Map Game Wiki

Welcome to the New World.

The year in Gregorian terms is unknown, but we know it as 990. Centuries — or even millenia, we're not quite sure — have passed since we lost contact with the Homeworld. We only know it for certain as the planet on which our species was born. We know we came from another planet. It has many names. Some call it Gaea. Others call it Terra. But most people know it as Earth.

According to the oldest records we could find, humans have been here for quite a while, but no one is certain how long exactly we have been around. Since the first colonies were settled thousands of years have undoubtedly gone by, so we can't exactly ask them about what our Homeworld was like. According to legend, it was a dark place, full of destruction and wastelands.

In the years gone by since the first colonies were settled, expanded and then abandoned, our population now stands at over three billion, and we are spread out across the landmass of the planet. We've grown so apart in culture and politics that we have divided ourselves into what we call "nations" or "countries." Maybe they called them the same thing back on the Homeworld — no one knows for sure.

Tensions have risen between the nations of the world. War looms over us. Militaries begin to mobilise. But no one wants to fight. No one wants our world to share the same fate as the one before. But all it takes is that one command to open fire...


  • This map game begins in the year 990. It has been 990 years since the first nations began to form on this planet.
  • Average technological level has reached what is projected to be that of the 2020s AD, as humanity has undergone another dark age since its disconnection from Earth. Nuclear weapons are common to most nations Tier 2 and above (see military tiers for details).


  • If you'd like to participate, simply put your name down as one of the nations!
  • One year passes every turn in the map game. In each turn your nation can improve three of five aspects of your nation — infrastructure, economy, military, industry or technology. If your empire has vassal states these vassals can have their stats improved independently, as they're technically separate sovereign states.
  • Please do not engage in sockpuppetry (using more than one account). If you do, you will be banned from this map game.
  • Be as plausible as you can! If it's implausible, the mods will help correct you. It is a fictional world, so don't stress if the mods think what you want will not work.
  • If you are inactive for a lengthy period of time, your nation may be subject to disaster scenarios created by the moderators. The nation will eventually be removed from the game entirely.
  • A new turn will start each day at 00:00 UTC.
  • Games will be archived when a new decade begins.
  • Please be courteous and polite to other users. Do not engage in shouting or use profane comments. This is known as a flame war. If a flame war occurs all participating parties will be removed from the game and their territories put under mod control until a replacement player signs up. Instead, engage in a polite debate, and ask for a mod to mediate the discussion.


  • Only moderators may modify the map. If you feel there are any errors in the map, please notify us in the section below.
  • Black indicates non-player nations (NPNs). They are under direct mod control, just like a city-state in Sid Meier's Civilization is under PC control. Grey represents land that is unoccupied by an organised government, though it does not necessarily indicate the land is devoid of human life.

Continents map

NewWorldMap continents

Political map

NewWorldMap political




  •      Respublica Romana Nova (New Roman Republic) — Pandadude12345Rblx
  •      Confederation of Washington Bay —
  •      Republic of the Hudson River —
  •      Lawrentian League — Prinsenvlag Hail Sean, Khan of Khans! (Free potatoes)
    05:30, June 8, 2015 (UTC)(maybe next time you could like include a map so we know what we're picking)
  •      Neubayerische Reich (United Reich of New Bayern) — —The Tim Man (IHGCTSWAHContribs)
  • Darian Federation —


  • Borealian Empire — #PraiseRoosevelt. 17:55, June 7, 2015 (UTC)
  • Kingdom of Liberty —
  • Commonwealth of West Borealis —

Terra Alba

  • Holy Empire of the White Lands — Revolution 9
  • Alliance to Restore Democracy to Terra Alba —


  •      Democratic Socialist Republic of North Orientalia —
  • Great Empire of South Orientalia — Agent Fires


  • United Provinces of Colnia —
  • United Kingdom of Britannia — Erizium (talk)
  • Democratic People's Republic of the Zarinthians —
  • Union of Sovereign Kingdoms —
  • Havenstown Economic Co-operative Zone —
  • Republic of Greim —
  • Bayyanid Caliphate —

Terra Rossa

  • Clan of Ross —
    • Republic of O'Brien —
  • Free State of Treinhoff —
  • Clan of Fennick —
  • Clan of Goodfellow —
    • Principality of Emira —


  • 10th century
    • 990 - 999
  • 11th century
    • 1000 - 1009
    • 1010 - 1019
    • 1020 - 1029
    • 1030 - 1039
    • 1040 - 1049
    • 1050 - 1059
    • 1060 - 1069
    • 1070 - 1079
    • 1080 - 1089
    • 1090 - 1099
  • 12th century
  • 13th century
  • 14th century
  • 15th century


If you would like to become a moderator, please post a message on Tim's talk page.


Tier lists

  • Military
  • Economy
  • Technology
  • Industry
  • Infrastructure


LET THE GAMES BEGIN! (on June 30th)
