Map Game Wiki

Basic stats[]

Flag of the Международные Коминтерна


  • HQ Location =
    Flag of the Soviet Union
  • Secondary H.Q. =Row 2 info =
    Flag of the Soviet Union
  • Other major facilities = Kiel port, Berlin army camp, Tyver's industrial-scientific plants, Sevastopol port, Arkhangelsk port, Leningrad port, Ulaanbaatar airfield, Smolensk army camp, Smolensk airfield, Pskov army base, Magadan army base and Stavrapol army base.
  • Founded in = Moscow in 1928.6
  • Motto = Russian: Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь! Transliteration- Proletarii vsekh stran, soyedinyaytes'! English: Workers of the world, unite!).
  • Exports-Row 6 info = Heavy industry produce, paper, coal, iron, steel, and weapons.
  • Imports- Food (temporary), skilled labourers, consumer goods, hand-tools and technology.
  • Population- =378,000,000
  • Military personnel- 1,725,500
  • Number of members- 4
  • Technological units- Moscow, Tyver, Ryzan, Omsk and Leningrad.
  • Top arms plants- O.M.Z. Group’s Izhorskiye Zavody Plants tank factory in Leningrad, Leningrad navel dockyard, Moscow Gun factory, Ryzan Gun factory, Tbilisi gun factory, Arkhangelsk dockyard, Kirov tank factory in Leningrad, Smolensk aircraft factory and Kazan tank factory.


It is a joint communist defense, trade and international legal co-operation body, founded in 1928.6. Germany joined in the early 1930's. Ukraine was bullyed in to joining it after the Sovet invasion of the mid 1930's.

The member nations.
Nation. Yeaar of joining. Year of leaving.
USSR. 1928 -
Germany. 1932 -
Mongolia 1928 Annexed in 1944.5
Ukraine SSR. 1937 "
South Turkmenistan  1942 "
North Norway. 1942 -
Spanish Socialist Republic 1947 -
Cuba 1961.6 -
Egypt 1962 (observer) -
BRSSR 1962 -
Ruthinian SSR 1962 -
Ghana 1962 (observer) -
Naxalite CRZ 1962 -
Lithuania  1969 .
Romania 1970 -