion into Tharia by 3px, Sevaea by 3px and the South by 3px continues and the Expansion into Gerasium starts by 3px and the Expansion into the Fretium Poniens (South of Gerasium) starts  by 3px as well (15px in total from the Paedaean Invasion and the Rivers capture) While this the military is built up and navy expands. While the war was over the news of the Lurican Invasion of Hellarion by the Lurican is heard and Supplies are sent to the war as the Alliance with Hellarion and the Monarchy of the Kingdom Supports them.While this the Organization of New Provinces Occur with the division of the New Gained territories Into ten Main provinces with its internal Districts. While this military is built up and Navy expands. Lucius Turns 42 as he was born in 31PL (Principate of Lucius) or 41 FOP (Fall of Paedaea  and in the 880 AUF ( Ab Urbis Fundatio). Carcidona beigns to be Influenced to Join into a Military Alliance with Thalassia. The Fear of a Carcidonian Negative is little due to Overconfidence after the Paedaean war.

Triple River Tribes:The Domestic Group continues to work the land while the Exploritory Group continues to go down the river and discover new lands. Trade with near by tribes also continue and we expand by 3px.

Hibernion: Continues expansion (3px southwest, 2pixels north, 1 pixel east). A religious head is appointed by the Church of Mto Mkubwa as something very similiar to OTL pope. Military outposts are built up around the major cities as internal cultural and religious issues as well as agressive tribal neighbors pose a large threat. A governmantel reform is put into order, the new system is that wealthy members of society vote upon a Senate which votes upon the election of three oligarchs.

12 YIG

  1. The Abarri Expansionism is halted as the Avarichs Kingdom in the south of them repels them an Allies itself with the local tribes and the Luricans aiding them In their War with the Graionii Hellarion.
  2. The Kingdom of Alsache expands across 4 px across their new colony, and 5 px on their main island.
  3. The eastern Hellarion Lead by the Megalopolitans expands by 5px to the Islands
  4. Carcidonnian Trading fleet is caught in a Storm in the Southern Sea and Is launched towards the South to Unknown Seas Landing Near In Northern Bayesseau.
  5. Some Floodings occur in the Southern Crescentia leading for the Collapse of some Tribes in the Lands of SoutheWestern Argenterium.

Thalassia: the military and navy are built up while this three px expansion begins in all the settlements, Pantacia expands 3px Southwest, Sevaea expands 3px North east, Gerasium expand 3px north,Fretium expands 3px East wards, 3px into Northern Tharia and Paedaea Thalerica to the north by 3px while Fretium expands 3px Westwards as well.

Rivia: We expand another 6 px. The Port Cities continue to grow. The Ruling Families of the two Port Cities continue the feud that will burn and simmer for many generations if left unchecked. The Capital continues to expand. The fleets of the two ports are complete, and the Citadel takes an interest, building it's own fleet. The Citadel now consists of a vast defensive network of Houses, each of which is designed and positioned to be a part of the Defences, and then the Main Castle at the Centre, a Towering Construction, which soars over the City. The Port on the Western River is complete, and is smaller than the Capital, but similar in design and construction, 3-4 tonne blocks of Granite, cemented in place with a strongly bound together Mortar. The Southern Port strives to replicate this. Mine Shafts begin to be driven into the Mountains, looking for metals. Iron, is exploited on the Iron Coast. Many people high in the Citadel Bureaucracy begin to tire of the constant wars between the Port Cities, and push for the Citadel to depose the Rulers. The Western Port, named Grey Harbour for its vast Grey walls, sends its fleets out again, to disrupt the construction of the other Port, but they take momentous casualties from the Catapults the Southern Port has Constructed. The Citadel launches its Fleet, and declares all waters around the Island to be Citadel Territory. Dissent in Grey Habour begins to rise, as many begin to question the constant wars with the other City. The Southern City is complete, and is named Black Cliff due to the colour of the cliff it is built under and on. The Citadel Generals begin to discuss the storming of the Ports, as they tire of the constant wars. This plan is cut short by sudden Rebellions in Grey Habour, and the Rulers are killed. The same occurs in Black Cliffs. Before either set of Rebels can consolidate, the Citadel invades the Cities. The general public, pleased that they no longer have to fight in pointless wars, stop dissent. The Cities are given leaders on good terms with each other, and a Permanent Citadel Military Presence.

Cevaire: The Queen orders expansion north of the Deilois River (3 px), east of the Southern River (3px), west of the Ceva River (3 px), and south of the Agosiellen River (3 px).The Queen also orders the drafting of 500 young men and women into an early national military. Raya Jevilla reaches a population of 260, while Agosielle continues to develop and reaches a population of 780. The national population rises to just under 100,000. The Guerdiebar continue to crack down on Aicazh sympathizers and dissenters. As many as fifty five people are discovered supporting the Aicazh cause. Numerous plots to overthrow Queen Oltimania are discovered, and 14 people are beheaded in May. Queen Oltimania's privy council continue to persuade her to execute the Aicazh ambassadors, but she remains hesitant. When their persuasions become more consistent and agressive in November, Oltimania fires many privy councillors, causing a great stir in Ayoran. Work is continually being done on Oltimanium and the provincial capital and palace of Ayoran. Farming projects continue, but years will pass before there is any noticeable change. The nation is astounded in mid-August, when a band of foreign peoples reach the Queen's court in Ayoran. Surprisingly, they announce they are from the great nation of Thalasilla (Thalassia in Cevairean). Word also reaches the Queen that Southern settlers have made contact with eastern Thalasillan colonists and begun trading and rudimentary communication. The court is baffled by the Thalasillans understanding of the Cevairean language. When asked by the Queen how they know so much, the Thalasillan respond that the Pantenacas were able to teach them the language. The Pantenacas were the peoples encountered by King Harvin's exploratory commission several years ago. The Thalasillans left in late October, however not before the Queen sent them away with Cevairean jewels and gifts, including a letter written by the Queen herself wishing the Thalasillan king and people well. In other news, Heirate Harvinos turns 8, and High Prince Bedencia turns 6. King Harvin's condition worsens from December, and he becomes very sick with his lung infections.

Kingdom of Anatoray: The kingdom expands by 12 pixels (i have two rivers) The relations and influence on alsache continues (cant write anything big today. im busy)

Hibernion: Continues expansion (3px southwest, 2pixels north, 1 pixel east). As the new governmental system is implemented the three oligarchs elected are the Head of the Church of Mto Mkubwa, the head of the very influential Shipwright's Guild, and a tribal cheiften who brought his whole tribe into the nation several years aho. Military outposts prove effective at stopping tribal raiding parties, and increase in number. Border patrols are now set up and forms of immigration control are enacted, with now about 15% of would-be immigrant savages being turned away. The total national population reaches over 20,000.

13 YIG

  1. The Avarichs south to the Abarri expand by 8px conquering parts of Ellarika and Southern Lurica (Which joins on its own).
  2. The War between the Hellarians and the Luricans ends as a Partial Victory of the Luricans.
  3. Carcidona expands by 10px after the Darrhicoi Peoples of Carcidonica are defeated in the battle of Dahra.
  4. A storm hits the Alsache peoples allowing no expansion in the 2 upcoming turns.
  5. The Storm Hits the Anatoray, but the Damage is little causing only 1 turn expansion issue.
  6. the Xarestian Army Conquers the eastern Lake expanding by 7px

Cevaire: The Queen orders expansion north of the Deilois river (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (3 px). Farming projects continue around the country, but noticeable changes will take years to occur. Work on Oltimanium continues, as does work on the provincial capital and palace of Ayoran. Ayorica reaches a population of 200, Agosielle a population of 800, and the national population reaches 100,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. The imprisoned ambassadors continue to be martyred by the people. The Queen is still hesitant to execute them. In other news, contact continues to be made with the Thalasillans. In other news, King Harvin's condition continues to worsen, and it is expected he will not last two more winters. Heirate Harvinos turns 9, and High Prince Bedencia turns 7.

Thalassia: Pantacia expands 3px Southwest, Sevaea expands 3px North east, Gerasium expand 3px north,Fretium expands 3px East wards, 3px into Northern Tharia and Paedaea Thalerica to the north by 3px while Fretium expands 3px Westwards as well. While this the Colonization of Fretium begins at a large scale as a big amount of Thassians for Kaidos move Nova Raetica a city in the northern coast of fretium, While this an Embassy is sent to the Cevairian Monarchy as wishes to Stablish a friendly alliance with the Only known Western nation occur in the Senate, while this military and navy are built up.

Kingdom of Anatoray: The Kingdom continues its school program and major agriculturization as well as usage of new metal such as gold as a currency. The Copper begins to be considered for weaponry. The Two settlements to the East which were unnaffected are expanded  by 5 px each (remaining 5 are taken away cause of rebuilding and reclaiming)

Rivia: We expand another 6 px. The Capital continues to expand. The fleets of the two ports are rebuilt. The Citadel now consists of a vast defensive network of Houses, each of which is designed and positioned to be a part of the Defences, and then the Main Castle at the Centre, a Towering Construction, which soars over the City. The Mine Shafts locate Gold, and Diamonds. Coal is also discovered. Iron, is exploited on the Iron Coast. The Citadel consolidates its control of the Entire island. Many begin to grow curious about what exists out at sea, and an exploratory fleet is sent, laiden with trade goods, like uncut gems and Gold.

14 YIG

  1. The Alsache continue Unable to expand as the storm hit most of its inland territories, rendering them useless for the time being.
  2. The Hellarian Defeat continues surprising for the many Thalassians who thought of them as stronger nation. Many now call them the weakened nation.
  3. Xarestian forces lead by Lurek I begin expanding through the Lakes coast expanding at a 6px.
  4. The Carcidonan fleet returns from Bayessaeu leaving the news of lands south of their current location. they expand by 9px
  5. The Avarichs defeat the Abarri in the battle of Qura gaining 3px from them However not annexing them as is da Pyrrhic victory for both sides.
  6. in Zeedom a storm hits causing the flooding of the capital and the death of most of the royal familie's members, surviving only the King's family and its closers relatives due to leaving in the castle in the highest region of the Capital.
  7. The Rivian Fleet arrives at a port, and begins to trade with the empire that controls the Port.

Rivia: we continue doing everything we were doing before, blah blah blah

Kingdom of Anatoray: The Kingdom continues to expand along the coast up the peninsula and other settlements (15px) The Kingdom begins further use of gold and copper as funding and tools.  Guys do yyou want torestartthis game por anything,could make turns go in decadesuntil reaching some le el of advance.

Decades untill they reach the level of  Stewart era EnglandThe River Nile-2 (talk) 18:24, December 10, 2013 (UTC)

Cevaire: The Queen orders expansion north of the Deilois river (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (3 px). Farming projects continue around the country, but noticeable changes will take years to occur. Work on Oltimanium continues, as does work on the provincial capital and palace of Ayoran. Ayorica reaches a population of 300, Agosielle a population of 950, and the national population reaches 105,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. The imprisoned ambassadors continue to be martyred by the people. The Queen is still hesitant to execute them. In other news, contact continues to be made with the Thalasillans. In other news, the nation is shaken by the death of King Harvin. He died in the early spring from what appears to be a disease of the lungs. In his will, he proclaimed Oltimania to be Queen of Ceva and Ayoran until Harvinos comes of age. In essence, Oltimania is now the most powerful person in the country, being absolute sovereign of her entire country, rather than one province. She holds a funeral for her husband three weeks after he died, and assuming control over his court, combines both the Cevan and Ayoranese privy councils. Her 42nd birthday party is dour and very simple, with the country still mourning the death of Harvin. Heirate Harvinos turns 10, and High Prince Bedencia turns 8. Soooo yeah, I guess I'll try restarting the game. I think we should have a definite turn end time, at around 00:00 UTC and more immersive mod events that apply to every country, because until we all contact one another, it'll all be quite boring.

15 - 20 YIG period

Kingdom of Anatoray: With Anatoray officially outgrowing its Neighbor of Alsache, the kingdom begins a large scale influence on the kingdom looking to bring it into its sphere eventually. Along with this the Anatorayan population over the intervening years has reached nearly 350,000 and growing. The Nation itself has begun moderate usage of copper and other metals as tools and weaponry with the king pushing the envelope on technological prowess as well as encouraging and funding expansion. We expand by 20 px (i will update my continent in general with the expansion that we never updated.

Realm of Cevaire: In five years Queen Oltimania orders expansion north of the Deilois river (15 px), south of the Ceva River (15 px), east of the Agosiellen River (15 px) and south of the Southern River (15 px) (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla or the Coastal people then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 60 px in five years.  Farming projects continue around the country, and some changes are noticed around the country, including a slight food surplus in 18 YIG. Work on Oltimanium continues. The provincial Ayoran capital and palace finish initial construction and declared open by Oltimania. In 20 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 500, Agosielle a population of 1120, and the national population reaches 110,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. The imprisoned ambassadors continue to be martyred by the people, becoming the center of an abortive revolt in 16 YIG. The Queen is still hesitant to execute them. In other news, contact continues to be made with the Thalasillans, with the Queen pledging to assist them in combating the recent tribal diaspora coming from the east. In other news. In year 20 YIG, Oltimania turns 48, Heirate Harvinos turns 16, and High Prince Bedencia turns 12.

Rivia: We expand to fill the Island. The Miners send a thin shaft down each vein of Minerals they are mining, and discover that they converge at the centre of the Island, under the Citadel. The Fleet returns, and report of Warfare engulfing other continents. As a result, catapults are constructed around the edge of the Island. Black Powder is created, and tested. Steel is also made, and weapons are made of this from now on.

Thalassia: hearing upon the news of the Aicazh diaspora the military gathers and an alliance is asked to the cevairians, the military and navy are built up and small expansion efforts continue into carcidonia.

20 - 30 YIG period

  1. 20s- 30s YIG: As the Anatorayan population continues to boom, diseases begin to affect settlers living in new lands. In the early 20s, mortality seemed low, but by the year 30 frontier settlments become decimated. 
  2. 28 - 29 YIG: A particularly warm, wet season prompts unprecedented crop growth for Rivia.
  3. 20 - 25 YIG: A series of droughts strike Zeedom.
  4. 20s - 30s YIG: In Thalassia, the front of eastern tribes continue to concern settlers and politicians. Reports of murderous tribals surface.
  5. 30 YIG: A large cold front strikes Cevaire and impairs many mountain steppe farmers and settlers. The Ceva river freezes over. The Coastal Aecasic peoples begin to trade with Agosiellen settlers and merchants.

Note: We are hoping this map game can be revived. Please click this link for more info on revitalization.

Realm of Cevaire: In five years Queen Oltimania orders expansion north of the Deilois river (30 px), south of the Ceva River (30 px), east of the Agosiellen River (30 px) and south of the Southern River (30 px) (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla or the Coastal people then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 120 px in ten years.  Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country.  In 35 YIG, Oltimanium officially completes construction and allows inhabitance. The provincial Ayoran, named Ayavena, reaches a population of 225 by 30 YIG. In 30 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 610, Agosielle a population of 1350, and the national population reaches 113,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. The imprisoned ambassadors continue to be martyred by the people. However, due to food surpluses and increased food production, Derarrites become more content with the government and unrest dies down.. The Queen is still hesitant to execute the ambassadors. In other news, contact continues to be made with the Thalasillans, with the Queen pledging to assist them in combating the recent tribal diaspora coming from the east. In other news. In year 30 YIG, Oltimania turns 58, Heirate Harvinos turns 26, and High Prince Bedencia turns 22. A grand, year long celebration takes place in the country, celebrating Oltimania's thirtieth year on the throne.  During the year, a particularly bad cold front engulfs Cevaire. Farming projects slow down and many mountain communities are impaired. The Ceva river freezes over for a few weeks, distrupting trade and transportation.

Kingdom of Anatoray: The Continued influence over Alsache has led to a royal marriage between Anatoray and Alsache between Anatorays prince and Alsache's Princess. The anatorayan settlements unable to be effectively dealt with are given warnings about how to settle.

Thalassia: the military continues awakening and rising to power taking advantage of the suprising situation that started the Aicazii onto central Æcasium, while this the expansion continues into southern sevaea and northern Carcidonia, the vassalage of Carcidon continues.

30 - 40 YIG period

  1. 32 YIG: A large hurricane affects Anatoray, killing a few hundred frontier settlers. Disease continues to spread.
  2. 30 - 35 YIG: The fruitful harvests in Rivia end and return to normal input levels. Despite the end of these prosperous seasons, Rivians eat better and suffer less atritions.
  3. 38 YIG: The tribal diaspora branches in Aecasium, with one branch seeping into Thalassia and towards Cevaire and the other branch heading north.
  4. A small meteor strikes the waters surrounding Zeedom, prompting fear among its people.

Note: We are hoping this map game can be revived. Please click this link for more info on revitalization.

Realm of Cevaire: In five years Queen Oltimania orders expansion north of the Deilois river (15 px), south of the Ceva River (15 px), east of the Agosiellen River (15 px) and south of the Southern River (15 px) (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla or the Coastal people then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 120 px in ten years.  Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country, including a large, Derarrite food surplus in 26 YIG. Work on Oltimanium continues. Oltimania declares that by year 35, people will be able to fully occupy Oltimanium. Ayavena reaches a population of 565 by 40 YIG. In 40 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 710, Agosielle a population of 1600, and the national population reaches 116,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. The imprisoned ambassadors continue to be martyred by the people. However, due to food surpluses and increased food production, Derarrites become more content with the government and unrest dies down.. The Queen is still hesitant to execute the ambassadors. In other news, contact continues to be made with the Thalasillans, with the Queen pledging to assist them in combating the recent tribal diaspora coming from the east. In 37 YIG, the Queen offers an alliance to the Thalassians. In other news. In year 40 YIG, Oltimania turns 68, Heirate Harvinos turns 36, and High Prince Bedencia turns 32. A grand, year long celebration takes place in the country, celebrating Oltimania's fourtieth year on the throne.  

Cevaire, 40 YIG

Kingdom of Anatoray: The Kingdom of Anatoray continues to prosper with its core cities and a few of its newer outlying cities expanding and boasting large populations with fruitful and dynamic growth. By this point Anatorayan mettalurgists are now experimenting with other metals and have successfully made gold much more plentiful by mixing it with a lesser metal. Silver is also heavily present as gold is much more expensive. Even with the increasing Diseases in frontier settlers the cause is determined to be a plant deemed safe for eating which in fact causes a fungal like disease in which the host will eventually look to spread it. There are
Atlantaea 40 YIG
no reasoning behind the confinement to the 30 and over age group seperation but the food is deemed unsafe to eat and cases of death and infection after banning the food drop nearly 98%. The Frontier Settlements in the East Expand by 10 px. The Anatorayan population expands to about 510,000 and growing ever more rapidly. However an impressive discovery is made with Alsache, the fertility of their islands has given them a population nearly Equal to Anatorayan populace. The Trade between the two kingdoms does increase rapidly as Alsache is a huge supplier of Silver. Prince Edric with his wife now have 3 children 2 girls and 1 boy. The Boy is deemed a prodigy and groomed for command and rule later in his life. The Core part of the kingdom expands into the uninhabited central fields by 10 px. The Potential of Anatoray and Alsache uniting following the Death of both kings (Which is Close) is celebrated upon as both with their relatively equal population and economical outputs will be near perfect for a union through the previous royal marriage.

Rivia: The Rivian Fleet claims great Tracts of Ocean for Rivia, and the Land Centred Army decide that they must find some way to stake the Rivian Claim. The Rivian Oceanic territory has Islands around it, all under (1 pixel). The Military begins to fortify these Islands. More Goats are bred. A Pestilence sweeps across the Island, and the Cities shut their gates. When the Plague burns out, it is discovered that the Coastal Cities shut the plague in, and were wiped out. The Citadel moves some of its population into these Cities, and all traces of rivalry are destroyed. Rivian Ships land in a nation called "Anatoray", and discover that Anatoray has similar ships to them. Dissatisfied by this lack of inspiration for new ships, they move on. They do however, pick up a new word. The Gems that are relatively common in Rivia are given the Anatoraian name of "Diamonds".

Thalassia: the expansion and focusing of the expansion of the colonies in Carcidona begins, founding the colonies of Martia and Carnotauria, Fretium, The new colonies and the Thalassian domains in the penninsula expand by 6px each, the military, navy and economy are built up. and the defenses are expanded in the northern provinces bordering the Aicazii chiefdoms.Paedaea Continues being Thalassanized

40 - 50 YIG period

  1. 40 - 50 YIG: In northern Aecasium, the northern branch of the tribal diaspora splits further and begins integrating with the Peninsular tribes.
  2. Mid 40s YIG: The prevalence of diseases in Anatoray greatly diminish, however a few waterborn strains of virus continue to occasionally infect settlers in the far south.
  3. 43 YIG:  The economy of Rivia flourishes due to mining and trade.
  4. 44 YIG: Anatoray's King passes away, as does his opposite number on the Throne of Alsache. The Family travels to the joint Funeral, except the Son, who is ill. The coach in which the Family travels crashes, and they perish. The Son is Crowned King of Anatoray and Alsache, and both nations are happy, as they both see the Boy as a Citizen of their side of the National Divide, though this divide widely disappears.
  5. 42-45 YIG:In the Crescentia a gigantic flood occurs, the Kingdom of Reasonia is the most affected as their continental territory is surrounding the delta of their local river their capital is destroyed, and their Small nobility dies in the flooding causing a Civil war to start in the nation as there are Loyalist, who seek for foreign tribes to aid them in their nation, and the Rebels who seek for the creation of a new dynasty and focusing on the Expansion in the islands (That remained the same).Loyalist gain the favour of the survivors of the mainland disaster, while the Rebels get the favour of the Insulars, the Nation continues divided although there's a truce between both factions. the River becomes a small gulph up to the three river arms.
  6. 42-48 YIG:The Aicazii Reach the thalassian northern Absorebium border in Aecasia, while some of the Aicazii have moved south the Penninsula and reach Graia and Hellatia, However the Biggest Aicazii confederacy forms in North ceva territory, were the Aicazii peoples begin merging with the local peoples. While this Carcidona's fleet recently build by King Guildas IV expands the city state by 15px, however three years after its foundation (43YIG) The Colony of Daralhas in the southeastern border with Bayesseau declares independence, after invaded by a tribal kingdom in the region, and becoming their vassals.
  7. 40-50 YIG: In O'aia, the Zacut City state arises in the north, becoming a small kingdom of 13px, and creating a small fleet capable of short term sea travels.

Realm of Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (30 px), south of the Ceva River (30 px), east of the Agosiellen River (30 px) and south of the Southern River (30 px) (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla or the Coastal people then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 120 px in ten years.  Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 980 by 50 YIG. In 50 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 1000, Agosielle a population of 1900, and the national population reaches 120,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. In 41 YIG, one of the imprisoned ambassadors dies from old age, the next month, Queen Oltimania, now in old age herself, moves the remaining prisoner to a small village south of Ceva to live out the rest of his days under house arrest. In other news, the nation is stricken with grief by the death of Queen Oltimania in 45 YIG. She was seventy three years oldUpon her death, heirate Harvinos becomes King of Cevaire, Ayoran, Agoseille, Ayorica, Derarri, and Adelari. During his yeart two years on the throne, he orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces begin a new form of training. King Harvinos also declares Ayorica to be the Primary Port for Cevaire, and begins asking the city to begin planning for oceanic travel and commerce. The newly acquired southern ports, connecting to the Souther sea, receive similar orders from the King. In Ceva, the populace make efforts to mine the surrounding mountains for gems and other valuable minerals. In 50 YIG, King Harvinos turns 46, and Heirate Bedencia turns 42. In 43 YIG, Bedencia first introduces her son Barsolis, already aged eleven. 

From now on Expansion is by Turn not year -Feud

Rivia: A Woodsman in the Forests of Rivia creates a Longbow from Elm, and another from Yew. These are both very powerful weapons, and he sells one at the Market in his Town. The Military begins to make them, and the Child of the King, Eriond, aged 12, becomes proficient with many Weapons, the Longbow included. A Cavalryman invents the Shortbow, for use of Horseback. The King becomes infirm, and is confined to the Main Keep, although he is likely to live for several more years.

Alsache-Anatoray: With the United Kingdoms of Alsache-Anatoray forming and its relative stability Prince Edric II named after his father takes power easily with 3 regents, a Alsache Regent, an Anatorayan Regent, and a Religious Regent. The Regents rule and teach him well and by his 18th Birthday he takes power. In the meantime the Regents for the most part continue the various research, and expansionary programs especially settling various areas such as the fields, and the  Gulf area. Seeing the sucess and intelligence of the new King various Anatorayan, and Alsache people wed and create a few mixed families moving to the northern island off of Alsache. This settling of the island is expansive and a central city to the island is established on the West coast. Ships and Trade throughout the Kingdom continues to flourish with the new union bringing trade and costs of trade down. Along with this the Kingdom makes its first contact with Organized cheifdoms to the north, and a seagoing nation to the West. The Population of the nation now over 1.2 million with the union continues to grow. The King begins to look for a suitable wife but also takes a fond liking to Horse Riding, and Seamanship commisioning various new ships which are larger and can go further. The first signs of Slave owning appears in some of the frontier cities comming from tribes wishing to profit off of the kingdom itself by selling men captured in tribal war to the kingdom. The Gold and Silver production continues and mettalurgists from a coastal city in Alsache now with mettalurgists from Anatoray using tin and copper form the first Bronze ingots and begin to fashion them into tools for the more profitable farms and the Newly Expanded Royal gaurd. With this the Bronze is expected to take a much larger launching point for the military.

Chiefdom of Bovlu: The Bovluian Chiefton Obsen-laric, son of the first Chief, continues his father's work of expansion of the chiefdom along the river of Bovlu. While expanding the tribe due east by offering claims of land to those who settle it, in turn, making the landowners give a percentage of their harvest back to the chief in return for granting the land. This works well, and allows for an agricultural boom and larger farms to begin in the east of the chiefdom. It has grown to such a point in the ten years since the enaction of the decree, that Chiefton Obsen-laric has approved the building of a trade post to centralize the agricultural and other products such as leather and wool being produced in the eastern part of the chiefdom. The trade brings new life and revival to the formerly stagnate chiefdom, encouring more expansion as it is now associated with good luck and good forture in many parts of the chiefdom. 

Kingdom of Thalassia: the kingdom continues expanding in the northern Carcidonnian coastal regions, expanding the colonies in there by 8px each, Fretium, Carnotauria, and Martia, as well as Penninsular Thalassia, while this expeditions are sent to the East in order to spark trading, although most reach only as far as the Aicazii Hellatii states in the east. the navy, military and economy are built up and the vassalage of Carcidona continues, Bractanus II asks the Hellarion to join Thalassia. a fleet ship reaches Daralhas starting trading with the locals tribes. while this Bractanus II orders the construction of Nautilia. a City in Corsium. the Sevarians (Cevairian) are Asked for a Royal marriage between one princess of Cevaire and the Prince of Thalassia, Mattheus V Prince of Sevaea, Duke of Fretium, and Lord of Paedaea flumina.

Cevairean Diplomacy: As the most prominent Cevairean prince, Bedenica is already married with two children and next in line to become Queen, she is not an appropriate choice for a royal marriage. However, her young daughter Marathine, aged 8, could possibly court with Mattheus of Sevaea within the next 10 years.
Triple River Tribe:During the reign of the Ninth Consul Member (10-20) the Tribe lived in a golden age of peace and harmony. During that time, however, the exploration group was lost and relatives of the exploration group plotted against The Ninth Consul Member so in the year 20 he was assinated. The Tribe then entered a long period of civil war once again, until a direct descendent of the 9th Consul Member named Golyn decided to take charge and advenge his father. He soon united the basin area and many followed him as a result of unifying the area. Many other warlords were afraid of him, however, and they banded together against Golyn and soon The Confederation and The Golynites came to battle.The Confederates were larger than the Golynites but the Golynites were more loyal to their leader, resulting in a stalemate and much bloodshed. The battle resulted in lost faith of Aberfa aside from his most loyal supporters and political instability among the Confederation. In order to regain the people's faith, Golyn took advantage of the instability by supporting rebel factions in return for their loyalty. Because of these clever actions, the people regained faith in their leader. Now that Golyn had his people on his side, and had allies, it was time to conquer the remaining tribes. In order to avoid the bloodshed of the stalemated Battle Of The Red River Hill, Aberfia adopts a hit and run force. First he taunts the enemy with a small force via horseback, tricks the enemy into pursuing him, and then leads them into the main army where they are crushed. Tribe after tribe fell to Golyn and his army grew bigger and bigger until there was only one tribal city left named  Nuutsyn Khot(located at the mouth of the central and eastern river.) Golyn was debating whether to attack the city or not until he found out it was founded by the decendants of those who killed his father, Izh, The Ninth Council Member. Fueled by revenge, Golyn lead his army to the city, which was very well defended. In order to defeat the city, Golyn sent flaming arrows to the city and then surrounded it. Golyn also captured the boats around the city and smashed them into the city walls. After much bloodshed, Golyn and his forces finally broke through the city and they killed the royal family there. The Golynites celebrated the reunification of the Triple River Tribe and Golyn was hailed as Khan.  Nuutsyn Khot was renamed Golyn khot and it was declared the capital of the Triple River Khanite (Gurvalsan Golyn Khanite.) The native citiy dwellers were affraid of Golyn Khan, but he insured them that his hate was only toward the Assassins and toward other enemy nations and he let them do their own thing as long as they were obeying the laws. The people rejoiced and they celebrated the Khan. Meanwhile the Khan established an official language (OTL Mongolian) and put the people to work. 50% farming, 25% Urban, and 25% Army (5% defenses and 15% offense.) With Golyn uniting the Tribes and becoming Khan, he apsired to conquer new lands. He sent out an explorer group to find new lands and meanwhile he got a wife named Bolormaa and had a son named Khotyn Khan. Later a few explorers came back with word of a great distant land near the coast called Reasonia but there were many other tribes inbetween the Khanate and the Kingdom. After hearing this Golyn called his army and they conquered the lands in between The Khanate and The Kingdom and he died at the gates of Reasonia. Meanwhile Bolormaa was the interim ruler where the Great Mourning (Ikh uitgar gunig) was held and where Khotyn sweared he would avenge his father and fuffill his dream by conquering Reasonia.

50 - 60 YIG period

  1. 51 YIG: A large hurricance straddles the coast of southern Aecasium, causing damage to port cities of Cevaire as well as damage to sealand communities in Thalassia.
  2. 50 - 60 YIG: The Rivian economy stabilizes after years of continual growth due to food surplus.
  3. ~55 - 58 YIG: A period of unrest unfolds in outer Anatoray as a small community of southern settlers continue to suffer disease. The unrest dies out after the final traces of the fungal disease die with their hosts.
  4. ~ 50 YIG: Also concerning Anatoray; the economy and military expand greatly with the formation of Anatoray-Alsache.
  5. ~54 YIG - 60 YIG: The port cities of Cevaire pump wealth and prosperity into the national treasury.
  6. 53 YIG : The Zacut begin trading with their nearby neighbouring nations, forming a cultural tie with them under a Khida Leader called Thaur who begins the creation of Zacutii Confederacy in northern O'aia of currently 15px size.
  7. 57 YIG: the Reasonians and the Insulars continue having tense relationships, the first ones contact through their small navy to the Triple rivers tribes offering them an alliance in the given case they aid them in reunifying their nation, divided between the Insular inhabitants and the Reasonian mainlanders.
  8. 56 YIG: The Suliyat ag Sii'vah (Kingdom of Aicazii Ceva) begins gaining power in western Æcasium as a trading point between the penninsulars, the Lowlanders and the north ceva remaining peoples and the southern Empires such as Cevaire (Sii'vahir) and Thalassia (At-dallaz) however this only springs up the concern for a greater upcoming dilemma to both nations, to either ally with the Aicazii or to keep them as their foes.

Drakomagic: A new nation is made in the continent of Bayasseau in the south west. The king Zeke Walker becomes the new king when he unites two tribes together. At age 20 he is the first king of this new nation. First thing we do is build up our cities and ports to become strong. Second thing is we train some men for our military. Third thing we do is build some boats and explore the region. Fourth thing is we start to farm the land. Big plantations are beging made of all different kinds of foods and such. The king at 26 has his  first son born his name is Kevin.

Thalassia: the military and navy are built up, while this the crisis in southern Æcasium damage of Sevaea and Getium however the damage are fastly repaired by many thalassians fleeing from the plausible wars with the Aicazii diaspora states. Bractanus II dies in 52 YIG after 15 years of rulling, he's succeded by Mattheus IV who continues and resumes the Construction of Nautilia, which he calls as Capita Secunda or the second head, refering to the location being on a well defended island in the middle of the Marea Thalassica, and creating a local defense fleet, the island is supposed to be a small fortress state, in the given case the rest of the empire falls to the Aicazii peoples, this is the place where the government and nobles in Thalassia would turn to prepare their reconquest. while this farms are built in Fretium, Thalassia Hellarica and Getium. the kingdom continues expanding in the northern Carcidonnian coastal regions, expanding the colonies in there by 8px each, Fretium, Carnotauria, and Martia, as well as Penninsular Thalassia. the exploration of the western Maetium mareae continues.

Alsache-Anatoray: The Kingdom undergoes a peaceful 10 years with the transfer of power and union between the two kingdoms becoming more or less solidified due to the wise rule of the king. Bronze continues to be used more widely throughout the kingdom. The King also decides to pay reparation to frontier settlers that suffered from the disease and once again continues to allow for their prosperity as some of the frontier cities reach populations of 15,000 or more. Expansion continues to occur on most fronts but word of new city states and cheifdoms and other kingdoms in the areas begin to worry settlers and the king alike. Ill do the map for my expansion

Chiefdom of Bovlu: The expansion along the river Bovlu continues, as well as the land grants of the new territories, encouraging settlement of the lands, and the establishment of farms. Tin and copper are becoming more and more rare within the cheifdom, causing several of the tribal members who have been very successful with their land grants to sponser the setting up of a mine at the nearby Granbara mountains, which they hope will revitalize the current ore amounts in possession of the Chiefdom and their own markets. Fishing begins to become a popular way for the more poorer of the population to make a living if they are not able to obtain a land grant or successfully develop one. From this, rumors of other lands across the waters surrounding the lands of Abbon-Sare. The lands of the east continue to be very profitable, and the tithe that they pay to the Chief Obsen-Iaric continue to grow. The chiefdom's military head remain's the chief, but now, with the growing wealth and power of the land owners, they begin to have their own private armies, but these still fall under the tithe rule for all things produced in the lands. 

60 - 70 YIG period

Drakomagic: We expand our nation 20 px north and 20 px southeast. Our population is about 550,000 people. In our caves we find iron, coal, silver, and diamonds. We use the iron for our weapons and armor. Coal is used for heating our homes and ovens for we can cook our foods. Silver is used as a national currency so that we could make it easy to buy stuff within our nation. We use the diamonds for jewelry which is used by noble and rich people who can aford it. In our military the weapon of choice is the katana. Archers use long bows made of oak wood and arrows made of iron. Archers also use repeating crossbows that are made of oak wood. Shields are made of iron and painted. (our shields are like OTL Romen shields, but not the same color) Axes and war hammers are used by our heavy troops class. Spears are used by our light infantry class. Our language is a mix of OTL Greek and Russian. The name for our capital city is called Khazad.

Way too much on expansion ask sine how much your allowed to expand by

Rivia: The King dies of a Heart Attack, and Eriond takes power. Within days, a standing army is created, and the Navy begins to expand. Eriond decides to create ranks, and as such, those that own land are given titles, with the title corresponding to influence, and those that do not own land are serfs. Meanwhile, trade grows between the Citadel and the Habour Cities. As such, a large number of small towns grow at regular intevals along the rivers. All the towns are fortified, but with mere Wooden Stockades. Work begins fortifying these Towns. At the Citadel, a large number of Satellite Towns are created, as the Citadel cannot expand without compromising its defences. These Satellite Towns are connected to the Citadel with well maintained Roads, although there are also small tracks, as the roads have hefty toll charges.

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (3 px) (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla or the Coastal people then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten years.  Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 1450 by 70 YIG. In 70 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 1800, Agosielle a population of 2500, and the national population reaches 140,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. King Harvinos he orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces begin a new form of training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. Bedencia's son Barsolis is declared as heir to the Cevairean throne.

Alsache-Anatoray: The Kingdom starts to see definitive borders develop with some nearby city states and small cheifdoms and kingdoms as it continues its expansion on all fronts. The Kingdoms gold and silver reserves continue to expand and to prevent major issues between selecting a permanent Capital city the new Capital of the United Kingdom is Built in one of the most recently settled islands near Alsache. Right now the Populations of certain areas have meshed enough to create a small generation of mixed blood children in
Atlantaea 70YIG
certain towns and cities. The New Capital of Farbanti is settled and built up heavily during this 10 year period. The King has now married and his Crown Prince now about 10 has been put in the royal teaching program in the attempt to prevent him from becomming a bad ruler. The Kingdom continues all previosu technological development and manages to field a new seaworthy ship capable of handling more people and settle many more people in major areas.

Thalassia: the military and navy are built up as usual, While this Æcasium Crysis continues as the lack of a better situation continues, the Aicazii kingdom of Beidaya (Aicazii Paedaea) expands through the border in northern Thalassia and gains influence to the Lurican Confederacy started by the the Aicazii religion almost 50 Years ago, while this the military prepares for an intervention if needed in Lurica or Beidaya., while this Mattheus Decides to Focus part of the Colonial expansion into Sevaea, by focusing the Thalassians to go to sevaea expanding by 4px now while this fretium, Carnotauria and Martia Expand by 7px and Southern Thalassia by 5px, While this a Colony is Founded north of Darhalas, Called Baudessium Darhalanium near the River Baudus, while this the creation of a bigger fleet starts in order to defend the middle sea coasts from barbars.Vassalage of Carcidonna and Daralhas begins.

70 - 80 YIG period

  1. 70 - 71 YIG: An exceptionally good growing season sweep over Alsache.
  2. 72 YIG: The Tribal diaspora in Aecasium continue to branch out further, while also pestering the Thalassian settlers in the south.
  3. 73 YIG: A population boom begins in Bovlu.
  4. 75  YIG: The Gold River Despotic states in southern Aecasium unite to become the Kingdom of Gold River.
  5. 72 YIG: The truce between the Royalists and the Insulars is broken after the laters attack the easternmost islands and capturing the local nobilty. the King of Reasonia Laurus V ask the Triple tribes to help them against the Insulars offering them to become their vassals.
  6. Carcidonnia expands 20px in an amazing turn of events through the north of The southern aecasian regions. While this Guildas VI gains control of Maulitas. Daralhas begins to form its own local empire with aid of the Baudesii tribes who are eager to force the thalassians of the Regions
  7. Baidaya's Suliy asks help for the Sivahir aicazii to start a campaign against the Aczoreb. and eventually thalassia.
  8. The Zacut tribes continue expanding (by 5px) and rising to prominence in northern O'aia.
  9. Oecumene 70Y

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (3 px) (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla or the Coastal people then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten years.  Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 1785 by 80 YIG. In 80 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 2300, Agosielle a population of 2900, and the national population reaches 160,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. King Barsolis  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. Bedencia's son Barsolis assumes the throne after King Harvinos' death in 71 YIG. In 73 YIG, he marries Aleonara Javary, a wealthy Cevan, and together they have a daughter, whom they name Katencara. Because she is first born, she is named as Heirate Katencara. In other news, Barsolis begins his first year as King communicating with the Coastal Aecasic peoples. In 75 YIG, he proposes offering them a vassal-like deal, giving them Cevairean technologies and luxuries in return for military allegiance and possible integration. The Coastal Aecasics at first seem hostile to the idea, but in a private meeting with Barsolis and his Privy council, it is expected that the Coastal Aecasics submit within the next decade.

Thalassia: expands its territories and builds up military, sevaea expanding by 5px now while this fretium, Carnotauria and Martia Expand by 7px and Southern Baudesium expands by 4px through the river's mouth, while this the Plans of Mattheus become stagnant as Mattheus Dies, His successor and Soon Laurentius III becoming king of Thalassia However his Father's Brother Bractanus IV Who leads the Thalassian Penninsula Armies Into the Royal palace in Thalassia, Yet they find it deserted as Laurentius III has fleed with his council to Fretium and Gerasium, where the Army of Bractanus would take a while to capture him, the 15 Years old King begans to make up an army of Loyalists who have decided to side with him, after a while he manage to get 50.000 soldiers with him, that occuring In 72 YIG, Bractanus Armies reaching And Securing Sevaea and landing in Gerasium, However in the battle of Laurentia Poniente the Armies of Laurentius succesfully ambush the Bractanian Followers. In 75 YIG another campaign starts however on the Mediterranean Province of Corsium et Insularis.However this is only a distraction as the Bractanian followers take over Baudesium province, Carcidonia's vassalage continues as Laurentius successfully gets his control after Guildas Daughter Marries him becoming known as Leucesia Prima.

Fenetian Republic:After a long search in establishing a home, we finally establish the city of Fenetia and we decide to establish a formal government not ruled by a king:a republic. This republican system is composed of an executive, legislative and judicial branch and will represent the needs of our people and is a goverment elected by the people. The system will also have an electorial system in which all can vote to elect their leaders in executive and legislative sections while judicial is appointed by executive with the approval of the legislature. However voting is limited to males with the age of 21 or older at the present time. With this government, and with the establisment of Fenetia we begin to focus on economic growth but also establish an army to protect from outsiders. We also decide to invent a written system called pictographs and we begin to explore the outside world slowly but gradually.

You have existed for 10 years. Not long enough to do any of that, let alone to that complexity. Also, no republics. You are a tribe, ffs

While I do agree that some of these advances are too ahead of the age, Republics are a valid form of government. -Cookie

Not for tribes. No tribe has ever been a republic.

A viking or ancent Greek style city state could form.Whipsnade (talk) 01:27, January 3, 2014 (UTC)

Rivia: Eriond is murdered by his son, and the Citadel collapses into Civil War. The Port Cities send their Militias into the Citadel to stake their claims, and following a purge of the Aristocracy, the Port Cities set up a republic of the Rivian Island. A bill is passed, and the fleet prepares to sail in search of new lands, and glory. A census puts the population at 1,500,000 people.

Drakomagic: The king sets up an expedition to expand our nation by sending 10 ships to explore the island south of us. Our population is about 1 million people. Farming is become our number one resource for our nation. We invent the compass to help us explore on our exedition. We sent up walls around our nation like the OTL great wall of China. Kevin the king's son at age 24 had his first son born. His name is Percy. 

Way to much population growth, pretty sure your a tribe or tribal cheifdom, Alsache-Anatoray is a legitimate Feudal kingdom to a degree and only has about 1.3 million people.

Alsache-Anatoray: The Adoption of Copper is finally complete with lesser metals being used for art among other things now, many cities now throw up their first Earthen fortifications outside of Wooden Palisades. Expansion along all fronts continue and irregular trade begins to occurt between the kingdom and its neighbors.

80 - 90 YIG period pt 1

(Sorry about the late turn end.)

  1. 82 - 87 YIG: Alsache-Anatoray experience an economic flourish.
  2. 80 - 90 YIG: A population boom on Ayorica fuels the economic boom in Cevaire.
  3. 84 YIG: The Drakomagician farmlands experience a season of good growth.
  4. 86 - 90 YIG: The Diaspora of Aecasium continually seep into Thalassian lands

Fenetian Republic: With our borders slowly but gradually expanding, we begin to focus on commercial and military growth, We continue to explore new lands and begin to lay down the basic laws of our people. Our first Consul is democratically elected with over 60% of the popular vote, named Jolerius and begins a policy of diplomatic action over military conflict. We as we expand our borders, begin to establish more cities and name Fenetia the capital of the Republic.

Screw it. Republic my arse. You can't have a republic.

It's perfectly acceptable to form a government such as republic (as I'm currently working on a revamped Government chart which includes Republics), and if you can't argue with that without being rude, then you should probably rethink being a mod. -Cookie

Not when you are a tribe. All due respect, no tribe has ever been a republic. Ever. It is an impossibility.

Nota bene-

If you want to squabble about government, do it here-

A tribal chiefdom would need to become a united and organised nation under a single and ashumidly hereditary ruler, preferably the chief becomes a king Absolute_monarchy or a shaman, or great warrior is enthroned or gets lots of new political clout.Whipsnade (talk) 20:38, January 1, 2014 (UTC)

  6. Whipsnade (talk) 20:38, January 1, 2014 (UTC)
  7. (talk) 01:27, January 3, 2014 (UTC)

80 - 90 YIG period pt 2

Drakomagic: The 10 ships return from their exploration of the island. They tell the the king that the island has the same reasources as our land does. We start to inhabit the island with our citizens. The king dies at 66 years of age. A ceremony is taking place for the fallen king. A special pyramid is being made to put the king inside to be with the gods. At age 34 the king's son Kevin is the new king. Our farming is doing very well. The first cannons are made. It shoots iron balls. We are experimenting with with gunpowder, putting it in grenades and fireworks. The first gun is made in a prototype. It is the same size as the long bow and the repeating crossbow. We upgrade our boats to be like the exploration ships during OTL colonization of the Americas. Medicine is rapidly upgrading and increasing becoming better at saving people from getting sick and dying. We expand our borders little by little every year. Fishing is going along good within our port cities.  

Your Tribal, the worlds best nations dont even have iron yet, slow down seriously its not a race

Are you kidding? Life Expectancy would be about 40-45. Medicine would consist of random Mushrooms and shit found by Shamans. Welcome to Tribal Life... The Pyramids would have taken most of his life to complete, and even then, again, you are tribal. Don't be ridiculous.

In year 50 YIG the king was 26 it is 40 years latter. I founed iron 20 years ago so I have iron already. Maybe I was ahead of myself with the gunpowder. Sorry. I am not a tribe I am a early monarchy. We are in the Bronze Age.... you can find it, doesnt mean you know how to use it. -Feud

Alsache-Anatoray: We continue our expansion on all fronts (once again ill do the Atlantaea map) and due to the new borders with various major tribes and small states we begin to draw inward on settling and developing our claimed and settled land. The population of 2.1 million and growing exponentially continues to fill in major territory settled with larger farming communities taking hold some developing into medium importance settlements. The King and his advisors begin to divide the Country into various provinces in order to faciliate much better management. The Newly contructed class of ship begins to push trade heavily and manages to create a thriving sea economy. The Militarization of some ships is done as well in order to protect shipping from people with less than reputable intentions. The kings son after finishing his major amounts of schooling is officially revealed as the crown prince of Alsache-Anatoray with his two older sisters presenting him as the king is preoccupied with a tour of the Frontier settlements. The Military reaches a force of nearly 120,000 troops and is made up of highly trained proffessionals who have been used in quelling the minor tribal uprisings in settled land. The First sets up mixed leather and Bronze armor is made in order to keep the troops well armed. The First standard medium length swords are produced off a mold in order to standardize the military. Spears and shields however are done by city and settlement in order to show their previous allegiance.

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (3 px) (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla or the Coastal people then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten years.  Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 2395 by 90 YIG. In 90 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 2800, Agosielle a population of 3900, and the national population reaches 175,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. King Barsolis  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. In 83 YIG, Heirate Katencara turns 10, while in the same year King Barsolis and Queen Aleonara have two more children; twin boys, named Gareseil and Dronomony. The Coastal Aecasics begin the process of being vassalized by Cevaire. In other news, King Barsolis announces his intentions of rivalry with the Aicazii Ceva, the expanding northwestern kingdom.

Triple River Khanate: Over the past 30 years instead of going to war with Reasonia, Khotyn Khan decided to expand  to the western river 9 px, and his son, Khoid Khan, decided to expand to the northern river 9px. Khoid's son, Niyu Khan expanded to the northern river basin 9px..Niyu's son, Zuun Khan, is the current ruler and is expanding towards the eastern river.

Thalassia: the civil war between the Bractanian followers and the Loyals to Laurentius reaches an end as the battles are won by Laurentius. The victory of Laurentius in the Battle of Tharssis in which the Bractanian forces lose their remaining Armies in Carcidonnian territory, this allows the Laurentian Parties to launch an Invasion, the Capture of the straits leads to the final campaigning onto Sevaea which yields a completely crushing victory in the City of Luceia Caedaeiensis founded by caedaeus in the conquest of Sevaea in early 12th yig, with the victory over this Bractanus forces secured thalassia and he moved the councilium to Corsium where he was to put up the defense of the New thalassian nation, However in 83 YIG the bractanian army is defeated in the battle of corsium where Bractanus and his loyals are captured and executed, after this the years of Civil war finally ends and Laurentius Finally returns to Thalassia where he starts on reforming the     Monarchy to avoid any further situation like this. sevaea expanding by 5px now while this fretium, Carnotauria and Martia Expand by 7px and Southern Baudesium expands by 4px through the river's mouth Military and navy are built up.

90 - 100 YIG period

  1. 93 YIG: The Aicazii Ceva begin raiding Cevairean frontierlands after King Barsolis insults the Aicazii King.
  2. 94 YIG: A series of storms disrupt maritime trade for Thalassia.
  3. 96 - 96 YIG:The Kingdom of Gold River expands 12 px southwards.
  4. 99 YIG: Alsache-Anatoray experience a wave of Immerian and Corvinese immigrants after both city states collapse during a wider political crisis.

Fenetian Republic: At long last the government estanlished is apparent. The Republic of Fenetia is born as the city continues to grow and more cities are built nearby as we expand by 2px in all directions and exploration of nearby lands becomes more rapid. We decide to divide our nation into provinces when the time comes and we begin a recruitment of our armies and begin to focus on economic growth as we invent paper money. We also decide to make fireworks and create a network of roads to connect our cities.

No to the fireworks, you need gunpowder.. which you cant create... -Feud

Drakomagic: The special pyramid for the dead king is half way of being complete. The island is completely inhabited with our citizens. Our markets are becoming more crowed, because of new merchants are coming into the cities selling new and extic things. Our population is now at about 1.5 million people. We upgrade our navy to become better explorers. We have a special border troops around our walls to keep the country safe. Most of our cities are made of bricks and stone. 

population is too large for how big you started out to be. It takes years for someone of your stature to fully inhabit said island.

Alsache-Anatoray: We continue our expansion on all fronts (once again ill do the Atlantaea map) and due to the new borders with various major tribes and small states we begin to draw inward on settling and developing our claimed and settled land. The population of 3.1 million and growing exponentially continues to fill in major territory settled with larger farming communities taking hold some developing into medium importance settlements. The King and his advisors begin to divide the Country into various provinces in order to faciliate much better management. The Newly contructed class of ship begins to push trade heavily and manages to create a thriving sea economy. The Militarization of some ships is done as well in order to protect shipping from people with less than reputable intentions. The kings son after finishing his major amounts of schooling is officially revealed as the crown prince of Alsache-Anatoray with his two older sisters presenting him as the king is preoccupied with a tour of the Frontier settlements. The Military reaches a force of nearly 120,000 troops and is made up of highly trained proffessionals who have been used in quelling the minor tribal uprisings in settled land. The First sets up mixed leather and Bronze armor is made in order to keep the troops well armed. The First standard medium length swords are produced off a mold in order to standardize the military. Spears and shields however are done by city and settlement in order to show their previous allegiance. The 250,000 refugees from the two city states are welcomed however they are in the majority put into camps and a system worked out in which various members working for jobs on the outside can work for the outside freedom of their familiy and friends. This is done with resounding success as these people are allowed to leave the camps quite quickly. however some of these camps end up becomming cities and settlements in their own right.

Triple River Khanate: Zuun Khan has completed the expansion of the Khanate to all the rivers, but at a great price, he dies before having an heir. This leads to the Khanate plunging into civil war. 

Thalassia: after Laurentius gets control of Thalassia's penninsular Territories and after purging the region from Bractanian followers, However the biggest concern Rises in the East and the north, the Siva kingdom of the Aicazii and the Baidaya Suliy of the north have allied and both have asserted influence on northern Thalassia taking advantage of the Civil war the nation faced, Only worsened by the fact of Bractanus recklessness to keep thalassia safe, However laurentius sees a chance within this to succede on the failure of the past, Realizing he can take advantage of this to succede in war. Military and navy are built up, sevaea expanding by 5px now while this fretium, Carnotauria and Martia Expand by 7px and Southern Baudesium expands by 4px through the river's mouth

100-110 YIG period

Note: The Fenetian Republic is a completely valid form of government. Going from a Tribal Confederacy to a Republic is a completely valid path to follow. Using the argument "no tribe has ever been a republic. Ever. It is an impossibility." is completely invalid. This is not a game set on Earth and following our own history of civilized governments. We set this game on an entirely different planet with different types of people. Furthermore, even if this game was set on earth, we would still be using the governmental chart which Sine conceptualized and I authored, and within that chart I specifically noted that it would not be a progression chart. What that means is that a civilization doesn't have to go from Tribal Monarchy to Early Monarchy, but it can evolve from a Tribal Confederation to a Early Republic with complete validity. -CookieDamage

i told him personally that rome did not become a republic in a day alot of the predjudice has been local as it stands though it will take him years to form into a fully fledged republic, it doesnt happen overnight -Feud

I do agree with your stance and I think it would and should take time to form such a government, but it is still a valid form none-of-the-less. -Cookie

Here are links to both charts I authored:

Try a system like Sparta or Athens, It could be used with success, the OTL Greeks did it. Several competitive groups like merchants, generals and nobles could vie for power in another model. It could also be a Autocracy. Try a Viking Thing Assembly.

  1. 101 YIG: Alsache-Anatoray continues to experience an immigration boom. The camps created for these immigrants continue to attract population.
  2. 106 YIG: The Drakomagician economy expands.

Alsache-Anatoray: We continue our expansion on all fronts (once again ill do the Atlantaea map) and due to the new borders with various major tribes and small states we begin to draw inward on settling and developing our claimed and settled land. The population of 4.6 million and growing exponentially continues to fill in major territory settled with larger farming communities taking hold some developing into medium importance settlements. The King and his advisors begin to divide the Country into various provinces in order to faciliate much better management. The Newly contructed class of ship begins to push trade heavily and manages to create a thriving sea economy. The Militarization of some ships is done as well in order to protect shipping from people with less than reputable intentions. The kings son after finishing his major amounts of schooling is officially revealed as the crown prince of Alsache-Anatoray with his two older sisters presenting him as the king is preoccupied with a tour of the Frontier settlements. The Military reaches a force of nearly 120,000 troops and is made up of highly trained proffessionals who have been used in quelling the minor tribal uprisings in settled land. The First sets up mixed leather and Bronze armor is made in order to keep the troops well armed. The First standard medium length swords are produced off a mold in order to standardize the military. Spears and shields however are done by city and settlement in order to show their previous allegiance. The nearly 500,000 refugees from the two city states are welcomed however they are in the majority put into camps and a system worked out in which various members working for jobs on the outside can work for the outside freedom of their familiy and friends. This is done with resounding success as these people are allowed to leave the camps quite quickly. however some of these camps end up becomming cities and settlements in their own right. The settlements which have evolved into cities have for the most part united or interconnected with nearby Anatorayan cities without incident with certain districts being primarily of the Immerian and other ethnicity. Explorers from the Kingdom discover a new very uninhabited island and establish various settlements through it.

Drakomagic: We finally finished the pyramid to put king Zeke in to be with the gods. We expand our borders 6 px all around. We inhabit all of the island we found 20 years ago. We start an expedition to the north. The king send out a group of 50 men to explore the region north of us. A group of nomadic people of about 500 people come into our nation to ask if they can become citizens of our country. The king say yes and gives the men jobs to do to help our country out. More and more schools are being set up to help kids with reading, writing, and math. A crazy homeless man tells the people of Drakomagic that he saw an angel last night telling him that there is only one god and not many gods. People think that this guy is crazy and put him in jail. 

Fenetian Republic: With the city continuing to grow and more cities being established, we begin to slowly develop our republican system and our laws. We continue to expand in all directions by 2px. We continue to recruit members for our armies and focus on trade. We begin to start conquering and allying with nearby tribes and attempt to culturally integrate them into Fenetian society. We decide to build a navy and begin sea based expansionalism and exploration. We decide to send explorers to explore more lands and find new people and new riches in faraway lands. We locate a Khanate further to the south and seek to put an end to their civil war. We begin to create a system of laws for our Republican system and decide to avoid the death penalty when it comes to violating laws and attempt a less punishing method such as life imprisionment or lashes.

you are still at 2 px.... stop. Also you have a known border which is about 15 to 20 px away from you that you can explore.. no seeking out rich new lands none of that crap. 

Where is your nation? I think it is landlocked...

Rivia: Ships begin to sail further and further out, and the Known World Boundary is forced back, as the Senate realises that the potential of Rivia is great, but only with new lands to our name. A new metal is discovered from Meteorites that have fallen from the Sky. They are made of a hard, grey metal, that is named "Iron". This is identified as the same as what is found frequently in mines, although our Forges cannot smelt the Ore. We forge 10 swords from the Meteorites, and they cut easily through Bronze Swords and Shields. It is realised that the we must improve our Forges. We begin to work on new designs, using Charcoal and Coal from the vast Pine Forests that blanket the North of the Island.

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (3 px) (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla or the Coastal people then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten years.  Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 3700 by 110 YIG. In 110 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 4000, Agosielle a population of 5200, and the national population reaches 200,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. Queen Katencara  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. In 101 YIG, King Barsolis dies, passing the throne onto Katencara, who becomes Queen of Cevaire. Heirate Gareseil and High Prince Drononomy are named as Princes of Agosielle and Ayoran respectively. The rivalry with the Aicazii continues, with Katencara positioning many armies of the Guerdibar near the northern borders. In national news, Katencara and her Privy council begin work on formally dividing Cevaire into provinces.

Thalassia: Laurentius Son Mauritius Leads a campaign to expand Fretium to the West towards the southern Carcidonnian coast however this fails and reaches only a few Km, Military and Navy are built up, sevaea expanding by 5px now while this fretium, Carnotauria and Martia Expand by 7px and Southern Baudesium expands by 4px through the river's mouth.

110 - 120 YIG period

I've been missing the last few turns lately by a few hours. I'm okay with a mod (Feud, Sine, LMB) maybe starting a new turn if I am not able to, so maybe if I don't start a new turn by 00:15 (7:15 PM) then one of you guys may do so. The mod events will continue to be done by Sine and I. -Cookie

  1. 111 YIG: A monotheistic religon in Drakomagic begins to spread, popularized by a jailed homeless person preaching the aformentioned religion.
  2. 110 - 120 YIG: The Immerian language slowly begins to become a minority language in Alsache-Anatoray. Immigration has slowed due to political stabilization in the city states, but the impact of the previous waves of immigration seems permanent.
  3. 117 YIG: Thalassian and Cevairean frontierspeople begin to mingle at the borders. Trade becomes increasingly expansive between the two areas, more so than previous decades, and the area becomes a very prominent economical region.
  4. 118 - 119 YIG: The Aicazii Ceva continue to harass Cevaireans in the north of Aecasium.
  5. 120 YIG: Similarly pertaining to Northern Aecasium, the tribal diaspora of previous decades ends and the eastern tribes integrate more soundly in the north.

Fenetian Republic: We continue to develop our republican system and set a 5% tax rate for our people. We begin to expand our borders by 2px and send our ships and explorers to explore new lands. We begin to develop an educational system and decide to invent writing. The written system is called pictographs and it is used to record history and trade records and all records of our civilization. We also use it to make our laws clear. We continue the conquest and allying of tribes and recruitment for our armies. We begin to mine lead, tin, and silver to trade with anyone we meet as well as limestone, while we develop more cities and settlements. We decide to establish a legislature called a Senate in which all the people participate in decision making processes and it is ruled by a Consul. We launch a series of expeditions to explore the world past the KWB in order to expand it.

Alsache-Anatoray: We continue our expansion on all fronts (once again ill do the Atlantaea map) and due to the new borders with various major tribes and small states we begin to draw inward on settling and developing our claimed and settled land. The population of 6.9 million and growing exponentially continues to fill in major territory settled with larger farming communities taking hold some developing into medium importance settlements. The King and his advisors begin to divide the Country into various provinces in order to faciliate much better management. The Newly contructed class of ship begins to push trade heavily and manages to create a thriving sea economy. The Militarization of some ships is done as well in order to protect shipping from people with less than reputable intentions. The kings son after finishing his major amounts of schooling is officially revealed as the crown prince of Alsache-Anatoray with his two older sisters presenting him as the king is preoccupied with a tour of the Frontier settlements. The Military reaches a force of nearly 120,000 troops and is made up of highly trained proffessionals who have been used in quelling the minor tribal uprisings in settled land. The First sets up mixed leather and Bronze armor is made in order to keep the troops well armed. The First standard medium length swords are produced off a mold in order to standardize the military. Spears and shields however are done by city and settlement in order to show their previous allegiance. The nearly 500,000 refugees from the two city states are welcomed however they are in the majority put into camps and a system worked out in which various members working for jobs on the outside can work for the outside freedom of their familiy and friends. This is done with resounding success as these people are allowed to leave the camps quite quickly. however some of these camps end up becomming cities and settlements in their own right. The settlements which have evolved into cities have for the most part united or interconnected with nearby Anatorayan cities without incident with certain districts being primarily of the Immerian and other ethnicity. Explorers from the Kingdom discover a new very uninhabited island and establish various settlements through it. With the Immerrians being a relatively new addition to the kingdoms politics the King authorizes the creation of a Council looking for 2 members from each of the newly created provinces and invites the new immerians to be involved on what is being called the "Kings Council." The King also personally meets with the leader of the Immerian settlers and recognizes him as the governor of the province including these people as well as the major city housing nearly 150,000 of his own people. 

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (3 px) (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla or the Coastal people then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten years.  Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 4500 by 120 YIG. In 120 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 6000, Agosielle a population of 6900, and the national population reaches 210,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. Queen Katencara  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). On banking, the first city bank of Cevaire opens in Ayavena, named the Costanca deu Ayavena (Bank of Ayavena in Cevairean). In national news, the Coastal Aecasic Peoples are finally brought under full Cevairean sovereignty after an unprecedented timespan of decades being vassalized. Katencara continues to strategize on the Aicazii situation, as they continue to harass Cevaireans in the north. Simultaneously, Katencara marries Cevan nobleman Cisaro Gabraldi and has a daughter in 114 YIG. She is named Bedencia, Heirate of Cevaire. More children are expected to come of this union. In 115 YIG, Katencara announces the creation of ten provinces and three territories in Cevaire.

Rivia: We continue to attempt to smelt Iron, as we know of it's toughness. We create vast Firepits to smelt it in, but to no avail. It becomes apparent that Wood Burning Fires will not be hot enough. An Engineer proposes that we use Coal, however the Mainstream view is that it is impossible to smelt Iron. Despite this, a small sect, known as the Iron Brotherhood, begin to experiment with Iron Ore and Coal Burning Firepits. They begin to use Stone Chambers specifically created for smelting, known as Furnaces.

Drakomagic: More and more people are converting to this monothieistic religion calling it Orthodox Christianity. About a year ago a man of the name of Ditharm Rickfar starts to perform miracles on sick people. He tells everyone that he is the son of God. We praise the son of God and make him our head doctor of the nation. Iron is being used more and more in our military for weapons and shields. Blacksmiths are becoming more and more popular within our nation. The King publishes his first set of books on papyrus. The books are fanfictions about the miracle man in his nation doing good deeds.

For the love of god what dont you get were in the Bronze age, there is no way you can be exploiting iron on any scale right now. Also youve been around for 50 years tops you cant be inventing crap like this left and right like that. this is not how this works, you have to be plausible with your technological expansion and not establishing bullshit. Please read mod comments on your turns so you can fix them. -Feud

Local told me it was alright to use papyrus paper to use. - Shadow

Christendom doesn't exist, and Certainly it won't exist, I mean you can't really expect it to be named christianity. Sine dei gloriem "Ex Initio Terrae" (talk)

Thalassia: the military and navy are built up while this the KWB is expanded by 10px eastwards towards hellatia's easternmost region.sevaea expanding by 5px now while this fretium, Carnotauria and Martia Expand by 7px and Southern Baudesium expands by 4px through the river's mouth. Laurentius Dies in 124 after a extended life and several years of reign the King of Thalassia dies. His son Mauritius Founds the city of Thalassia Laurentina a few miles away from Thalassia itself the city, previously a small town called Lurium is the resting place of his father and Tertiary capital of the Kingdom. (The others being in corsium built by Bractanus, and Thalassia itself.) in Baudessium sailors Face distress as the Daralhas Fleetships blockade Thalassian advance to their southern trading grounds. And after decades of Relations Carcidonna and Thalassia enter In Personal and Dynastic union after Hannos V dies heirless after fighting the desert peoples.

120 - 130 YIG period

  1. 122 YIG: The King of Alsache-Anatoray becomes gravely ill in his tours of the Frontier. 
  2. 124 YIG: The Rivian economy begins to stagnate after years of insular isolation. 
  3. 125 YIG: The Peninsular tribes of northern Aecasium unite to form the Kingdom of Arcidonce. 
  4. 128 YIG: The Fenetian economy expands and the new senate provides stability for the national government.

Fenetian Republic: With the new Senate established, we decide to form civil defense militias to guard our territory while we ally and conquer the nearby tribes. We continue to expand the KWB and continue to mine tin, lead, silver and limestone and instead of establishing an official religion, we decide to give our people what we call "freedom of religion" meaning they [the people] can choose whatever religion they wish to believe in. We continue to expand by 2px and we divide our country into multiple provinces.

Drakomagic: The men from the expedition tell the king that they found a nation about 150 miles to the north of our nation. The king tells the men to take our embassador with them to make relation with the unknown nation in the north. We start to make an irrigation systems to help our farms out since they are getting bigger and bigger. We make Orthodox Christianity our nations religion. Most of the history of our nation is writen down by the king in his special journal. We countinue to expand our nation by 3xp.

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (1 px), and Cevairean colonists found settlements on the island west of the Coastal Aecasics. (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla or the Coastal people then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten years.  Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 6000 by 130 YIG. In 130 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 6900, Agosielle a population of 8000, and the national population reaches 230,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. Queen Katencara  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). On banking, the first city bank of Cevaire opens in Ayavena, named the Costanca deu Ayavena (Bank of Ayavena in Cevairean). In national news, the Coastal Aecasic Peoples are finally brought under full Cevairean sovereignty after an unprecedented timespan of decades being vassalized. Katencara continues to strategize on the Aicazii situation, as they continue to harass Cevaireans in the north. In 124, Heirate Bedencia turns 10. In 123, 128, and 130, Katencara has three more children, one for each year that was listed.

Thalassia: the military and navy are built up while this the KWB is expanded by 10px westwards towards southern Carcidonnia's westernmost region.sevaea expanding by 5px now while this fretium, Carnotauria and Martia Expand by 7px and Southern Baudesium expands by 4px through the river's mouth. The Unnion with Carcidonna and Thalassia increases trading as most of the trading crosses the territories of Carcidonna in northern Carcidonia landmass (Southern Aecasium Name) a small conflict with the Ga'iad Isul (territorial tribes in the south of Carcidonna) yields a victory takin 5px off their territory, While this the Thalassians cross the Thauricon sea reaching the southern Abarri tribes and conquering them by expand there 5px

Alsache-Anatoray: We continue our expansion on all fronts (once again ill do the Atlantaea map) and due to the new borders with various major tribes and small states we begin to draw inward on settling and developing our claimed and settled land. The population of 6.9 million and growing exponentially continues to fill in major territory settled with larger farming communities taking hold some developing into medium importance settlements. The King and his advisors begin to divide the Country into various provinces in order to faciliate much better management. The Newly contructed class of ship begins to push trade heavily and manages to create a thriving sea economy. The Militarization of some ships is done as well in order to protect shipping from people with less than reputable intentions. The kings son after finishing his major amounts of schooling is officially revealed as the crown prince of Alsache-Anatoray with his two older sisters presenting him as the king is preoccupied with a tour of the Frontier settlements. The Military reaches a force of nearly 120,000 troops and is made up of highly trained proffessionals who have been used in quelling the minor tribal uprisings in settled land. The First sets up mixed leather and Bronze armor is made in order to keep the troops well armed. The First standard medium length swords are produced off a mold in order to standardize the military. Spears and shields however are done by city and settlement in order to show their previous allegiance. The nearly 500,000 refugees from the two city states are welcomed however they are in the majority put into camps and a system worked out in which various members working for jobs on the outside can work for the outside freedom of their familiy and friends. This is done with resounding success as these people are allowed to leave the camps quite quickly. however some of these camps end up becomming cities and settlements in their own right. The settlements which have evolved into cities have for the most part united or interconnected with nearby Anatorayan cities without incident with certain districts being primarily of the Immerian and other ethnicity. Explorers from the Kingdom discover a new very uninhabited island and establish various settlements through it. With the Immerrians being a relatively new addition to the kingdoms politics the King authorizes the creation of a Council looking for 2 members from each of the newly created provinces and invites the new immerians to be involved on what is being called the "Kings Council." The King also personally meets with the leader of the Immerian settlers and recognizes him as the governor of the province including these people as well as the major city housing nearly 150,000 of his own people. The King temporarily abdicates in favor of his eldest son leaving Crown Prince Edric in power

130 - 140 YIG period

  1. 130 - 140 YIG: Ghalage undergoes a large socioeconomic upheaval over the decade, with its population expanding and a primitive economy emerging.
  2. 130 - 132 YIG: A series of droughts strike Rivia.
  3. 135 - 139 YIG: The King of Alsache-Anatoray experiences another bout of illness.
  4. '140 YIG: 'Thalassian settlers in southern Aecasium are harrased by Gold River bandits.
  5. 132- 138 YIG:The Zacutii Experience a cultural boom as population grows reaching numbers similar to those of Anatoray and Thalassia (In region of the same size) this impulses an expansion from their side by 20px and the growth of a more centralized nation based on a small democratic tendence (Viking and Spartan like)
  6. 130 - 140 YIG: Paleo-Aecasic peoples in the extreme north of aecasia begin heading south as the weather and environment gets colder. This diaspora leads a fragmentation of the Paleo Aecasic peoples. The Lacustrians who dominate the Western Shores of the lakes (In aecasium) the Isthmians dominating the Argento-aecasian isthmus region, the Northern who dominate the mountains and the northernmost regions of aecasium and the Desertic paleo-aecasic who found themselves meddling with the Aicazii peoples and the remnants of their Khanate (As well as with fenetia). While this a small diaspora of aicazii reaches the fenetians borders and forms a nation 10px sized.Call Dunyxarya.
  7. 131 - 136 YIG: the Drakomagian nation faces great crysis as Bayesseaus desertic peoples begin to move east and westwards soon reaching Drakomagic and the Western basin (France shaped region)With them they bring a disease that leads to the Death of a 1/5 of the Drakomagian population, Most of the followers of the monotheistic religion and farmers.
  8. Reasonia's mainland finally returns to its nature and the coast of the TRT disappears, the Insular and the Mainland grudges continues, but the Kings of both nation see no purpose in continuing the conflict, the Loyalist reform Reasonia into a Aristocratic monarchy while the insulars create a Absolute monarchy and begin dominating the islands (Expanding by 12px through the Island) and The Mainlanders Expanding along the River's mouth and through sea towards the Western desert.

Thalassia: the military and navy are built up while this the KWB is expanded by 10px westwards towards southern Carcidonnia's westernmost region.sevaea expanding by 5px now while this fretium, Carnotauria and Martia Expand by 7px and Southern Baudesium expands by 4px through the river's mouth. The Unnion with Carcidonna and Thalassia increases trading as most of the trading crosses the territories of Carcidonna Auvarium continues expanding by 10px eastwards.

Drakomagic: 20% of our population dies off from this disease that is brought from the Bayesseaus people. Our popularion has fallen down from 2.5 million people to 2 million people. Population of 1.1 million falls to 500,000 The king tells its people to start to increase the population by having more children. The son of God trys his best to save theses people but can only save 10% of the people that died. Now since we lost a lot of people even the women have to start to find jobs to help the nation out. The team of men exploring the north find the nation to the north and head into on of their cities. Our ambassador asks to speak to the person in charge. A man tells them to go to to this area. When they arive at this building they go inside to speak to the ruler. The ruler tells our men that their nation is the Hibernion Trade Centers. We ask for an alliance with them. The ruler of the city saids to go to our capital city to spek to the king. Our men leave for the capital city.  

Your population was not 2.5 million nor is it now 2 million, continued infractions will result in a 3 day ban from the game, please listen to the mods. -Feud

Sorry I did not know what my population was. - Shadow

Alsache-Anatoray: We continue our expansion on all fronts (once again ill do the Atlantaea map) and due to the new borders with various major tribes and small states we begin to draw inward on settling and developing our claimed and settled land. The population of 8.2 million and growing exponentially continues to fill in major territory settled with larger farming communities taking hold some developing into medium importance settlements. The King and his advisors begin to divide the Country into various provinces in order to faciliate much better management. The Newly contructed class of ship begins to push trade heavily and manages to create a thriving sea economy. The Militarization of some ships is done as well in order to protect shipping from people with less than reputable intentions. The kings son after finishing his major amounts of schooling is officially revealed as the crown prince of Alsache-Anatoray with his two older sisters presenting him as the king is preoccupied with a tour of the Frontier settlements. The Military reaches a force of nearly 120,000 troops and is made up of highly trained proffessionals who have been used in quelling the minor tribal uprisings in settled land. The First sets up mixed leather and Bronze armor is made in order to keep the troops well armed. The First standard medium length swords are produced off a mold in order to standardize the military. Spears and shields however are done by city and settlement in order to show their previous allegiance. The nearly 500,000 refugees from the two city states are welcomed however they are in the majority put into camps and a system worked out in which various members working for jobs on the outside can work for the outside freedom of their familiy and friends. This is done with resounding success as these people are allowed to leave the camps quite quickly. however some of these camps end up becomming cities and settlements in their own right. The settlements which have evolved into cities have for the most part united or interconnected with nearby Anatorayan cities without incident with certain districts being primarily of the Immerian and other ethnicity. Explorers from the Kingdom discover a new very uninhabited island and establish various settlements through it. With the Immerrians being a relatively new addition to the kingdoms politics the King authorizes the creation of a Council looking for 2 members from each of the newly created provinces and invites the new immerians to be involved on what is being called the "Kings Council." The King also personally meets with the leader of the Immerian settlers and recognizes him as the governor of the province including these people as well as the major city housing nearly 150,000 of his own people. The King too sick to continue officially abdicated fully in favor of his son Eric. His son and his wife set up their royal line as per the official set ups

130 - 140 YIG period

General note: Please do not edit turns/add content after the turn has ended.

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (1 px), and Cevairean colonists found settlements on the island west of the Coastal Aecasics. (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten years.  Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 8000 by 140 YIG. In 140 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 9100, Agosielle a population of 11000, and the national population reaches 260,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. Queen Bedencia  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL).  In national news, Queen Katencara dies in 131 YIG, and she is succeeded by her daughter Bedenica. Queen Bedencia already has four children, her first born being a son, Harvin, Heirate of Cevaire. Her other children include Barsolis, High Prince of Ceva; Eleanor, Prince of Ayoran, and Mari, Durate of Adelari.

Alsache-Anatoray: We continue our expansion on all fronts (once again ill do the Atlantaea map) and due to the new borders with various major tribes and small states we begin to draw inward on settling and developing our claimed and settled land. The population of 8.2 million and growing exponentially continues to fill in major territory settled with larger farming communities taking hold some developing into medium importance settlements. The King and his advisors begin to divide the Country into various provinces in order to faciliate much better management. The Newly contructed class of ship begins to push trade heavily and manages to create a thriving sea economy. The Militarization of some ships is done as well in order to protect shipping from people with less than reputable intentions. The kings son after finishing his major amounts of schooling is officially revealed as the crown prince of Alsache-Anatoray with his two older sisters presenting him as the king is preoccupied with a tour of the Frontier settlements. The Military reaches a force of nearly 120,000 troops and is made up of highly trained proffessionals who have been used in quelling the minor tribal uprisings in settled land. The First sets up mixed leather and Bronze armor is made in order to keep the troops well armed. The First standard medium length swords are produced off a mold in order to standardize the military. Spears and shields however are done by city and settlement in order to show their previous allegiance. The nearly 500,000 refugees from the two city states are welcomed however they are in the majority put into camps and a system worked out in which various members working for jobs on the outside can work for the outside freedom of their familiy and friends. This is done with resounding success as these people are allowed to leave the camps quite quickly. however some of these camps end up becomming cities and settlements in their own right. The settlements which have evolved into cities have for the most part united or interconnected with nearby Anatorayan cities without incident with certain districts being primarily of the Immerian and other ethnicity. Explorers from the Kingdom discover a new very uninhabited island and establish various settlements through it. With the Immerrians being a relatively new addition to the kingdoms politics the King authorizes the creation of a Council looking for 2 members from each of the newly created provinces and invites the new immerians to be involved on what is being called the "Kings Council." The King also personally meets with the leader of the Immerian settlers and recognizes him as the governor of the province including these people as well as the major city housing nearly 150,000 of his own people. The King too sick to continue officially abdicated fully in favor of his son Eric. His son and his wife set up their royal line as per the official set ups

Thalassia: the Military and navy are built up. the Expansion of the KWB eastwards continues by 10 px while this fretium, Carnotauria and Martia Expand by 8px and Southern Baudesium expands by 5px through the river's mouth. The Union with Carcidonna and Thalassia increases trading as most of the trading crosses the territories of Carcidonna Auvarium continues expanding by 11px eastwards. While this the creation of a fleet begins, and some knowledge of the Cevairian metalurgy crosses the border, and the Brontium metal is created. this knowledge fast reaches Sevaea and Thalassia Penninsularis. a small group of militars, mainly called Milites begins using Brontium to their armors and shielding.

140 - 150 YIG Period

  1. a Gigantic Storm forms in the east of the Middle Sea in Æcasium the storm affects mostly Argenteriums Western coast and the Penninsular Argenterium, a few damages reach Fenetia but less than a hundred fenetians died, mostly fishermans and sailors in the strait to the Middle sea.
  2. In Cevaire and Thalassia a boom of Aicazii followers begins and more population in the bordering provinces converts to Aicazii religion.
  3. The abarri and the Aczoreb are invaded by the Aicazii in northern thalassia, in a desperate measure they ask for aid from Thalassia and cevaire being their unique known kingdoms to be able to help them against the Aicazii
  4. In Atlantaea a small Coastal federation forms called Auriou, their religion becomes relatively strong in the eastern parts of the continent, they expand by 10px through the coast and some territories of Exonesia
  5. In O'aia the Zacut nation continues growing at a fairly fast pace by 20px as their influence and trading grows, and after a few decades of progress they have expanded their trading routes to western O'aia.
  6. a few tribes Unify in southern Bovlu Island forming the B'auv-al kingdom located down the Plateau of Bovlu.

​Drakomagic: Our ambassador talks to the king of the Hibernion Trade Centers and ask him for an alliance. We try to modernize our nation to be powerful. The port cities of Drakomagic are being used to export our goods to the Hibernion Trade Centers. We import the Hibernion Trade Centers goods when they come into our ports. 

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (1 px), and Cevairean colonists found settlements on the island west of the Coastal Aecasics. (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten years.  Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 8000 by 140 YIG. In 140 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 9100, Agosielle a population of 11000, and the national population reaches 260,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. Queen Bedencia  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL).  In national news, Bedencia marries Adelari nobleman Marcus Heratho. In 141 YIG, she has a son, named Barsolis. Two years later, she has a second son, named Harvin. Queen Katencara agrees to form an alliance with the Abarri and Aczoreb.

150 - 160 YIG period

  1. 152 YIG: The Immerians in Alsache-Anatoray become a core people of the country, with another mass exodus coming from the city state of Immeria.
  2. 153 YIG:  Rivia sees another fruitful harvest season, benefitting the population and economy.
  3. 155 YIG: The Aicazii continually harass the borders of Cevaire. Many northern Cevaireans call for war and retribution.
  4. 159 YIG: Already an old, feeble, sickly man, the former King of Alsache-Anatoray dies.

​Drakomagic: We try to modernize our nation to be powerful. The port cities of Drakomagic are being used to export our goods to the Hibernion Trade Centers. We import the Hibernion Trade Centers goods when they come into our ports. Cash crops are being farmed since the king wants to sell some of his exotic foods to its allies.  

Fenetian Republic: With the rise of the new nation of Dunyxargya and the rising threat of the Paeleo-Aecasic people looming, we begin attempt to establish diplomacy with the new nation and prepare the employment of tactics used in OTL Rome combined with Spartan training from OTL and we begin to mobilize civil defense militias to protect our people. We continue our usual mining economics and expansion of the KWB and find a rich and powerful nation on the continent of Æcasium and we attempt diplomatic contact with them.

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (1 px), and Cevairean colonists found settlements on the island west of the Coastal Aecasics. (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten years.  Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 8000 by 140 YIG. In 140 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 9100, Agosielle a population of 11000, and the national population reaches 260,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. King Barsolis II  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL).  In national news, Bedencia dies in 157, and is succeeded by her son, who becomes Barsolis II. 

Thalassia: the Military and navy are built up. the Expansion of the KWB eastwards continues by 10 px while this fretium, Carnotauria and Martia Expand by 8px and Southern Baudesium expands by 5px through the river's mouth. The Union with Carcidonna and Thalassia increases trading as most of the trading crosses the territories of Carcidonna Auvarium continues expanding by 11px eastwards. While this the creation of a fleet begins, and some knowledge of the Cevairian metalurgy crosses the border, and the Brontium metal is created. this knowledge fast reaches Sevaea and Thalassia Penninsularis. a small group of militars, mainly called Milites begins using Brontium to their armors and shielding.

160 - 170 YIG period

Drakomagic: We try to modernize our nation to be powerful. The port cities of Drakomagic are being used to export our goods to the Hibernion Trade Centers. We import the Hibernion Trade Centers goods when they come into our ports. Cash crops are being farmed since the king wants to sell some of his exotic foods to its allies.  

Fenetian Republic: Military training and prepardeness continues as do all our current economic activities. All attempts to contact the nation of Dunyxarga have failed as our diplomats are attacked by the locals who fear us. We decide to send diplomats this time escorted by the Fenetian Guard and we discover that the nation to the northeast is known as Thalassia and we ask them for a trade contract with Fenetia. In the mines, we discover a substance known as Iron and former Consul Jolerius has died and his son invents a more advanced method of writing called manuscript in Latin on papyrus paper. Molerius begins to write down a history of our nation from the start to present-day.  As for Jolerius, his death is mourned throughout the nation and a huge funeral is done in his honor and the Statue of the Founder is built in his honor as well.

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (1 px), and Cevairean colonists found settlements on the island west of the Coastal Aecasics. (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten years.  Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 14000 by 170 YIG. In 170 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 17800, Agosielle a population of 23000, and the national population reaches 310,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. King Harvin II  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL).  In national news, Barsolis II dies in 164 of illness after a brief reign, and is succeeded by his brother, who becomes Harvin II. Soon after his ascencion, Harvin has a daughter with his wife Margotianne, whom he names Oltimania. In 168, he has another daughter, whom he names Margotianne, after his wife.

Alsache-Anatoray: We continue our expansion on all fronts (once again ill do the Atlantaea map) and due to the new borders with various major tribes and small states we begin to draw inward on settling and developing our claimed and settled land. The population of 8.2 million and growing exponentially continues to fill in major territory settled with larger farming communities taking hold some developing into medium importance settlements. The King and his advisors begin to divide the Country into various provinces in order to faciliate much better management. The Newly contructed class of ship begins to push trade heavily and manages to create a thriving sea economy. The Militarization of some ships is done as well in order to protect shipping from people with less than reputable intentions. The kings son after finishing his major amounts of schooling is officially revealed as the crown prince of Alsache-Anatoray with his two older sisters presenting him as the king is preoccupied with a tour of the Frontier settlements. The Military reaches a force of nearly 120,000 troops and is made up of highly trained proffessionals who have been used in quelling the minor tribal uprisings in settled land. The First sets up mixed leather and Bronze armor is made in order to keep the troops well armed. The First standard medium length swords are produced off a mold in order to standardize the military. Spears and shields however are done by city and settlement in order to show their previous allegiance. The nearly 500,000 refugees from the two city states are welcomed however they are in the majority put into camps and a system worked out in which various members working for jobs on the outside can work for the outside freedom of their familiy and friends. This is done with resounding success as these people are allowed to leave the camps quite quickly. however some of these camps end up becomming cities and settlements in their own right. The settlements which have evolved into cities have for the most part united or interconnected with nearby Anatorayan cities without incident with certain districts being primarily of the Immerian and other ethnicity. Explorers from the Kingdom discover a new very uninhabited island and establish various settlements through it. With the Immerrians being a relatively new addition to the kingdoms politics the King authorizes the creation of a Council looking for 2 members from each of the newly created provinces and invites the new immerians to be involved on what is being called the "Kings Council." The King also personally meets with the leader of the Immerian settlers and recognizes him as the governor of the province including these people as well as the major city housing nearly 150,000 of his own people. The King too sick to continue officially abdicated fully in favor of his son Eric. His son and his wife set up their royal line as per the official set ups

Thalassia: the Military and navy are built up. the Expansion of the KWB eastwards continues by 10 px while this fretium, Carnotauria and Martia Expand by 8px and Southern Baudesium expands by 5px through the river's mouth. The Union with Carcidonna and Thalassia increases trading as most of the trading crosses the territories of Carcidonna Auvarium continues expanding by 11px eastwards. While this the creation of a fleet begins, and some knowledge of the Cevairian metalurgy crosses the border, and the Brontium metal is created. this knowledge fast reaches Sevaea and Thalassia Penninsularis. a small group of militars, mainly called Milites begins using Brontium to their armors and shielding.

170 - 180 YIG period

  1. 171 YIG: The Nirviki Heirachy collapses, leading to a wide diaspora across the continent.
  2. 175 - 176 YIG: Alsache-Anatoray's economy greatly over the decade, leading to a boom of population and prosperity.
  3. 177 YIG: Thalassia begins to be harrased by a southern branch of the Aicazii tribes, while Cevaire enters another century of similar botherments on the northern frontier.
  4. 179 YIG: Rivia's mining industry becomes matured and is now a leading part of Rivian society and politics.
Alsache-Anatoray: We continue our expansion on all fronts (once again ill do the Atlantaea map) and due to the new borders with various major tribes and small states we begin to draw inward on settling and developing our claimed and settled land. The population of 11.7 million and growing exponentially continues to fill in major territory settled with larger farming communities taking hold some developing into medium importance settlements. The King and his advisors begin to divide the Country into various provinces in order to faciliate much better management. The Newly contructed class of ship begins to push trade heavily and manages to create a thriving sea economy. The Militarization of some ships is done as well in order to protect shipping from people with less than reputable intentions. The kings son after finishing his major amounts of schooling is officially revealed as the crown prince of Alsache-Anatoray with his two older sisters presenting him as the king is preoccupied with a tour of the Frontier settlements. The Military reaches a force of nearly 120,000 troops and is made up of highly trained proffessionals who have been used in quelling the minor tribal uprisings in settled land. The First sets up mixed leather and Bronze armor is made in order to keep the troops well
Atlantaea 180YIG
armed. The First standard medium length swords are produced off a mold in order to standardize the military. Spears and shields however are done by city and settlement in order to show their previous allegiance. The nearly 500,000 refugees from the two city states are welcomed however they are in the majority put into camps and a system worked out in which various members working for jobs on the outside can work for the outside freedom of their familiy and friends. This is done with resounding success as these people are allowed to leave the camps quite quickly. however some of these camps end up becomming cities and settlements in their own right. The settlements which have evolved into cities have for the most part united or interconnected with nearby Anatorayan cities without incident with certain districts being primarily of the Immerian and other ethnicity. Explorers from the Kingdom discover a new very uninhabited island and establish various settlements through it. With the Immerrians being a relatively new addition to the kingdoms politics the King authorizes the creation of a Council looking for 2 members from each of the newly created provinces and invites the new immerians to be involved on what is being called the "Kings Council." The King also personally meets with the leader of the Immerian settlers and recognizes him as the governor of the province including these people as well as the major city housing nearly 150,000 of his own people. The King too sick to continue officially abdicated fully in favor of his son Eric. His son and his wife set up their royal line as per the official set ups.

Fenetian Republic: The Statue of the Founder is completed as we attempt to forge the mineral we know as Iron and we begin to improvise our forges for this very purpose. Molerius decides to publish The Grand Republic: A History of Fenetia and becomes a popular but controversial bestseller. The attempt at contacting Duryxarga fails once more and it becomes clear that war must be declared before they continue to harrass our diplomats and our borders. We begin to build up and train our soldiers to the max and our generals continue to adapt OTL Roman tactics. We also continue our usual economic business and continue the expansion of the KWB and decide to send several expeditions to the other sea-based continents in an attempt to bring glory to the Republic.

Thalassia: the Military and navy are built up. the Expansion of the KWB eastwards continues by 10 px while this fretium, Carnotauria and Martia Expand by 8px and Southern Baudesium expands by 5px through the river's mouth. The Union with Carcidonna and Thalassia increases trading as most of the trading crosses the territories of Carcidonna Auvarium continues expanding by 11px eastwards. While this the creation of a fleet begins, and some knowledge of the Cevairian metalurgy crosses the border, and the Brontium metal is created. this knowledge fast reaches Sevaea and Thalassia Penninsularis. a small group of militars, mainly called Milites begins using Brontium to their armors and shielding.

Drakomagic: We continue to build up our military to make us stronger. The iron from our mines are now being used to be forged. Most of the iron from the mines are going to the military to use. We expand our nation by 4 px all around. The king of our nation starts to write down the history of out nation. The king also make the first maps of our region. Farmer are trying to find faster ways to grow more crops.

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (3 px) (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten years.  Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 17000 by 180 YIG. In 180 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 27000, Agosielle a population of 36500, and the national population reaches 340,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. King Harvin II  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL).  In national news, The royal family and nation is saddened  upon the death of Heirate Oltimania in 170, at the age of six of a lung infection. It is believed that Queen Margotianne and he second daughter High Prince Margotianne also had a lung infection, but were able to pull through. In 173, 175, 178, and 180 YIG, Queen Margotianne has four more children.

Rivia: The Rivian Fleets begin to move further and further out into the Open Sea. Iron smelting begins, with Coal Furnaces.

180 - 190 YIG Period

Note: When can we expect a map update? -Cookie

  1. 180 - 181 YIG: King Barsolis II of Cevaire is found dead in his palace. The government fears an assassination.
  2. 182 YIG: Pirate activity begins to increase in the Southern Aecasic sea, most likely brought upon by eastern Aicazii seafarers. This poses a threat to the Thalassian and Cevairean martime economies and trade routes.
  3. 184 - 187 YIG: A string of droughts strike northern Alsache, inflicting many hardships and bad harvests, and in extreme cases, full blown famine.
  4. 189 - 190 YIG: A particularly bad winter cyclone slams into the Drakomagician coast, causing massive damages and many fatalities.
  5. 185 YIG: Zacutii navy expands and the lurican khanate rises in the east of the aczoreb and abarri nations.

Alsache-Anatoray: The Kingdom offers up some food reserves to Anatoray and expands an irrigation system going as far as to bring water from the mainland (more to come)

Thalassia: the Military and navy are built up. the Expansion of the KWB eastwards continues by 10 px while this fretium, Carnotauria and Martia Expand by 8px and Southern Baudesium expands by 5px through the river's mouth. The Union with Carcidonna and Thalassia increases trading as most of the trading crosses the territories of Carcidonna Auvarium continues expanding by 11px eastwards. While this the creation of a fleet begins, and some knowledge of the Cevairian metalurgy crosses the border, and the Brontium metal is created. this knowledge fast reaches Sevaea and Thalassia Penninsularis. a small group of militars, mainly called Milites begins using Brontium to their armors and shielding.

  • Fenetian Diplomacy: We ask for the nation of Thalassia for a trade contract.

Fenetian Republic: Our military training continues and when Dunyxarga attacks through our borders, the Senate with unanimous approval declares war against the Dunyxargans and alerts all military forces and civil defense militias as they are now on high alert. Our usual economic business continues and we find a nation to the North of Thalassia called Cevaire, according to the Thalassians and we continue to expand the KWB and expand our borders in every direction except for where Dunyxarga is located by 2px. More and more books continue to be published by many authors including The Adventures of Reapana and The Art of War, which become bestsellers around initially around Fenetia but spread to Thalassia and Cevaire.

Seems to be way too much KWB expansion. Your country is still developing, and you wouldn't discover Thalassia or Cevaire for centuries at the least. Also, be aware that modern book publishing and the concept of a "best seller" only came into fruition in the last century OTL, so in this timeline, we wouldn't really be seeing any mass production of text at all. - Cookie

Drakomagic: We continue to build up our military to make us stronger. The iron from our mines are now being used to be forged. Most of the iron from the mines are going to the military to use. We expand our nation by 4 px all around. The king of our nation starts to write down the history of out nation. The king also make the first maps of our region. Farmer are trying to find faster ways to grow more crops.

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (3 px) (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten years.  Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 21000 by 190 YIG. In 180 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 34000, Agosielle a population of 42750, and the national population reaches 360,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. Regent Margotianne  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL).  In national news, the nation is stunned by the death of Barsolis II, feared to be an assassination. As the young Margotianne is proclaimed Queen and her mother assuming regency, the Privy council begins investigating the King's death. With the help of the Guerdibar, it is discovered that the King was assassinated by a nobleman, Harvin Ocate Gabraldi poisoned the king. Afterwards, Gabraldi planned on putting his son, Holsolis, on the throne. Gabraldi is arrested and executed for treason in 181. Holsolis, aged ten, is exiled to Ayorica. In other news, Regent Margotianne rules for seven years, conducting numerous court functions, balls, and banquets, while promoting the treasuries of many port cities in Cevaire. In 187, upon turning nineteen, daughter Margotianne begins her personal rule as Queen, her first act of business being repairing the royal treasury after her mother's straining, thrifty regency. In 188, Margotianne petitions the Royal Council to pass three economic reforms in an attempt to lessen the domestic debt.

190 - 200 YIG period

  1. 190 YIG: The domestic debt in Cevaire grows, as various noble families who offered to aid the royal treasury during the regency demand to be repaid by Queen Margotianne.
  2. 190 YIG: Problems with piracy continue to threaten maritime trade in the southern Aecasic sea.
  3. 193 - 200 YIG: The chiefdom of Leore centralizes and forms an early monarchy. Later, they seek an alliance and trade pact with the Alsache-Anatorayans. 
  4. 196 YIG: The Zeedomane Empire collapses and forms numerous, feuding states.

​Drakomagic: We build up our cities to make them more modern. A new kind of war ship is made. It is longer bigger and can travel longer distances. It has three sails to make it go faster. This ship has areas on it where catapults can fit for fighting. There is also a battle ram to attack at full force. The ship is made of iron and oak wood. The king ask for mass production of the new ship for he can use to use for longer expeditions at sea. Our farmlands are become bigger and bigger with more food being grown. Our population is at about 1 million.

Fenetian Republic: As we continue to fight against the Dunyxargans, we finally hold them back on the Battle of Loik, a city located near the Tiko River to the Middle Sea. Our economic business continues and more and more books begin to be published and maps of Fenetia and the known world are being drawn as we push back the KWB a little bit more. The current Consul, Polerik is killed by an unknown assailant and he is captured, later revealed to be an agent for the Dunxyargans and our people get mad as a new Consul comes to power and the Senate decides to increase counter-spy operations against the Dunyxargans.

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (3 px) (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten years.  Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 29000 by 200 YIG. In 200 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 45000, Agosielle a population of 63000, and the national population reaches 390,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. Regent Margotianne  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). In national news, Queen Margotianne continues to pass economic reforms. By 193, the royal treasury improves to a degree to allow the reimbursment of many loans and grans the nobles offered the crown during the Regency. In 193, Margotianne once more funds the port cities of Cevaire, however not to such a high degree as her mother. In 194, she weds Cevairean noble Gavis Docciles. The marriage arouses some controversy as it is learned that Docciles is of half Thalassian lineage. The marriage continues regardless, and the couple's first child, a boy named Harvin, is born in 195. Another boy, named Boltheo, is born in 197.

Thalassia: the Military and navy are built up. the Expansion of the KWB eastwards continues by 10 px while this fretium, Carnotauria and Martia Expand by 8px and Southern Baudesium expands by 5px through the river's mouth. The Union with Carcidonna and Thalassia increases trading as most of the trading crosses the territories of Carcidonna Auvarium continues expanding by 11px eastwards. While this the creation of a fleet begins, and some knowledge of the Cevairian metalurgy crosses the border, and the Brontium metal is created. this knowledge fast reaches Sevaea and Thalassia Penninsularis. a small group of militars, mainly called Milites begins using Brontium to their armors and shielding.

200 - 210 YIG period

Drakomagic: We expand our boarders 4 px. 10 new ships are made. The king sends 5 of the ships with and expedition tean to the east to map the land out. We start to advance our farming by using animals to make the prodution of farming faster. Horses, cows, and bulls are used to move plows, carts, wagons, and carriages. Elephants are used in the military like tanks in OTL. Colosseums are being built to show fighting maches and the circus.  

Fenetian Republic: The Dunyxargans, despite the Battle of Loik, continue to right and we begin to push them back with our armies. We are able to finally successfully improvise our forges to make Iron-based tools and these are made common to the people as we begin to mine Iron. We also continue our usual economic activity and we finally invent paper as a way to replace papyrus as the traditional form of writing. More people begin to become scientists, philosophers, soldiers, merchants and generals as our population continues to grow. We continue to expand the KWB and after 30 years of brutal fighting, we finally push the Dunyxargans back to their borders and launch a retaliatory invasion of their territory.

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (3 px) (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten years. The KWB expands towards the east, into the sea as maritime traders and sailors explore the various tiny islands. Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 37,000 by 210 YIG. In 210 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 60,000, Agosielle a population of 90,000, and the national population reaches 440,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. Regent Margotianne  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). In national news, Queen Margotianne passes the last of her economic reforms in 201, aptly named Lec Aguadas ans Costancas Reformina (The Ports and Banks Act), creating more semi-royal banks and chartered banks in the nation, as well as continually funding the port cities. In 202, Margotianne gives birth to a girl, whom she names Alceneura. In 206, she has a boy, whom she names Barsolistus. In 207, she creates three new tities for her husband Gavin Docciles. He is given the titles of Ledi deu Ayorica, Ledi deu Aicaziiceva, and Durate deu Coastacia. 

Thalassia: the Military and navy are built up. the Expansion of the KWB eastwards continues by 10 px while this fretium, Carnotauria and Martia Expand by 8px and Southern Baudesium expands by 5px through the river's mouth. The Union with Carcidonna and Thalassia increases trading as most of the trading crosses the territories of Carcidonna Auvarium continues expanding by 11px eastwards. While this the creation of a fleet begins, and some knowledge of the Cevairian metalurgy crosses the border, and the Brontium metal is created. this knowledge fast reaches Sevaea and Thalassia Penninsularis. a small group of militars, mainly called Milites begins using Brontium to their armors and shielding.

210 - 220 YIG period

  1. 210 - 213 YIG: The Fenetians are aided in Dunyxargia as a devastating crop failure seriously affects the Dunyxargans.
  2. 214YIG: The Rivian economy enters a period of great instability, however the general health of the population remains high and it is expected that birth rates will decline to a normal level and the life expectancy will increase.
  3. 220 YIG: The King of Thalassia falls ill over the winter and dies in early Spring. A rival claimant to the throne, Veritas Docciles, distant relative of Cevairean King consort Gavin Docciles, declares war on the remaining royal family and raises troops. Veritas Docciles contacts the Cevairean courts and presents a call to arms to the Queen.
  4. 220 YIG: Alsache-Anatoray experience a large influx of Leoran diplomats petitioning the governemnt to form an alliance and trade pact.

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (3 px) (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten yearsThe KWB expands towards the east, into the sea as maritime traders and sailors explore the various tiny islands. Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 60,000 by 220 YIG. In 220 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 115,000, Agosielle a population of 150,000, and the national population reaches 470,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. Regent Margotianne  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). In national news, Queen Margotianne orders the arrest of the diplomat who brought Veritas Docciles' call to arms. On behalf of herself and the King consort Gavin, she denounces Veritas Docciles as a traitor and a fool. It is rumored that spies and assassins apart of the Guerdibar are sent to Thalassia to attempt to kill Veritas Docciles.

Alsache-Anatoray: We continue our expansion on all fronts (once again ill do the Atlantaea map) and due to the new borders with various major tribes and small states we begin to draw inward on settling and developing our claimed and settled land. The population of 14.3 million and growing exponentially continues to fill in major territory settled with larger farming communities taking hold some developing into medium importance settlements. The King and his advisors begin to divide the Country into various provinces in order to faciliate much better management. The Newly contructed class of ship begins to push trade heavily and manages to create a thriving sea economy. The Militarization of some ships is done as well in order to protect shipping from people with less than reputable intentions. The kings son after finishing his major amounts of schooling is officially revealed as the crown prince of Alsache-Anatoray with his two older sisters presenting him as the king is preoccupied with a tour of the Frontier settlements. The Military reaches a force of nearly 120,000 troops and is made up of highly trained proffessionals who have been used in quelling the minor tribal uprisings in settled land. The First sets up mixed leather and Bronze armor is made in order to keep the troops well armed. The First standard medium length swords are produced off a mold in order to standardize the military. Spears and shields however are done by city and settlement in order to show their previous allegiance. The nearly 500,000 refugees from the two city states are welcomed however they are in the majority put into camps and a system worked out in which various members working for jobs on the outside can work for the outside freedom of their familiy and friends. This is done with resounding success as these people are allowed to leave the camps quite quickly. however some of these camps end up becomming cities and settlements in their own right. The settlements which have evolved into cities have for the most part united or interconnected with nearby Anatorayan cities without incident with certain districts being primarily of the Immerian and other ethnicity. Explorers from the Kingdom discover a new very uninhabited island and establish various settlements through it. With the Immerrians being a relatively new addition to the kingdoms politics the King authorizes the creation of a Council looking for 2 members from each of the newly created provinces and invites the new immerians to be involved on what is being called the "Kings Council." The King also personally meets with the leader of the Immerian settlers and recognizes him as the governor of the province including these people as well as the major city housing nearly 250,000 of his own people. The King too sick to continue officially abdicated fully in favor of his son Eric. His son and his wife set up their royal line as per the official set ups

Fenetian Republic: With the Dunyxargans in full retreat, combined with their agricultural losses, we begin to take advantage of this to continue major offensives across their nation. We are able to crush them battle after battle, but in the Battle of Polma, the Dunyxargans slow our offensive down for a while, but regardless we win that battle at a great cost and our advance continues. Our economic business continues as usual and reconstruction of the affected areas across Fenetia continues and we continue to forge Iron as it helps our people very much and contributes to our final victory against the Dunyxargans. By the year 210 YIG, the Dunyxargans begin to sue for peace, with neither side gaining the advantage and the Senate accepts the peace offer made by their king.

Drakomagic: The first colosseum is made in the capital city of Khazad. The first tournaments are taking place. The 5 ships come back from their expedition from the west. They tell the king that it is mostly the same like in our country. All they find is vegetation, same plants and such like in their country. They do map out the area, and they tell the king that their is a huge rain forest where they are. We live some what in the center of the rain forest. We expand our nation by 4 px. The population of 1.5 million and growing is building up each city nicely yo make our cities bigger. 

220 - 230 YIG period

  1. 222 YIG: Veritas Docciles is found dead in a campside base in northern Thalassia. It is widely believed that a Cevairean assassin had him killed. The rebellion seems to collapse, however fighting still continues, and the country fears another member of House Docciles will claim the Thalassian throne.
  2. 224 YIG: Cevaire begins experiencing a population boom, aided by heightened birth rates and a rising life expectancy.
  3. 226 YIG: The Fenetians begin to undergo an economic depression, caused by the massive raising and subsequent attrition of soldiers in the military, as well as the massive, unprecedented cost of the Dunyxargan war.
  4. 227 - 230 YIG: The Immerian City State, already in a dilapidated state, collapses, sending more Immerians towards Alsache-Anatoray. In 230, the Kingdom of Immeria is founded out of a remaining rump state.
  5. 220 - 225 YIG: The Luricans of central-eastern Æcasium invade parts of Thalassian Auvarium from them during the schism in Thalassia. many looting local thalassian population.
  6. 224 - 226 YIG: A eruption starts in Rivia where a few big cities are severely damaged by the explosion. however the death toll hasn't reached more than 1000 people in southern rivia (Location of the island)
  7. 221 - 228 YIG: A group of Nomads in central south crescentian desert form a tribal coalition (Khanate) and centralize their local polytheist religion, they take the name of the San-ahab-ul and name Adal-Khar-Zihad as their leader and their Religious guide. the Leader manages to unify south-western territories of the desert under the Sukhayat size roughly by 30px.
  8. 225-229 YIG: The Zeedom fragmentation, but many local dukes and kings of their own city states expand their nation, expanding the Zeedomite influence about 10px

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (3 px), south of the Ceva River (3 px), east of the Agosiellen River (3 px) and south of the Southern River (3 px) ( If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten yearsThe KWB expands towards the east, into the sea as maritime traders and sailors explore the various tiny islands. Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 90,000 by 230 YIG. In 230 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 155,000, Agosielle a population of 185,000, and the national population reaches 520,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. King Harvin III  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). In national news, Queen Margotianne dies in 222, passing the throne to her son, Harvin who becomes Harvin III. Harvin already has several children, his eldest being the 17 year old son, Harvin. The Guerdibar take credit for the assassination of Veritas Docciles in 222.

Fenetian Republic: With our nation devastated and the economic depression taking a toll, we decide to reduce military spending and begin a free-trade agreement with the Dunyxargans and yet we decide to continue military training and rebuild provinces affected by the Dunyxargan War as our economy slows down. The usual economic business continues and Iron continues to be forged for our armies as we begin to come up new inventions and technologies and begin to invest heavily on exploration and send ships to explore and expand the KWB out into the ocean. We begin to expand our trade routes to outside contact and expand the nation by 3px on Revania, 4px on Kollaris, 8px on Loik, and 2px on Imaoik. We decide to consider a possible merger of Fenetia and Dunyxarga.

Drakomagic: With the increasing economy in our nation the king sets up the first bank of our country. silver is still the currancy of our nation. We still heavily invest in exploration to expan our nation. We expand our boarder 4 px north and east. The king opens his first tavern to the public. Tobacco has become popular in the country. Our newer buildings are being made out of bricks instead of wood. Our population is about 1.5 million people. More schools are being built for kids to get an education. We continue to build up our military. We invest in bettering our medicine to help our sick and wounded more.

Thalassia: with the death of Veritas the Military in almost a revolution state, the central Monarchic government names a Succesor of Laurentius, Ruler after the Bractanian Civil war, this is a noble called Meritus Saetius originally of Carcidonian origin (Being the inheritor of the Guildo-Laurentian Dynasty that ruled after the union between laurentius and the carcidonian dynasty), he takes the name of Meritus II, King of Thalassia, Protector of Carcidona and Domii Maximii (Maximum lord) of Sevaea. Crowned in early 221, Meritus faces further issues as many sevaeans backed the Veritas government in the region, and although they did rejoin the government of thalassia, there are still many who feel veritas should've become the new king. Meritus, Barely on its 20's decides to ignore this, while trying to focus on the creation of better infrastructure on the region as most of the known made paths in the empire are mostly along the coast. the expansion of Martia and Carnotauria continues by 8 px, while fretium's continues by 9px and Baudessium continues by 10px, Auvarium expands by 5px towards the south. the military and navy are built up as well as economy.Meritus starts the creation of the Via Carcidonii a great path that would criss cross the empire holdings in carcidonia. as well as the Vassalage of carcidonian nations, starting by Daralhas and the Golden River tribes.He becomes the first of the Carcidonian dynasty to rule the kingdom. the discovery of the Strait Mirmides in the east (the biggest strait near Fenetia) occurs. and thalassian sailors hear about a trading empire within the region. However many give little relevance to it.The Luricans are fended of from Auvarium Superioris.

230 - 240 YIG Period

  1. 230 YIG: The Fenetian debt continues to climb as the senate becomes polarized and unstable. Inflation causes some food prices to rise, causing unrest among the population. An all out socio-economic collapse or revolt is still far away from reality.
  2. 230 YIG: Fighting becomes to truly materialize and intensify in Thalassia as the Pretender army moves south, guided by the their new commander Veritas II Docciles, nephew of Veritas Docciles. Factional fighting spills into eastern Cevaire.
  3. 232 YIG: Alsache-Anatoray are plagued by a strange event where it seems that the stars themselves turn into deadly rocks and fall out of the sky (meteor showers).
  4. 234 - 237 YIG: A virulent waterborne virus affects much of western Drakomagic.
  5. 231 - 235 YIG: Paleo-Aecasic peoples begin to move more to the south reaching the middle sea for the first time, while the Dunyxaryans Loot a few cities in northern. While this some lacustrians move to Argenterium and reach the southern border of Fenetia. the are called Latahxaryan.
  6. 232 - 234 YIG: In O'aia Southern Region several tribes settle in the southern Lakes. they found the confederacy of the south.
  7. 236 - 238 YIG:  In Baudessium the Bovlu leadership falls appart with many leaders dying, this Ironically is worsened by an Unknown pest that kills half of the population of the kingdom.
  8. 235 YIG: Izendar falls appart, after 200 years of relative thriving economy and evolution, the cold island nation falls appart due to several factors such as a worsened weather and the depletion of the local resources.

​Drakomagic: This virus only kills about 200,000 people. Leaving our population at 1.3 million people. We expand our boarder 4 px north and east. The kings tavern is a hit and everyone loves his food and drinks. Tobacco is our biggets export sending it to the Hibernion Trade Centers and other tribes outside our nation. Our military is expanding do to modernization. The banking system in our country is doing pretty good. More banks are being build in our nation. Our economy is increasing do to people investing their money and buying stocks. 

Fenetian Republic: We decide to invest on crops to prevent the rise of food prices from continuing and decide launch austerity measures and we decide to mobilize civil defense militias in the scenario the situation begins to spiral out of control. We decide to consider economic relations with the Dunyxargans and we attempt to make the Senate more stable and depolarize it. We continue to expand the KWB but we stop all territorial expansion until the end of this crisis.

Thalassia: Military and navy expands,  the territories expand, and veritas continues fighting in the east. Veritas fight in western Sevaea begins to draw to an end as Veritas Flees towards Cevairian southern regions, Only to re-enter thalassia through northern Gerasium, the arrival on gerasium starts several issues that end with veritas entering carcidona's territories.

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (6 px) and east of the Agosiellen River (6 px) ( If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten yearsThe KWB expands towards the east, into the sea as maritime traders and sailors explore the various tiny islands. Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 130,000 by 240 YIG. In 240 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 180,000, Agosielle a population of 220,000, and the national population reaches 570,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. King Harvin IV  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). In national news, King Harvin III dies in 236, passing the throne to his brother Harvin, who becomes Harvin IV. Harvin raises concerns for the upper class and government, as he is in his thirties and without an heir. His wife, Queen Alo, does not seem capable to bear children.

240 - 250 YIG period

  1. 241 YIG: Veritas Reaches Fretium and Carnotauria, soon swarming the northern carcidonian regions and seizing some from the Meretian Loyalists. However by that year he reaches and captures Thalassia's biggest centre of power in the region, Carcidona. He is caught there as his army in the south fails to defeat the Thalassians in Laurentia Carcidensis.
  2. 240 - 243 YIG: Fenetia's crysis grows and grows more and Uprisings begin in the outter most regions, especially those close to Dunyxarya's border. The Consul and his senate are in such fear of a revolution breaking out that they flee to the Insular provinces and organize a local army to keep the republic united, It is during this when the Thalassian Ships reach the Nation, The first contact is fairly peacefull, most of the Thalassians offering part of their provisions to locals as a peace offer. This and Small tradings begin to change the Fenetian Economy thrashed by the Dunyxaryan war.
  3. The Plague that has striked Drakomagic's territories begins to fade away among the local population.

Drakomagic: Since our recent fall in population, we were able to pick it up to make our population at about 1.6 million people. We expand our boarder 4 px north and east. Tobacco is our biggets export sending it to the Hibernion Trade Centers and other tribes outside our nation. Our military is expanding do to modernization. Blacksmiths are becoming more popular due to iron being the popular metal of chocie to make stuff out of. Our currency expands to tribes outside our nation. Folk music has become popular in our country.

Hey, isn't this turn too early??? Turns don't start/end until 00:00. - Cookie

Fenetian Republic: With the Republic in an ever worsening state of depression, we ask for the Thalassians for help and allow them to establish an embassy on our nation. We decide to deploy military forces and militias to contain the riots on the outermost provinces in an attempt to prevent rebellion and to utterly crush the rebels. We decide to continue last turn's economic activities and we finally are able to forge an Iron sword. We begin to use the new substance for our armies and for other civilian uses and this helps out our food system very much.

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (6 px) and east of the Agosiellen River (6 px) ( If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten yearsThe KWB expands towards the east, into the sea as maritime traders and sailors explore the various tiny islands. Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 170,000 by 250 YIG. In 250 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 210,000, Agosielle a population of 250,000, and the national population reaches 610,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. King Harvin IV  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). In national news, the Royal Council begins to evolve, with lower noble classes holding different meetings from the upper nobles. The government continues to worry as Harvin IV produces no heir for the throne. His other brothers are either dead or dying of old age.

Thalassia:Military and navy are built up. Expansion continues and the Daralhas strait begins to be crowded by Thalassians navy, while this An alliance is asked to Fenetia. in order to end the veritan threat, Meritus III pardons the soldiers of the Veritan armies. in Carcidona, The Lauricus "mantle" is founded, a new religion promising divine land to all of its followers centered around a local valley of south eastern carcidona in Gueldarium. While this the northern borders Expand.

250 - 260 YIG period

  1. 253 - 254 YIG: The Fenetian Government, while in panic mode over the worsening state of the nation, begin formulating policies on how to deal with the foreign Thalassians. Many more rebellions rise up near Dunyxarya, while the remainder of the country settle down somewhat. The economy begins a slow path to recovery, however a state of depression, unrest, and the possibility of an all out revolution remains to be a fear on the council's mind.
  2. 255 YIG: Harvin IV dies without an heir. A pretender, Franço Arminserat, rises in northern Cevaire with an army of 1,000 people. 
  3. 256 - 258  YIG: Drakomagic experiences a flourishment of culture and economy as the lowered population affected by the plague are able to get more jobs and earn more money.
  4. 259 YIG: The several rump states of Immeria wage war against each other.

Fenetian Republic: With our decision to allow Thalassia to assist in our economic depression, we send a military expedition to the border regions to crush the rebellions and we begin trade with the Fenetians. Our economic activities from the last 2 turns continue and we decide to fight the rebels and send troops across the nation to crush them. We continue to forge Iron and begin to arm our men with new iron-based equipment so we can crush the rebels.

Drakomagic: We expand our boarder 4 px north and east. Tobacco is our biggets export sending it to the Hibernion Trade Centers and other tribes outside our nation. Our military is expanding do to modernization. Blacksmiths are becoming more popular due to iron being the popular metal of chocie to make stuff out of. Our currency expands to tribes outside our nation. Our population increases to 1.9 million people. The king upgrades the walls that form around the capital city. Papyrus paper is becoming more popular to write on then stone tablets. Our farm crops have increased due to the increase in rain we got. 

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (6 px) and east of the Agosiellen River (6 px) ( If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten yearsThe KWB expands towards the east, into the sea as maritime traders and sailors explore the various tiny islands. Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 210,000 by 260 YIG. In 260 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 240,000, Agosielle a population of 290,000, and the national population reaches 660,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. King Harvin IV  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). In national news, the Royal Council immediately declares Franço Arminserat a pretender to the throne and a traitor. In 256, the Guerdibar deploy 2,500 soldiers to travel up north, where they battle Arminserat's forces in Aicaziceva. Arminserat's forces lose, however the north remains loyal to Arminserat, where more forces are raised. Fighting in the north continues for two years. In 258, Arminserat's force of 3,000 soldiers travel south to Pantenaca and defeat a force of 2,000 Guerdibar soldiers. 

Thalassia: Veritas threat continues, but for now their relevance is useless as they have no come invading mostly outern regions such as southern carcidona. while this military and navy are built up, territories expand, mostly in carcidona.

260 - 270 YIG period

  1. 260 YIG: Franço Arminserat makes advances in Pantenaca, declaring the Kingdom of Aicazi-Pantenaca an independent country. Most of the north is allied with him.
  2. 264 - 266 YIG: The Fenetians economy continues to slowly recover. Rebellions in the heartland of the country remain unlikely, while the Dunyx areas remain heavily volatile.
  3. 267 YIG: Drakomagic experiences an infestation of crop-eating pests, damaging many farmlands in the north.
  4. 268 YIG: Thalassia is subjected to a plague brought about by sailors returning from Fenetia.
  5. 266 YIG:  Traders from Southern carcidona, speak of a gigantic sea beyond the daralhaic domains, Thalassians and Cevairians move to this ocean and reach southern Argenterium penninsula.
  6. 261 YIG: Fenetia gain influence on Xarya and Latahxaryan peoples through economic deals, however they are still fairly aggresive and aprehensive towards Fenetian domination.
  7. 269 YIG: Veritas II dies in Carcidona after killed by a "loyal" soldier. His remnants are taken to the carcidonian palace waiting for Meritus Son to take them into thalassia.

Fenetian Republic: The fight against the rebels continues as more ans more soldiers are focused on taking down the rebels as well as local civil defense militias and we continue the usual economic activities. We continue to influence the neighbors of Fenetia and we decide to establish trade relations with them and as for Thalassia, we ask them for an alliance and a cultural exchange treaty in order to learn more about our 2 countries and we also continue to smithe Iron as it has at this point completely replaced Bronze as the most commonly used metal in the nation.

Drakomagic: Some of our farmland in the north have lost their crops due to pests. Farmers make a chemical to kill these pests. We expand our boarder 4 px north and east. Tobacco is our biggets export sending it to the Hibernion Trade Centers and other tribes outside our nation. Our military is expanding do to modernization. The king expands the government by adding a cabinet of 6 people to help him rule the nation. These 6 people are mostly just friends of the king. In government discussions they vote on what needs to get done. They can also make laws. The king has the last say in everything and an veto any laws he thinks is not good. 

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (6 px) and east of the Agosiellen River (6 px) ( If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 12 px in ten yearsThe KWB expands towards the east, into the sea as maritime traders and sailors explore the various tiny islands. Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 240,000 by 270 YIG. In 270 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 280,000, Agosielle a population of 330,000, and the national population reaches 710,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. King Harvin IV  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). In national news, the Royal Council declares Bedencia Tangogi to be the true head of state. In 260 she is crowned as Bedencia II of Cevaire. In 262, the forces of Arminserat suffer a decisive defeat in northern Derarri, effectively securing the homelands for Cevaire. In 263, however, they rebound and win a victory in Pantenaca once more. The Kingdom of Aicazi-Pantenaca is not recognized by Cevaire. In 266, the Cevaireans win another battle in northern Aicaziceva. The next year, the tide turns once more as Arminserat wins another victory. 

Thalassia: Navy and military are built up, so does economy. the advance of Veritas ends as his forces are caught in Carcidona, Lauricus Grows as a valley temple on southern carcidona, specially in the regions damages by the thalassian civil war. While this traders reach the Daralhaian strait, while this Meritus III begins growing weary control of Hellatia and Auvarium. an alliance continues to be asked to fenetia.

270 - 280 YIG period

  1. 270 YIG: Arminserat's forces dwindle greatly as the civil war winds to an end in Cevaire.
  2. 272 YIG: Fenetian sailors make contact with Cevairean sailors near the waters of western Bayessau.
  3. 275 - 278 YIG: Alsache-Anatoray sends soldiers and money towards the remaining Immerian city states to deal with their war.
  4. 279 YIG: A large economical boom hits Drakomagic as the work environment becomes diversified and strengthened.
  5. 279 YIG: The Immerian wars dwindle and damage severely the Alsache-Anatoray economy as well as military. This and a bad winter period as well as the flooding of the major economic centres cause several casualties. in less than a year the harvests are damages and the population falls from 13.1 millions to 11.9 millions. a variant of the first plagues to hit anatoray reemerges and begins hitting the population.
  6. 275 YIG: Zacuti tribes expand their navy and KWB north reaching cape aguñar in Zacutii language.
  7. 277 YIG:Thalassia's Economy grows and with this growth Lauricum grows too. but in Auvarium another religions follows. Levantian a bellic religion to be born in Thalassia lead mainly by Luricans and gauthoi tribes.
  8. 273 YIG: Farsija come's into existance in the crescentia borned in the north east of the crescentia near reasonia it begins to gain influence in the region, expanding towards the east and the west by 30px.

Note: Thalassia and cevaire have tier 8 so their expansion is their river multiplied per 5px say thalassia has 9 rivers and one strait meaning thalassia gets 50px expansion, Drakomagic and fenetia get 4px and reach tier 9

Thalassia:Military and navy are built up and lauricum expands in carcidonia, Meritus III marries Annika of Guelderium,a noble woman of southern carcidona. the Lauricum valley continues to gain followers many visiting the valley

Lauricum valley

. More to be added

Lauricum II

Fenetian Republic: As our economy slowly recovers, we are able to finally crush the uprising near Dunyxarga as our nation has finally be reunited. We accept Thalassia's alliance offer and we continue our usual economic activities. We ask for the nation of Cevaire for trade contract. The military is strengthened and so are civil defense militias due to fear of more rebellions near the Dunyxargan border.

Drakomagic: We expand our boarder 4 px north and east. Tobacco is our biggets export sending it to the Hibernion Trade Centers and other tribes outside our nation. Our military is expanding do to modernization. Our population has increased to 2.8 million people. The king rights out more laws for civil liberties. The first court house of our nation is made. 12 judes rotate cases every case. Our economy increases due to our trading. 

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (13 px) and east of the Agosiellen River (12 px) ( If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 25 px in ten yearsThe KWB expands towards the east, into the sea as maritime traders and sailors explore the various tiny islands. Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 280,000 by 280 YIG. In 280 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 320,000, Agosielle a population of 370,000, and the national population reaches 770,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. Queen Bedencia  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). In national news, the Royal Council declares Bedencia Tangogi to be the true head of state. In 271, Arminserat is captured in southern Pantenaca. He is brought to Ceva in chains and imprisoned in the capital city. The next year, Bedencia offers a proposal to him in exchange for the end of conflict. Her proposal states that if Arminserat orders his forces to end fighting, Bedencia will grant him his country as a petty kingdom vassal under the suzerainty of Cevaire. Arminserat agrees and spends many months encouraging his forces (via messengers) to end fighting. In early 273, the commander of the Arminseratian forces, Agorey Jutain agrees to a ceasefire. The war ends, however Bedencia does not follow up on her promise. Instead, Arminserat is imprisoned and led to execution, as well as his commander Jutain. With both dead, Bedencia gives her brother, Duori, the fiefdom of Aminserat. In 274, it is named Tangille. In 275, Bedencia agrees to a trade contract with the Fenetians.

280 - 290 YIG period

  1. 281 YIG: Fenetian and Cevairean traders make contact and begin trading goods, leading to the beginnings of the first Fenetian-Cevairean Exchange.
  2. 283 YIG: The many religions growing in frontier Thalassia begin to worry the local ruling class, with fears of instability mounting.
  3. 286 YIG: The Drakomagic economy continues to flourish, when in 286 the country sees one of its highest levels of employment since its founding.
  4. 288 YIG: The Nirviki Kingdom collapses and leads to a large war in the region as the various rump states vie for power.

​Drakomagic: Our unemployment rate has dropped to 2%. We expand 12 px north and east of our borders. We uprade our military by drafting people for our border control team around our nation. Our population has reach 3.2 million people. We send 6 ships west to explore the island west of us. We continue to expand our nation onto the island south of us. We finaly took over the whole island. While most of the stuff is made out of bronze, the military uses iron for their stuff. While the king and his family uses gold and the banks use silver. Lower class citizens use wood to build stuff while middle class citizens use bricks. Higher class cirizens use metal to build stuff. There are three classes in our nation. The lower class: small famers, small traders, homless, refugees, small buisness owners, privates in the military, and servants. The middle class: big famers, big traders, big buisness owners, artists, cooks, builders, weavers, lawyers, fire fighters, police men, doctors, historians, other classes in the military, and teachers. The high class: the king, his family, judges, the cabinet members, generals in the military, priests, friends of the king, factory owners, bankers, top chefs, inventers, blacksmiths, and sports athletes.

Fenetian Republic: As we continue to recover economically, we begin construction of the nation's first ever National Bank and begin construction of many other banks. We continue our usual economic activities and start expanding the KWB again. We put more emphasis on benefit to the poor and middle class as the upper class has become too power-mad and this is proven to be true as a result of the Fenetian-Dunyxargan War. We ask for the Thalassians to a trade agreement and we commence trade between Fenetia and Cevaire.

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (13 px) and east of the Agosiellen River (12 px) ( If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 25 px in ten yearsThe KWB expands towards the east, into the sea as maritime traders and sailors explore the various tiny islands. Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 315,000 by 290 YIG. In 290 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 360,000, Agosielle a population of 405,000, and the national population reaches 830,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. Queen Bedencia  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). In national news, Tangille continues to be incorporated into Cevaire. In 280, Bedencia has her first child, a girl named Oltimania, who dies shortly after. One year later, Bedencia gives birth once more, this time to a healthy boy to whom she names Averle. 

Thalassia: With the rising of the new religions the thalassian government indeed concerned decides to put an unique rule to be unseen, the Freedom of religion, as well taking advantage of these and making up a new taxation for the religions. the Lauricum and the Levantine grow continuously until reaching influence on one thousand people and then beginning to decline in favour of other religions. while this navy expands military follows this and the territory expand. Meritus III has his first son Bretius I of Thalassia in 283 YIG. While the Fenetian agreement is taken.

290 - 300 YIG period

  1. 293 YIG: The Immeri declare war on Alsache-Anatoray. Over the course of seven years, the United Kingdom is substantially weakened and eroded.
  2. 294 YIG: Fenetia continues to trade with Cevaire, and as apart of the growing Fenetian-Cevairean exchange, abstract ideas begin entering the respective borders of each country. For example, the Fenetians are exposed to Cevaire's gender-blind governmental structure, while the Cevaireans are exposed to the Republican spirit of Fenetia. Diseases begin to emerge as well, but to date no serious, fatal diseases are exchanged.
  3. 298 YIG: The Eastern Argeri Tribes continue to consolidate, as their economy and population continue to grow in the face of good weather and harvests.
  4. 299 YIG: Western Kalrica on the Zurker Continent forms the Kalrican Empire and grows by 50 px in all directions.

Fenetian Republic: With the growth of these new ideas, we decide to embrace them and we create even more connection with the Cevairans. We continue our usual economic activities and the depression that the nation has been through for the past half-century is declared to be over by the Senate. The decide to find ways to treat new diseases brought about by the exchange and we decide to regulate immigration between the two nations to prevent any fatal diseases from spreading and suggest the Cevairans do the same.

Drakomagic: Our unemployment rate has dropped to 2%. We expand 12 px north and east of our borders. We uprade our military by drafting people for our border control team around our nation. Our population reaches 3.7 million people. The 6 ships we sent to explore the islands west of us come back with maps of the islands. The crew of the ships tell the king that there are 10 islands that they explored. Each island is mostly the same with sandy beaches all around and a rain forest in the middle of the islands. The animals and vegetation are the same as our nation. 

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (13 px) and east of the Agosiellen River (12 px) ( If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 25 px in ten yearsThe KWB expands towards the east, into the sea as maritime traders and sailors explore the various tiny islands. Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 350,000 by 300 YIG. In 300 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 400,000, Agosielle a population of 430,000, and the national population reaches 860,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. Queen Bedencia  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). In national news, Tangille continues to be incorporated into Cevaire. 

Thalassia: the growth of the military navy and territories continues, while this the growth of religions of foreign origin stops and the navy expands. fleet masters of the thalassian kingdom begin exploring the Baudesian sea (Mareas Baudessianum or Sinus Daralhanum), the growth towards north and west begins to diminish as many northern tribes begin to prepare themselves against the onslaught on their regions. the Fenetian Peast begins hiting the Thalassian sailors but due to the lack of need from many and the lack of presence of many sailors in thalassia's core regions the disease fails to expand within thalassia, only affecting the main cities such as carcidonna and Nautillia.

300 - 310 YIG period

  1. 300 YIG: An outbreak of Aecasic disease occurs in Fenetia. Within a year, 10,000 people perish to the disease. The news of the outbreak reaches Ceva and fears are raised of a similar incident.
  2. 303 YIG: Alsache-Anatoray continues to be eroded by the Immerians. Many people flee the island and head westwards.
  3. 307 - 309 YIG: The Eastern Argeri Tribes continue to consolidate, as their economy and population continue to grow in the face of good weather and harvests.
  4. 310 YIG: The Kalrican Empire begins expanding by 25 px all around.
  5. 302 - 308 YIG: Farsija's New leader Hassad fadih Gaisar leads a war between the Farsij tribes and the Qarmai tribes in the north assuring themselves 40px of land after the last Qarmai tribal leader accepts the new religion and the Fadih's "dominance" over the lands of Tharaos.
  6. 301 YIG: An unexpect Storm hits the western half of Zurker's continental area's Zeedom is trashed, and the small local library sinks to the lake, however the books are saved by a Monk who preaches the idea of Knowledge as something only worth of god. He's the father of "Karidon" a Religion based on wisdom and knowledge that will dominate small peoples of the Zeedomite ethnicity.
  7. 308 YIG: Thalassia's and Cevairien Explorers reach Southern carcidona, the part of the Bayessien continent, and begin to trade between them and the southern baudesii tribes.
  8. 306 - 310 YIG: the Pre-Aecasic Peoples begin a gigantic diaspora to the south as weather in the north become's colder, most of them arrive to Argenterium's northernmost coast and to the nearby vicinity of Fenetia. Some ally with the nation against dunyxaryan dominance but most stand neutral. a few join Dunyxarya against the fenetians.

Fenetian Republic: We attempt to contain the new disease, and all necessary precautions are taken to deal with the problem. We decide to tighten our border guards to prevent similar incidents like these and suggest Cevaire to do the same. Construction of the Fenetian National Bank and other banks around the nation continue and as the nation begins to flourish again, we begin influencing our neighors. We continue to expand the KWB and decide to try and send ships beyond the known world to explore what is new and find new lands and new people for us to meet and many expect encounters similar to the Thalassians and Cevairans.

Thalassia: Navy expands, as so does military and economy, territories continue expand.

Drakomagic: Our unemployment rate has dropped to 2%. We expand 12 px north and east of our borders. We uprade our military by drafting people for our border control team around our nation. Our population reaches 4.2 million people. Clothing is becoming more complex. We now have clothing like in OTL (America in 1800). A wonderful meteor shower light up one of the nights in 306 YIG. Now scientists wonder what is up there. Some people think aliens or other people live in space or other planets. The first telescop is made. It is used to observe the moon at night.  

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (13 px) and east of the Agosiellen River (12 px) ( If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 25 px in ten yearsThe KWB expands towards the east, into the sea as maritime traders and sailors explore the various tiny islands. Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 390,000 by 310 YIG. In 310 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 435,000, Agosielle a population of 470,000, and the national population reaches 910,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. King Averle  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training. In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). In national news, the economy is aided by trade with both the Fenetians and the Baudessi. Queen Bedencia dies in 309 and is succeeded by her son Averle. Queen Bedencia II ruled for 49 years, becoming the longest reigning monarch in Cevairean history.

310 - 320 YIG period

  1. 311 - 317 YIG: An outbreak of a Fenetian disease occurs in southern Cevaire. Within a few years, up to 19,000 die.
  2. 312 YIG: Drakomagician people are further interested in space and time. A religious order is founded worshiping solar and space oriented dieties.
  3. 313 YIG: The Thalassian capital experiences a particularly bad heatwave. Surrounding crops are damaged, and by the end of the year, 80 are dead.
  4. 318 YIG: Alsache-Anatoray continue to be eroded by war with the Immerians.
  5. 314 YIG: Lantea is founded in Central carcidonian mountains, a new Oracle to a religion in Thalassia gaining influence on the Monarchy and nobles the Lantheia. In the border with luria there's a small conflict as tribal leaders attack a few cities looting them without consideration of the wars.
  6. 310-320 YIG: The Paleo-Aecasic peoples continue going to the east into Kharidya (Northern Argenterium coast)
  7. 312-319 YIG: The Farsija-Geldan wars start giving the Farsija's much more influence after a series of battles in the northeastern river, the war gives them almost 45px of land from all the surrounding tribes. In 317 they hear of the Triple River Khanate and Reasonia.
  8. 313-320 YIG: Reasonia expands by 15px while Issoria enters into war with Issasica.
  9. 314 YIG:  a Huge Storm hits Rivia, in the capital the palace is destroyed and within it the king is killed,starting the Rivian civil war. The loyalist hold the North, the Populars take the south, the Scisionist take the east and the Imperialists take the west. While this Rivian sailors reach Bayesseau and Loyalists and Scisionist impulse for colonization of the islands. Imperialists and Populars join forces to take the island.

I'm sorry, what? Granite doesn't get broken in storms, and I do not have a Palace. I have a large Castle. They are also designed not to "break in storms."

  • Exsactly!
  1. 316 YIG: Zacutia begins colonizing the Southern cape of Zurker. 5px territories.

Fenetian Republic: We continue to influence our neighbors and we decide to send aid to the Thalassians to help with their problem. We also send aid to Cevaire to help contain the disease. We continue to expand the KWB and influencing our neighbors. The new Cold War between Dunyxarga and Fenetia begins to get intense as we begin a fight for regional influence. We continue our economic activities as usual and after seeing a meteorite shower in 313, we decide to focus on astronomy as our scientists have become very interested and at the same time, a comet passes by the planet thus the effects being seen everywhere and making our scientists even more interested.

Thalassia: Navy expand as does military and navy. territories expand as economy grows as well.

Drakomagic: We expand 12px north and east of our borders. We uprade our military by drafting people for our border control team around our nation. Our population reaches 4.8 million people. This religious order that is found is only worshped by scientists, homeless, and crazy people. The king saids that if you do not belive in Easter Orthodox and in one god, then you will be put in jail or killed. Conspiracies have been made saying that god is not real and that this religion that is popular in the counrtry is not a real religion and is fake. The king puts 25 people in jail for spreading this space religion around. 10 ship full of citizens sail to the 10 island that were found. One ship lands on each island. Settlements are made by the people who landed on the islands. 

Rivia: The King's son is quick to claim the throne, and the Army flocks to him. Under the expert control of his Generals, the Island is returned to the loyalists. Iron is smelted, and people begin to make swords and arrow heads from it.

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (13px) and east of the Agosiellen River (12px) If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 25 px in ten years. The KWB expands towards the east, into the sea as maritime traders and sailors explore the various tiny islands. Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 430,000 by 320 YIG. In 320 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 475,000, Agosielle a population of 530,000, and the national population reaches 955,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. King Averle  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training.  In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). In national news, the economy is aided by trade with both the Fenetians and the Baudessi. The disease in Ceva is somewhat mitigated by the aide of Cevaireans and Fenetians as well as an emerging policy of quarantine. 

320 - 330 YIG period

  1. 321 YIG: Cevairean sailors reach a large landmass west of Aecasium. This landmass is Atlantaea, home of a warring Alsache-Anatoray. 
  2. 322 YIG: Despite best efforts, another Fenetian plague breaks out in northern Cevaire.
  3. 323 YIG: Renewed warfare occurs on Atlantaea, with Immeria beginning to suffer from massive debt and military attrition.
  4. 326 YIG: Rivia's civil war begins to turn into a stalemate, with the loyalists and pretender factions once more renewing warfare.
  5. 328 YIG: The Abarri City States declare war on the Aczoreb.

Fenetian Republic: As the problem of another plague breaks out in northern Cevaire, we begin to realize that this maybe a problem and we decide to assist with Cevaire's quarantine policy, but we recommend they declare a state of emergency for the sake of preventing the viruses from spreading any further. We continue to influence our neighbors, expanding the KWB and our usual economic activities. The situation is clear that the Cevairans need immediate help as we begin all possible ways of aiding Cevaire in its crisis.

Thalassia: Navy expands as well as economy and military, territory expands etc more to come.

Rivia: Following the war ending a decade ago, the Rivian Fleet begins to utilise Iron more and more in their weaponry. A radical new sail design is created, with two triangular sails, rather than 1 Square Sail. Rivian Ships, designed for warfare more than trade, are attacked by many naval ships whenever they approach ports, as they appear to be Raiders. This results in several naval battles outside ports, with Rivian Dominance. The Rivian Crews then torch the Ports in retribution.

Drakomagic: We expand 12 px north and east of our borders. We uprade our military by drafting people for our border control team around our nation. Our population reaches 4.8 million people. This religious order that is found is only worshped by scientists, homeless, and crazy people. The king saids that if you do not belive in Easter Orthodox and in one god, then you will be put in jail or killed. Conspiracies have been made saying that god is not real and that this religion that is popular in the counrtry is not a real religion and is fake. The king puts 25 people in jail for spreading this space religion around. 10 ship full of citizens sail to the 10 island that were found. One ship lands on each island. Settlements are made by the people who landed on the islands.

Firstly, Eastern Orthodox shouldn't exist as far as It concers your religion hasn't split and christendom doesn't exist.

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (13px) and east of the Agosiellen River (12px) If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 25 px in ten years. The KWB expands towards the east, into the sea as maritime traders and sailors explore the various tiny islands. Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 430,000 by 320 YIG. In 320 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 475,000, Agosielle a population of 530,000, and the national population reaches 955,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. King Averle  orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training.  In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). In national news, the economy is aided by trade with both the Fenetians and the Baudessi. The disease in Ceva is somewhat mitigated by the aide of Cevaireans and Fenetians as well as an emerging policy of quarantine. The outbreak in Pantenaca fuels more fear of a large scale epidemic. A branch of the Guerdibar begins investigating the disease and how it affects the population. The new landmass reached by the sailors is named Aguilomar. Sailors contiue to visit the landmass.

330 - 340 YIG period

  1. 332 YIG: The fighting in Rivia seems to die down, however anti-royal sentiments continue to remain high and the threat of renewed civil warfare continues to persist.
  2. 334 YIG: No new outbreaks occur in Cevaire, however Ceva and Pantenaca continue to see new cases of the disease.
  3. 337 YIG: The Abarri city states vassalize the Aczoreb and proclaim themselves to be the Abarri Polis.

Fenetian Republic: With the outbreaks being contained, we decide to stay on alert in the scenario that another case breaks out and decide to make sure that we come up with a scenario to prevent anymore outbreaks on the Cevairans. We continue our usual economic activities and with the National Bank completed and many other banks across the nation rising, we decide to invent the concept of paper money and at the same time with the extreme interests in the stars, our scientists are able to look through a telescope and they discover what appear to be a series of worlds which are almost completely different from our own. These objects are called "planets" by our scientists and these telescopes give us a closer look into these worlds. We continue to expand the KWB and we finally discover a nearby landmass to the west of Fenetia across the ocean. It is named by the locals as Atlantea and clearly there is the kingdom of Aslache-Anatorey that they speak of and we try to explore this new region of Earth. However we are soon discovering that we aren't the first to arrive in the continent and that the Cevairans made it first as told by one of the locals about "sailors coming from the East".

Not yet for you bro. First Cevaire, in 320 then me in 330 finally you in 340 after all I'm the next closer to them aren't I. Sine dei gloriem "Ex Initio Terrae" (talk) 04:16, January 27, 2014 (UTC)

Thalassia: continues to expand and trading within the middle sea, Followed by the cevairian discovery traders reach the place called by the Insulars of the west as Narvikia and soon is Thalassized as Nearvicia taken from the narviki word for Closer and the Ia definition of land in thalassian. Navy and military. Thalassia's King Marcus V declares an invasion of Abarria, military and navy are built up as well as economy. expansion continues

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (13px) and east of the Agosiellen River (12px) (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 25 px in ten years. The KWB expands towards the east, into more of Atlantaea. Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 510,000 by 340 YIG. In 340 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 540,000, Agosielle a population of 600,000, and the national population reaches 1,000,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. King Averle II orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training.  In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). In national news, the economy is aided by trade with both the Fenetians and the Baudessi. King Averle dies in 330, and is succeeded by his son Barsole. Barsole adopts the regnal name of Averle and begins ruling as Averle II. By 331, the Guerdibar establishes the Ereual Guerdi deu Afflicienes (Royal Guard of Afflictions in Cevairean) which marks the first attempts at epidemiology in the country. In 332 King Averle II sends to diplomats to Atlantaea. After four years of communication with the eroded, devastated nation of Alsache-Anatoray, King Averle II lays claim to the nation, saying "We must release these poor Aguilomarans (Atlantaeans) from their corrupt government and bring them under the stewardship of Great Cevaire and her Empire."

Rivia: The new King begins to shut down the feudal system, and creates a parliament. Meanwhile, Rivian Raiders destroy native settlements along the coastline we have found, and create a colony around a river mouth.

Drakomagic: We expand 12 px north and east of our borders. We uprade our military by drafting people for our border control team around our nation. Our population reaches 5.4 3.5 million people.

Population doesn't boom that much as of yet. to anyone. Sine dei gloriem "Ex Initio Terrae" (talk)

340 - 350 YIG period

  1. 342 YIG: The plague in Cevaire dies down significantly. Over the course of two decades, the Fenetian disease claimed the lives of 55,000.
  2. 344 YIG: A select few Immerian tribes support Cevaire's claim to their enemy's kingdom of Alsache-Anatoray, however support is very limited.
  3. 347 YIG: The Kalrican Empire expands by 15 px in all directions.
  4. 349 YIG: The Nirviki Kingdom begins to collapse under political intrigue and economical depression.
  5. 343 YIG: Farsija Invades most of the western crescentia and conquer it.

Thalassia: Continues stuff, begins setting trade routes to Nearvicia and helps a local government to form in the region to influence, Auvaria (Abarri) are annexed, Military and navy is built up as economy. more to come.

Fenetian Republic: We continue to assist Cevaire with it's problem with the disease and when we realize the plague has died down, we declare the crisis to be over and we in technological terms, we begin to use agricultural methods that involve planting mulitiple crops in the same field and dividing fields to make the soil richer. We continue our usual economic activities while our explorers hear of a nation called Farsija and due to the stories they hear of the agressive campaign across the continent, we begin to become concerned in the Senate. Our sailors later by 348 arrive in the continent the locals call Atlantea and we hear stories about the nation of Aslache-Anatorey, about their former glory and about their recent wars with the Immerian city-states, however the Senate is enraged when they hear that the locals stated that Cevaire had claimed the land and makes a speech which condemns the claim stating that "they [Cevaire] has no right to claim the lands of others unless they are uninhabited."

Drakomagic: We expand 12 px north and east of our borders. We uprade our military by drafting people for our border control team around our nation. Our population reaches 4.0 million people. We begin to use agricultural methods that involve planting mulitiple crops in the same field and dividing fields to make the soil richer. Our banking system becomes the staple part of our economy. Mining has increased in the west due to the finding of more silver and iron. 

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (13px) and east of the Agosiellen River (12px) (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 25 px in ten years. The KWB expands towards the east, into more of Atlantaea. Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 540,000 by 350 YIG. In 350 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 580,000, Agosielle a population of 630,000, and the national population reaches 1,070,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. King Averle orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training.  In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). In national news, the economy is aided by trade with both the Fenetians and the Baudessi. King Averle II orders his privy council to address him as Averle II, King of Cevaire, Coastacia, and Alsache-Anatoray, to reflect his claim on the throne. In 348, Averle convinces the Royal Council to issue a warning towards the Fenetians stating "The Fenetians shall not meddle in Cevaire's foreign affairs, especially concerning that of the Cevairean claim to the vacant Alsache-Anatorayan throne. That Aguilomar government is weakened and eroded and needs the stewardship of the Cevairean realm to nurse it to greatness. Furthermore, the great social, ethnic, and economical diversity and advancement of the country would be to the benefit of Cevaire and her allies. His majesty King Averle II does not wish to subjugate nor control the land of populace of Alsache-Anatoray, only to bring it under the sphere of Cevairean influence, where the country would still remain a Kingdom with great levels of independece. His majesty King Averle II warns the Fenetian Senate that any further meddling into the matter would result in an embargo, locking Fenetian ships and merchants out all of Cevairean trade centers. Continual hostilities would inevitably result in a punitive war declared upon Fenetia." In the same year, Averle II sends a formal request to the Alsache-Anatoryans asking to assume stewardship over the country in a peaceful manner.

350 - 360 YIG period

  1. 351 YIG: A wave of artistic expression washes over urban Fenetia.
  2. 352 YIG: Alsache-Anatoray becomes splintered, with some groups fully supporting Cevairean occupation and other groups being wholly nationalist. More Immerian states begin to support Cevaire's claim on the Alsache-Anatorayan throne.
  3. 356 YIG: A population boom begins unfolding in Aecasium, affecting the populations of Thalassia and Cevaire.
  4. 359 YIG: The Rivian economy begins to fluctuate as it struggles to support overseas possessions.

No. That is stupid. I have diamonds and stuff, and no reason to not trade with people. Stop.

Ha. Debate the mod events all you want and we'll keep making them regardless of whatever rude response you decide to throw in our faces. You have your overseas territories and a little economic wonkiness won't destory your country. I'm not going to shower your nation with gifts and if you want to keep being rude I can simply send devastating events right your way. Also, please don't cry out and say "You're targeting me!!! STOP, STUPID!!!" because I hardly think the one mod event I made this turn can even come close to targeting. So basically, stop being rude and accept whatever mod events are given to you, OR continue being rude and get kicked off the game.

Sincerely, CookieDamage.

I don't really care. You give shit events to players when they are inactive. I am being active, and you are saying my economy is becoming unstable, based on what? My establishment of some settlements. They have like... 100 people in. That will not cause instability. Why would it? The settlements can sustain themselves. And also, you said "I hardly think the one mod event I made this turn can even come close to targeting." and also "I can simply send devastating events right your way.". That is a contradiction in terms. Either shut up, and make fair mod events, or accept that you indulge in mod targeting. Either way, you are wrong. Also, you have 6 players, one only active this turn, and another 2 are mods. So you have a tiny audience, and you are basically being a dick to one of 3 non mod players. Good fucking job...

Okay again with the "YOU SENT DEVASTATING MOD EVENTS RIGHT MY WAY" I seriously have shown you proof that the storm which destoryed Rivia's capital palace was authored by Sine and NOT. BY. ME. Here's a link: Link  to an image which proves this, and it was only done because you were INACTIVE for way more than a week.

Yeah, I'm targeting an inactive Alsache, but you seriously can't claim I've been wildly targeting everyone. Oh and the "you're being a dick!!!" Really? And who was it that was incredibly rude and fucking mean to Ratc when he was making his Fenetian Republic. Sure wasn't me! - Cookie

Cookie, I never said everyone. That is the point. You have been giving me stupid events. The stupid Civil War, and this ridiculous Economy Crap. Why? Why do I have a weak economy. Other than "Because I say so"?

Because you're a tiny little island that has been living there for 300 + years, and you were inactive for a long time, and again as I've said before (and I guess I'll say more than once???), the Civil War/Storm was not my doing. - Cookie

Fenetian Republic: We begin to take advantage of the artistic expression for a doubling in our regional sphere of influence and we prepare for a potential onslaught from Cevaire and possibly Farsija. The Senate SECRETLY sends technology and weapons to the Aslache-Anatorey Nationalists in an attempt to establish a Republican government in an attempt to replace the already splintered monarchy. We continue our usual economic activities but our economic business is dealing less with Cevaire and more with Thalassia and other neighboring nations. We begin a massive military buildup in a preparation for a possible onslaught and a massive series of fleets is beginning construction and by 360 we have up to 50 ships in our fleet and rapidly rising. The Senate makes a speech requesting that Cevaire step down from claims to the Alsache-Anatoreyan throne and ask to let the people of their nation decide the government they so choose to believe in.

Thalassia: We decide to stop trading with fenetia until recognizing no relevance of the cevairian intromision in alsache as a threat to anyone. Continues build navy military and expanding territory and economy.

Drakomagic: We expand 12 px north and east of our borders. We uprade our military by drafting people for our border control team around our nation. Our population reaches 4.5 million people. We continue to use agricultural methods that involve planting mulitiple crops in the same field and dividing fields to make the soil richer. Our banking system becomes the staple part of our economy. Mining has increased in the west due to the finding of more silver and iron.

Alsache-Anatoray: Alsache-Anatoray officially disproves Cevaires claim to the throne of the kingdom and begins large scale publishing of records and lineage kept showing that the direct line to the throne remains in tact. With this the country begins a massive restructuring campaign and mobilizes Loyal Armed forces in huge amounts with the Navy beginning a massive project to prevent further influence. The Kingdom itself manages to relocate its capital to a City named Erusea on one of the furthest large islands. The Kingdom also experiences a large scale economic revival in many key areas with major veins of Gold and other minerals being exploited. Stay out of my contry.. Cevaire = no as a head mod Cevaire having any claim whatsoever is outright ridiculous regardless of any mod events. 

I thought you were done playing??? And my actions have been essentially approved by Sine who IS the head mod, so.... -Cookie

Rivia: (I am disregarding Cookie's bullshit events.) The establishment of settlements is a success, as they are almost entirely self sufficient, at their current size. Tentative trade links are established with many tribes in the area. Rivian Raiders begin to prey on local shipping, sending the loot back to Rivia, where it is placed in the Vaults.

Your economy is still unstable.

Based on what?

Cevaire: In ten years Cevaire expands north of Deilois River (13px) and east of the Agosiellen River (12px) (If I run into other countries like Thalasilla then the only expansion that will count will be expansion up until their borders) bringing the national expansion to 25 px in ten years. The KWB expands towards the east, into more of Atlantaea. Farming projects continue around the country, and changes are noticed around the country. Ayavena reaches a population of 600,000 by 360 YIG. In 360 YIG, Ayorica reaches a population of 650,000, Agosielle a population of 730,000, and the national population reaches 1,470,000.The Aicazh religion continues to boom in Adelari and Derarri, despite the best efforts of the Guerdibar. However, the Guerdibar begin to catch on to rebels' ways. King Averle orders the expansion of the Guerdibar, in an effort to form a national, organized army. Forces continue training.  In other news, Banking becomes a staple part of the Cevairean economy, and mining begins to become prominent in the mountainous regions. On the topic of mining, several mountain settlers east of Ceva discover a strong, hardy metal whilst mining. Different from the commonly used Zutiengas (bronze) this brownish-gray metal instantly intrigues the miners, to which they name it Intraigas (Intriguing Metal in Cevairean. Iron OTL). In national news, the economy is aided by trade with both the Fenetians and the Baudessi. King Averle II orders his privy council to address him as Averle II, King of Cevaire, Coastacia, and Alsache-Anatoray, to reflect his claim on the throne. In 358, Averle embargos the Fenetians and shuts them out of all centers of trade, as the Thalassians do as well. The same year, Averle sends out another ultimatum to the Alsache-Anatorayans, stating that they "are to, at once, relinquish control of their government to the Cevaireans, who would create the most stable, prosperous country in the land. If this ultimatum is not met, war will be immediately declared upon Alsache-Anatoray and all of her allies". In 359, Averle sends out envoys to Thalassia, requesting a re-affirmation of the military alliance as well as full support of Cevaire's claim on the Alsache-Anatorayan throne.

I checked hte events... you have 0 claim to the throne period.. any further attempts will result in repurcussions.. Sine isnt the only head mod of this game. I did enough as Alsache anatoray that their wouldnt be an Heir crisis for a very long time and im backing that up. Cease and Desist. you have 0 claims and further contradiction of this will be handled accordingly -Feud

360 - 370 YIG period

  1. 361 - 368 YIG: Rivia's overseas settlements are subjected to a series of foreign diseases, affecting about 10 % of the population. However, the situation remains stable and barely 400 people die from the diseases in seven years. The Rivian economy also begins to stabilize as well. (There LMB, I've given you the most positive, non-"targeting" mod event you can get.)
  2. 363 YIG: The Narvikie hierarchy continues to collapse.
  3. 364 YIG: The Aecasic population boom ends.
  4. 366 YIG: The Kalaric Kingdom is annexed by the Kalrican Empire following a brief, one-year war.

Fenetian Republic: We decide to immediately give an ultimatum to Cevaire: back off the Throne to Aslache-Anatorey or risk total annihilation. We prepare our fleets for battle and more and more ships are built. By 370, the numbers have increased from 50 to 200 due to the vast amount of recent production being focused on war materials. One of our great doctors dies from a poison he created by mistake when we realize that this is known as "gunpowder" by our scientists. We decide to create weapons derived from gunpowder and prepare to equip our soldiers with them and our ships with iron cannons to have a technological advantage over the Cevairans in the coming war. We publicly declare our support for Aslache-Anatorey and decide to establish diplomatic relations with the recently reestablished government. A minor skirmish breaks out in Fenetian waters between the Cevairan and Fenetian navies which results in a stalemate and the Senate and the nation are outraged at whoever is responsable for this.

I know I sound heavily biased, considering you're arming yourself against me, but suddenly discovering and employing gun powder and iron cannons is so ridiculously ASB and completely out of your technological range. My military and technology is far superior than yours and we're still using swords, shields and bows and arrows. You can't just make yourself technologically superior in ten years. - Cookie
Dude, it was a discovery made by accident, besides even YOU don't have gunpowder right? That and aside from the fact in rl the Americans improved THEIR tech in their WWII-era service right?
Ok, fair enough, it was an "accident" but seriously you wouldn't just suddenly be able to put into weapons when you didn't even know what you discovered in the first place. An innovation like this takes decades to develop. Oh and, the Americans improved their tech from an already HIGHLY developed technological state pre-WWII. What you're doing is going from swords and bows to all out gunpowder driven, modern era, iron based weaponry. Not at all the same. - Cookie