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The primary powers are-

  • Germany
  • Japan
  • Great Britain
  • the USSR
  • Canada
  • the USA
  • Fascist Italy.

The 12 hugest nations and territories

The 12 hugest nations and territories can't be defeated in 1 algo', instead you need 2 different consecutive Algo's to defeat 50% of the nation each time. The second algo can only start after the first ends in either a victory or a surrender.

  • the USA,
  • the USSR,
  • KMT China,
  • French W. Africa,
  • Mongolia,
  • Brazil,
  • Argentina,
  • Canada,
  • British India,
  • Greenland
  • Australia.
  • Saudi Arabia

Armed forces and manpower

Armed forces, tech and manpower are for the most part the same as in reality, but the Germans, Italians, Romanians and Japanese are about 10% more, while the Americans, British and Soviets about 10% less than in real life, due to the nuking of Kursk, the plague fleas and the crushing of D-Day.

Tech and industry

Today America is also a rising power which is growing fast, but the USSR, Japan and Germany are catching up fast. Britain, Italy, France, China, Germany and Poland are in the worse state of run. Some new industry has also up grown in the colonies and rural backwaters parts of the combatant nations (Some new industry has also up grown in the colonies (Ontario in Canada, Tallinn in Estonia, Bishkek in the USSR, Tiranë, Melbourn in Australia, Thule in Greenland, Vivdin in Bulgaria, Lucknow and Bombay (Mumbai) for a mod decreed start).

Camarune (Cameroon), Sulu Sultanate, North Algeria and South Morocco, etc are still backward and only have a few hundred troops. Some new industry has also up grown in the colonies (Ontario in Canada, Tallinn in Estonia, Bishkek in the USSR, Tiranë, Melbourn in Australia, Thule in Greenland, Vivdin in Bulgaria, Lucknow and Bombay (Mumbai).) and rural backwaters parts of the combatant nations. None the less rebel groups abounded in S.E. Asia.

Atomic weapons

  • The USA 2 10kt, 2 15kt and 2 20kt
  • Germany- 2 15kt
  • Japan, Australia and S. Africa were conducting a few primary laboratory tests, but are far from success
  • The desperate British detonated a10kt Anglo-Canadian test bomb by January 1949 and both are also near to creating a second 10kt bomb each;
  •  USSR's 3 15kt bombs in their covert Siberian bunker...

Bio Weapons

  • Japan
  • The USSR,
  • the USA

Chemical weapons

  • Great Britian
  • Vichy French
  • USA,
  • USSR,
  • Spain
  • Southern Italy
  • Facist Italy

Failed states

  1. Cyrinica (eastern Libya)  
  2. Cossack Resistance Republic of the Kuban 
  3. SS Galtzen Sate of Galicia and West Ukraine  
  4. Balkar-Ossetia Resistance Republic of Alania
  5. Chechen-Ingush Resistance Republic of Ichkiria
  6. cChetnik militias
  7. Lakot Republic
  8. South Algeria
  9. Italian East Africa
  10. Albanian Kingdom
  11. Spanish North Morocco
  12. Paraguay
  13. Bolivia
  14. Iraq
  15. Empire of Japan 
  16. Kingdom of Kampuchea 
  17. Kingdom of Laos  
  18. Mengjiang 
  19. Empire of Vietnam 
  20. The Reorganized National Government of China 
  21. State of Burma 
  22. Kingdom of Manipur
  23. Tannu Tuva
  24. Mongolia
  25. Xinjiang warlord
  26. Yugoslavian Partisans
  27. Maoist China
  28. Việt Cong Revolutionry Zone
  29. Hukbalahap Communist Filipino Republic
  30. East Timor
  31. Namibia
  32. Bhutan - 
  33. Sikkim -
  34. Afghanistan- 
  35. Al-Anbar-
  36. Sudan -
  37. Camarune
  38. Dutch Free Papua-
  39. KMT China
  40. Qinghai War Lord
  41. Yunnan War Lord
  42. American New Guinea
  43. North Algeria
  44. Allied South Vietnam
  45. Sultanate of Waziristan Bozistanball
  46. Maharajadom of the Tripura Hill State
  47. Rajadom of Kahlur
  48. Kingdom of South Morocco
  49. Berau sultanate
  50. Sulu Sultinate
  51. Lumad Republic of West Mindanao
  52. Kurdistani Rebels of Iraq and Syria
  53. Shan Saophate of Greater Kengtung
  54. Independent and Free Mon - Karen National Provisional Republican (IFMKNPR)
  55. Sultanate of Acèh
  56. Maharajadom of Baroda and Palanpur city.
  57. Khanate of Kalat