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The Napoli Conference starts in January 1953. The three countries represented at the Conference are

  1. Greater German Reich
  2. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  3. Republic of Italy

Proposals made by host country (Italy)

Territorial Changes

  1. Germany will annex South Netherlands, Kleef and Aachen
  2. Britain will annex Belgium and withdraw from Sardinia
  3. Italy will vassalise Serbia and the Chetniks, and (possibly) annex or buy the area that the Croats took from the Yugoslav Partisans
  4. Ogaden will be given to Britain, and the rest of Ethiopia goes to Italy
  5. Britain will annex most of Belgium Congo and Ruanda-Urundi
  6. Germany might be allowed to annex colonies currently controlled by Free France and Portugal


  1. Free Trade Area & Customs Union: Within 10 or 15 years, all trade tariffs between the three countries' homeland, vassals and colonies must be reduced to domestic trade levels.
  2. Free Movement Area: Within 30 years, border controls between the three countries' homeland and vassals (in Europe) must be removed
  3. Military Alliance: Britain, Germany and Italy will be the "Big Three" in a new European military alliance, which includes collective defence and military synchronisation. Other proposed members: Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Vichy France/Free France, Spain, Hungary and Turkey.
  4. Support for French unity

Proposals made by guest country (United Kingdom)

Territorial Changes

  • Germany will annex South Netherlands, Kleef, and Aachen
  • Britain will annex Belgium and withdraw from Sardinia
  • Italy will vassalise Serbia and the Chetniks, and (possibly) annex or buy the area that the Croats took from the Yugoslav Partisans
  • Ethiopia will be divided between Italy and Britain, with Britain receiving the provinces of Hararghe, Gojjam, Benishangul, Welega, Illuabor, Gurafarda, Maji, and Benessa. Italy will receive the rest of Ethiopia (Map).
  • Italy: We agree with this proposal
  • Britain will finish the war in the Congo and annex all of Belgian Congo.
  • Italy: We agree with this proposal
  • Germany will be allowed to annex all non-Italian/British colonies in Africa above the Equator other than Egypt.
  • Italy: This would be a bit harsh, since most of Africa north of the Equator are Italian, British or Vichy French. The Vichies are trying to takeover North Algeria, and Spain is trying to take over South Morocco, and both of them are already German allies. Italy thinks that Germany should be allowed to take parts of French Equatorial Africa south of the Equator as well.
  • Italy, Germany, and the United Kingdom will jointly invade Egypt, with the governorates of the Red Sea, Qena, and Luxor going to Italy, the governorates of Suez, Ismailia, Port Said, Al Sharqia, Cairo, Qalyubia, and the Greater Cairo area going to Britain, and the rest of Egypt going to Germany (Map [Current Map])
  • Italy: We agree with this proposal


  • Free Trade Area & Customs Union: Within 10 or 15 years, all trade tariffs between the three countries' homeland, vassals and colonies must be reduced to domestic trade levels.
  • Free Movement Area: Within 30 years, border controls between the three countries' homeland and vassals (in Europe) must be removed
  • Military Alliance: Britain, Germany, and Italy will be the "Big Three" in a new European military alliance (though all of the Big Three will be allowed to pursue other alliances), which includes collective defence and military synchronisation. Other proposed members that will be directly cooperative with only the Big Three: Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Vichy France/Free France, Spain, Hungary, Turkey, Sweden, and Finland.
  • Italy: We agree that the other members will only be able to cooperate directly with the Big Three and not with each other, except for Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Turkey within the framework of the Balkan Alliance. The Balkan Alliance should be blocked from expanding. We also agree that the Big Three should be able to pursue other alliances.
  • Support for French unity

South African offer for peace

Italy would like to discuss this with Britain before sending a joint response.

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

With the current situation, would it still be appropriate to be in this treaty, especially given Article 1: "Each nuclear-weapons state (NWS) undertakes not to transfer, to any recipient, nuclear weapons, or other nuclear explosive devices, and not to assist any non-nuclear weapon state to manufacture or acquire such weapons or devices."?

This would mean that we cannot send nuclear weapons to each other.
