Map Game Wiki

General Stuff[]

Major Rivers: Potomac, Ohio, Mississippi, Missouri, Savannah, James, Arkansas, Delaware, and Tennessee.




  • +1 for every 1000 army men.
  • +1 for every 500 Cavalry.
  • +1 for every 25 Artillery.


  • +1 for every five gunboats.
  • +2 for every ironclad.


All bonuses are calculated only with scores above, not with other bonuses.

  • Your troop score/their troop score is added to the score.
  • +5 for having twice the number of troops as the opponent.
  • +5 for having twice the number of troop points as the opponent.
  • +10 for having five times as many troops as the opponent.
  • +10 for having twice as many troop points as the opponent.



  • +5 for within state borders.
  • +3 for within national border.
  • +2 if near border in other nation.
  • +0 in other nation, not near border.


  • +0 if On Ocean.
  • +3 if On River within state or which creates state border.
  • +2 on river, within national borders.
  • -1 on river, out of national borders.
  • +1 for attacking to end a blockade.



  • +5 if land blockade (Only way to get out is by sea).
  • -3 if attacking over major river.
  • -4 for attacking the capital city.


  • +5 for sea blockade.
  • +12 for joint land-sea blockade.

Generals and Admirals[]


All states have one general. The first battle that he is in, he gets a 90% chance of survival. Every subsequent battle, his survival rate goes down by 10%. Every battle that he survives, +2. When he gets down to 10% survival rate, it never goes down again, and all battles survived are +5.


Each state on the ocean, Gulf of Mexico, or a major river has one admiral. Admirals are the same as generals but can only be used for naval battles.


  • +2 offense per turn spent on the economy within the last ten turns.
  • +1 defense per turn spent on economy within the last ten turns.
  • +1 offense per turn spent on infrastructure in the last ten turns.
  • +2 defense per turn spent on infrastructure in the last ten turns.
  • +5 for side of battle which improved economy more in the last ten turns.
  • +5 for side of battle which improved infrastructure more in the last ten turns.


(Opponent Total Score/Your Total Score) x (Number of points from troops from both sides)/(2 plus number of generals and admirals participating on your side)= percentage of casualties.
